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Everything posted by Anchorman

  1. Apologies, I thought you had previously said emails in one of your posts. Anyway it still doesn't look like the Club did enough to comply with the regulations around one of the few 'solid' European legislations i.e. TUPE.
  2. If all the Club sent was an email. then they haven't complied with much of below, taken from https://www.gov.uk/transfers-takeovers/consulting-and-informing Business transfers, takeovers and TUPE Part 2: Consulting and informing Before a transfer of ownership happens, employers must tell the trade union or employee representatives: • that the transfer is happening, when it’s happening and why • how the transfer will affect them • whether there’ll be any reorganisation • how many agency workers they’re using and what types of work those workers are doing If employers don’t do this, they can be penalised. Employers must consult employee representatives about anything to do with the transfer that would affect the employees (eg reorganisation). They should try to gain agreement about these changes. Trade union representatives If there’s a trade union in the workplace, the employer must inform and consult with the representatives from the union. Employee representatives If there’s no trade union the employer must inform and consult other employee representatives. There might already be representatives, or new ones can be specially elected. If this happens the employer should: • make sure the election is fair • decide how many people are needed to represent the interests of everyone affected • decide if affected employees should be represented as one workforce or in groups • decide how long the representatives need to be in place They should also make sure that: • the employee representatives are people who are affected by the transfer • no affected employee is unreasonably excluded from standing for election • all affected employees at the time of the election are entitled to vote • employees can vote for as many candidates as there are positions to be filled • if possible, voting is done in secret • votes are accurately counted
  3. So basically you've got no contract with your new company committing them to honouring the terms and conditions of your previous company, your length of service, transfer and continuation of your previous pension under the new companies pension scheme? All done on trust? Good luck mate.
  4. I've TUPE'd 3 times and have had to do it each time. Each time I was given 2 options (1) sign a contact with the newco to TUPE to the new company with a 'ring fencing' of my existing terms and conditions, but under the new company name, and (2) sign a contract with the newco to TUPE to the new company under the 'standard' terms of the new company. I'm not going to argue with you because the bottom line is I don't care either way, but I've got a signed contract with the company I work for, and you don't.
  5. I think what muddied the waters for me was that after the above 'judgement' was made by the SFA (why do I always feel that 'judgement' and 'SFA' is an oxymoron?) CG appeared on Talksport and gave the impression that the SFA had no jurisdiction to rule on legal employment matters, and that he felt it was still 'open'.
  6. You have to sign a new contract as you are transferring your terms and conditions to a new company. So you have to sign for that company. So regardless of whether they received letters or not,unless they had actually signed a new contract.............. I go back to my first point. If they weren't employees of the new company and we paid them under the 'newco' how were PAYE tax and NI contributions handled?
  7. If I was any of them I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over that one ever coming into force. If we supposedly paid them under 'newco' before they signed a new contract to TUPE then they were not employees of the company so how would the PAYE and National Insurance have been dealt with for said payments made to non-employees? It doesn't add up for me.
  8. Was that a possible 'Freudian Slip' ? Clever play on my choice of wording, as it was accidental on my part. I was using it in the 'word on the street' context, but hey.
  9. This one? He always knows whats going down. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/2817362/The-real-life-Alexander-Orlov.html
  10. That's what it will be mate. You're a funny guy. Anybody ever tell you that? Was it the same guy who suggested 'Reaper' as a name? I'm only asking.
  11. Why did you say 'cheerio' earlier? You haven't sneaked out of bed ya cheeky monkey have you? You'll get captured and grounded.
  12. Including the law of the land Give your head a rest for the night GS.
  13. Can you do me a favour? Can you try cutting and pasting the article from Reapers 'smoking gun' link from 1997. When I do it, it actually includes the statement - Deary me, James Easdale, 42, who arrived with businessman brother Sandy, 45, is expected to be named as a club director in an official announcement today. which isn't in the article. Bizarre.
  14. You haven't read a word have you? From your name I detect you have an affinity with the [young] world of fantasy where super heroes rid the world of all evil, and I admire that aspiration but for us older ones who know it never quite works out that way, we will endevour to dream with you of a time when proper noble warriors will rid the world of all evil including men with 'previous'. Sleep well.
  15. The article is actually from 1997, and from none other than the Daily Record, but it proves categorically that they are both fearsome gangsters. We can put this to bed thanks to Reaper . By the way Reaper when I cut and paste your link attached it genuinely comes up with the bold section in your quote above. Thanks for this final piece of the jigsaw. A crooked Mr Big netted pounds 1.5 MILLION in just six months with a string of dodgy deals. Fraudster Alex Easdale was jailed in July after his hi-tech scam was busted by VAT men. Now we can reveal they have got the go-ahead to CONFISCATE more than pounds 360,000 worth of Easdale's assets. As he languishes in his cell, Customs officers will move in on... All the cash he has in his bank account. His stake in two pubs. His share of two taxi firms - including the taxis. Masses of computer parts found in his scrapyard. His luxury Mercedes car. More than pounds 46,000 which was seized from him when he was arrested. If Easdale makes it difficult for Customs men to recover all his assets, he could face another two years inside. They found stolen hi-tech parts in his scrapyard in Greenock, and uncovered a VAT scam that spread all over Britain. Agents followed a long trail that led to London crook John Geddes being caged alongside Easdale. They had been watched for months, and when officers pounced they found pounds 45,000 in cash stuffed inside a Tesco carrier bag. The rest was in a briefcase. The bag was hidden behind a couch at Easdale's home. He was selling stolen parts to businessmen, who were claiming the parts had been bought lawfully and forging VAT returns. On Friday, Customs asked a judge at Croydon Crown Court, London, to confiscate the millions they believed Easdale made from his crooked deals. They were keen to recover cash raked in by him during his reign. Customs also demanded cash from two pubs in Greenock - the Green Oak Bar and The Regal - owned by Easdale and his brother. They also want his shares in two taxi firms in the town - Dees Contracts and A.E. Taxi Hire - including the taxis. The judge ruled that Easdale made pounds 1.5 million over six months while he was watched. He said Easdale should be stripped of every asset, but that was only pounds 367,565. The judge added that he considered Easdale had made more money in the months leading up to the start of the surveillance, but that could not be accounted for. One Customs man said: "We're delighted with this result. The reason why he wasn't caught before for anything is because he's a good villain. "The parts were worth a fortune to him. We spent well over pounds 100,000 to get him." Easdale's 27-month sentence upset Customs investigators who had toiled for months to snare him. One added: "He'll be out in just over a year. That's why we rely so much on confiscation hearings. "If we can hurt his pocket and recover the funds gained through crime, then at least that slows him down when he gets out." COPYRIGHT 1997 Scottish Daily Record & Sunday Mail No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder.
  16. Some people need bad guys though mate, to deflect from themselves. It's why gossips do it.
  17. Are you being deliberately fucking lazy??? Read my posts. For the last fucking time - I'm not defending his appointment. I'm disputing the phrase 'gangsters' being used about the two of them without a shred of evidence other than gossip. If you can't be arsed reading my posts before accusing me of being 'slow' [to understand] or obtuse as you ever so elequantly put it then take the fucking responses you deserve. You claim to have "irrefutable proof of their dodgy past" which warrants the term 'gangster' for them. Where is it FFS and you can put this to bed and prove you are not just another drama queen who wont let facts (or lack of) get in the way of another 20 posts on here about our latest 'end of the world' drama?
  18. This the latest rumour in the Wemyss Bay chippie?
  19. GS you've just proven to me what I've always thought about these forums. People get carried away with what they perceive to be a 'trusted, hierarchical' structure. You've quoted 3 internet nicknames to me like I'm meant to have found some kind of trust because of what they've posted. If you were a young girl you'd have your laptop taken off you by your parents for a statement like that FFS. I don't know these 3 guys. I also have the same standards on forums as I do in life i.e. I don't care if you have 2 posts (pounds) or 50,000 posts (pounds). I will often treat the guy with the least with more respect as they tend to have more humility. Do I trust any of the names you mention? Fuck no! Based on what? Do I fall down before people in total respect because of a title, amount of posts, who can write posts like Oscar Wilde? It's never been the Scottish Protestant way my friend. If that gets me banned some day by giving some of these people what they give out, thats fine by me, but I can look myself in the mirror. And I can live with being banned from forums FFS. STILL haven't seen one shred of evidence on here to pack up the drama fest. Eastenders not on tonight because of The Voice?
  20. And it's not that kind of education I'm looking for. So your knees are safe until you feel that you value someone enough that you would like to 'educate' them.
  21. It is rather unfortunate that you are unable to provide anything to back up such a heavy accusation sweetheart. But if it floats your boat........
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