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Everything posted by Anchorman

  1. Does your 'threat' equate to the same as King's 'threat'? You really think Ashley is a 'threat' to the existence or future of our Club? On a scale of 1 to 100 I wouldn't even put him at 1.
  2. We finally have a chance to move on as a football club, yet we still have people like you - hell-bent on God knows what. One question - answer one or the other (for once please a straight answer) - given the choice to wake up tomorrow morning with King or Ashley in complete control, who would you have?
  3. Dave King already knew this before you or I read the article. Is he a liar then when he says Ashley isn't a 'threat'?
  4. And you wonder why...........?? If you know what he meant, just move on eh?
  5. You know more than King, yes? Or just yet another swipe at King?
  6. I know McGregor is suspended for the second game. Anyone else after today or anyone just one booking away?
  7. GS your comments on this subject are getting more extreme and irrational. We could have had Laudrup in his place tonight and we wouldn't have come close to winning. Did you see it?
  8. When he is up front he holds the ball up superbly well while waiting on support from midfield.
  9. You keep stating that. Nobody can guarantee that - from the owner of Boca Juniors to the owner of Real Madrid. They will try their best, the same as every other owner\chairman the world over.
  10. I love it. As I said - total incompetents. "They started late and didn't finish". But the wee souls have learned from it. :-) Some of us don't get cut that slack when we make a similar balls up in our work.
  11. That is just fancy jargon for - "the incompetents acted incompetently and did Jack Shit because they are no good at what they are meant to be good at". You put that up as though they nearly got it right. How did they pursue it exactly?
  12. Yes it is a terrible rumour. One of the worst in a while.
  13. Please don't. Your elaborate 'pro-establishment, pro-SFA' posts are something I find tiresome and always fail to read through. We know what you think on Dave King and the SFA. This time keep it to yourself please as it is totally irrelevant.. Besides it's going to be a busy day - the King is in town. :drum:
  14. I know you did. That's what I said. Why did you agree?
  15. To be fair - it's cages that probably need a good rattling - so result!!
  16. Lets not forget the play offs last year. The mighty Hibees wiped the floor with Accies at Hamilton 2-0, going on 6-0. The press waxed lyrical about the Hibs revival. Easter Road? 2-0 to the Accies. I honestly think a draw at Ibrox aint too bad. A single goal win wouldn' t really leave me all that more confident about the return leg. We have got to turn up at Easter Road.
  17. The reality is his positives far outweighed his negatives yesterday. I will admit I did see him twice giving up a bit on tracking men back, but the good things he did in defence again far outweighed the negatives That side of the game can be learned and it is clear he is learning. He is only 22. Ronaldo didn't know when to release the ball when he first went to Man Utd and the forwards got really frustrated because they had already made their forward runs and he still hadn't released it, but he learned! I can understand what GS is saying about needing every man giving everything against Hibs as it was at Easter Road (so where does that leave Vuckic as a non-tackling play maker). What I would say is that we wont get away with the same way we turned them over again. For a start we beat them with our 3 at the back and our two fullbacks hurting them. McGregor had a stormer, but he wont be at fullback this time. Also I cant see Moshni being trusted again, and McCulloch wont be there. Hibs will be all over Wallace like a rash. McCall needs to spring another surprise, but one that includes the guy most likely to open them up. Pirlo has men in the Juventus side that know how to protect him because they know what he brings to the team. We need a system that is based around the same intelligence.
  18. Interesting that when we (or 'they' as you put it) dominated for long spells we "failed to make the grade". Yet when QoS dominated for a fairly short spell at the end of the game without scoring, the synopsis is that they "had Rangers by the scruff off the neck, not knowing their arses from their elbows ". I thought we actually played OK today for good spells. A bit more clinical in front of goal and it could make a world of difference.
  19. GS - I re-opened this thread today with the above comment in a light hearted fashion. I didn't realise it would open a can of worms. I wasn't saying he was man of the match or better than anyone else. I was just appreciative of the fact that he played his part in defence (in a big way) to keep us in the play offs. The highlight for me wasn't his goal line clearance although he was the only one with enough savvy to defend the post. I'm sure I saw in an old post that you played goalkeeper (although I could be wrong). One of the worst crosses for keeper to read is the low cross into the 'no mans land' across the 6 yard box. Bell was flapping badly for that cross towards the end which Vuckic managed to volley behind. You might not think he contributed but his keeper and defender were very thankful for his contribution. Its clear you don't like him which is fine, but when you fail to give him ANY credit at all it defeats your argument a bit.
  20. Right Gunslinger - it's time to give the guy some credit. He was our best defender by a mile in the last 15 mins.
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