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Posts posted by Anchorman

  1. kuznetsov is at least right in one thing Please cut out the name calling and insults.


    Are you really referring to the word 'clown' being so offensive on a football forum? Are we really so sensitive? Come on!


    Is it really any worse than the man (I assume) Kuznetsov's regular 'deluded' comments e.g. "

    "that is the most deluded nonsense i have read on here in some time and there is some competition i tell ya! " People in glass houses and all that. No?

  2. i didnt really want to clog up the thread :yawn:.


    still got to do it though and they are.


    Now you are waffling. Back up what makes Lennon and his assistants so good. You are happy to clog up thread after thread with your negative comments about Rangers.


    Below sums up your praise towards them and negativity towards us:


    no the truth is they are obviously doing a good job,a treble this year will confirm that. are you comparing big eck to the bigot? haha lennon will never finish 3rd, in fact celtic as a club will never in the future finish 3rd or below in the spl, the same cant be said of us under super ally sadly. mcleish taking us to the last 16 was very lucky, it was the lowest points tally anyone had ever went through with .


    They will win the league (you've already given them the treble I see) playing nobody, but you say our progress doesn't count 'cos we are playing nobody.

    McLeish taking us to the last 16 was lucky you say. Yet they were 10 minutes from going out until Samaras dived. You say we went through with the lowest points tally ever which is stated as a negative against us. Yet in the same breath you argue against me when I slag off their points total so far this year and scraping through against Arbroath by saying "they are still going to win it and they still went through" (to justify your praise of Lennon and his assistants). They could win the league with one of the lowest points tallies ever (cos they have no competition) yet you only use that arguement against us - not them. Why?

  3. i base it on results and player progression. i believe their input is considerable, the bigot aint responsible for all that success himself. a little. no.


    AGAIN you avoid to answer the question so I will ask it again to try to get my head around this 'great management team' theory you have regarding them.


    Would this be the same Selik who have their worst points record (at this stage of the season) for decades? Would this be the same Selik who hung on by the skin of their teeth to stay in the cup after a replay with Arbroath?

  4. i never answered it because i didnt see any need to. isnt the answer obvious?


    anyway i will answer it now if you are so bothered about it, i base it on results and player progression. i believe their input is considerable, the bigot aint responsible for all that success himself. a little. no.


    :facepalm: So your comment about the Lurgan bigot having 2 decent assistants was based on their results and player progression? So the truth is you guessed about their input into either. Otherwise you made it up. Because you don't really know who had decent input onto either.

    Would this be the same Selik who have their worst points record (at this stage of the season) for decades? Would this be the same Selik who hung on by the skin of their teeth to stay in the cup after a replay with Arbroath? So what it boils down to is their entry into the last 16 of the EC would that be accurate? Some managers get a little streak of luck like that but once that honeymoon is over they are found out over the long haul. How did you rate Alex McLeish at Ibrox? He took us to the last 16.

    Your praise for Lennon and Mjalby etc is as strong as your negativity towards Rangers. It is very strange and quite frankly gets me angry and makes me sick as it is based on nothing more than a desire to bring your own team down at all costs (even to the point of unjustifiably praising them). You are a stange one.

  5. that is the most deluded nonsense i have read on here in some time and there is some competition i tell ya! :D our season was over by xmas, long before any sh*t hit the fan.


    Talking about "deluded nonsense" (I notice that you frequently call EVERYBODY who disagrees with you deluded) I notice you didn't answer my questions about your deluded tripe concerning the magical management team over at Breezeblock Boulevard i.e.


    "Not only are you a moaning negative git on every topic regarding Rangers, you talk utter shite as well. "Backed up by 2 decent assistants"? What the fuck do you base that statement on? What is their input? Do you have insider knowledge of workings at Breezeblock Boulevard to know what their input is? Or is it just another throw away comment to support ANOTHER negative comment about Rangers and McCoist. "

  6. what is happening in the league now and where we sit is not unexpected or any great feat.


    I never said it was


    nothing like getting carried away with a win eh anchorman! :rolleyes:


    I never got carried away. Trying reading it again clown. You miss the whole crux of the thread (no surprise there though). Tell me ANY great Rangers teams of the past who consistently rolled over lower division teams in cup competitions.


    You know what? Don't bother. You're happiest in your unhappiness.

  7. but he will do for just now, eh. :facepalm: i praised him today, i also praised him after the motherwell match and the falkirk cup tie. but do carry on.....


    SuperAlly was right earlier in the thread when he stated you were quick to praise them and quick to attack us. Your huge contradiction in this thread proves that. One one hand the Lurgan bigot is a good manager because he learned from his mistakes given time (and lots of money!). But you don't seem to want to allow Ally the same opportunity. Strange!

  8. Before I say my piece this isn't a thread in support of Ally as long term manager (or otherwise). Nor is it to 'paper over' some recent poor displays and 'debatable' tactical decisions from the management team at times.

    It is merely my view on where we are today - Saturday 22nd December 2012, and whether or not there are signs of progress. I only saw the second half today, but based on what I saw it was night and day in comparison to want went on earlier in the season. The second half today was top drawer considering the ages of some of our current team. We TOTALLY dominated the other top side in the league and played some real nice stuff. Even if it was only one half it was enough for me to say there are definite 'blue' shoots of progress.

    WE ARE GETTING TO GRIPS with where we find ourselves.

    And finally before anyone tells me "get a reality check. We SHOULD be running over teams in that league" - should we? - really? Can anyone tell me ANY Rangers team of the past (or any other SPL team for that matter), regardless of how successful, consistently ran over the top of lower league teams when they drew them in cup competitions etc? We did occasionally, but how many times did we scrape one goal victories over the years against Forfar etc?

    Credit where it's due I believe. Otherwise we drive the team that we confess to love into a 'no-win' situation for the next 3 years. Let's just loosen up a bit and watch our young lads flourish - WITH OUR SUPPORT AND BACKING!

  9. the bigot is also backed up by two which seem to be from the outset decent assistants, ally is not.

    replace semi-adulation which is ridiculous for honesty and you are there.


    Not only are you a moaning negative git on every top regarding Rangers, you talk utter shite as well. "Backed up by 2 decent assistants"? What the fuck do you base that statement on? What is their input? Do you have insider knowledge of workings at Breezeblock Boulevard to know what their input is? Or is it just another throw away comment to support ANOTHER negative comment about Rangers and McCoist. I don't believe Ally is our long term answer (nor do plenty of others) but it doesn't mean I need to attack him at every opportunity. I see being a Rangers man as a joy and a privilage. It seems to be a painful experience for you.

  10. I think there are 2 issues here:

    They have indulged in a PR exercise (they have always shouted about their charity from the rooftops while we go about our's quietly until CG's last coup with the Dundee Hibernians, which is OK).

    If any of my kids were in that hospital I wouldn't give a monkeys feck who donated. I live to see my kids smile and I would be eternally grateful for all donations.

  11. constant negativity from you. its boring now. give it a rest. bain was ace!


    You see what I mean? GA states "Green makes a better fist...than Bain" i.e. postive statement about Green. What do you take from it? I've got a number for a therapist if you want it. In saying that Edinburgh isn't short of them is it?

  12. you mean deluding yourself. no thanks. .


    That's an awful foolhardy and obnoxious comment to make because you disagree.


    i prefer to look in the mirror and if i dont like what i see i say so!


    I never have that problem when I look in the mirror, but if you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror I can understand why you are grumpy and negative all the time. But try to remember beauty is on the inside ;-)


    no i am not!!!! stb is a good guy, a very nice guy, he just has a bit too much faith in charlie.


    Yes you did. You accused him of not being "man enough....". NO real Rangers man has "too much faith in Charlie". We are all watching him closely but we are quietly content so far after our last custodian. He's a business man and a human being. He makes mistakes - the man who never made a mistake made very little. He doesn't deliver on certain things and he does on others. Overall do I think he is out to do a Whyte on us? - No!

    As I said before it is harder to hope and believe than to have no hope and be negative.

  13. why? are you not man enough to stand by your convictions?


    Yeh you're ALL man. Do you realise how easy it is to be negative about everything in life. It actually doesn't take hard work at all. What needs a little bit of guts and gumption (being a man if you like) is making an effort to look for the postives in life even if they are not all that easy to see. You know the glass being half full and all that. That takes work but comes with rewards. Being down on everything takes no work and comes with no rewards.

    Let me ask you a question? Lets take Mr Struth for example as someone we all revere - who would you say he had most in common with in his outlook and philosophy in life or even toward Rangers? You or STB (whose manhood you seem to be questioning) ? I think we know the answer.

  14. Tbf I'm not keen on a name change either and I do attend ibrox on occasion so am I allowed to not be happy about it?/QUOTE]


    I'm not particularly keen on a name change either, all I ask for is that certain people stop wining about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING.

  15. name change on the cards then.


    sports direct stadium.


    hate it. will that now be 100 million ally has to waste?


    You people don't fuckin' stop do you?? Do you never get fed up listening to your own constant wingeing FFS? Would I be correct in saying this is the same stadium you dont actually attend? Apologies if I'm wrong.

  16. Oh look another self bashing thread, don't really need Timmy these days to lay into us our own fans seem to be taking up the slack.


    This. It's actually quite sad how the dynamics have changed over the last year among our support. Every thread now is practically swamped with the usual merchants of doom and it's so fucking annoying not being able to go on to a forum now to share some good Rangers banter with your 'own'. It's almost like some fans actually wallowed in the dark months and it gave them a good chance to have a good moan. And now they are in withdrawal they are struggling, and have dropped off the wagon and reverted to default i.e. in need of a good winge. Like an old pee-hee's knitting bee at times!

  17. craig whyte being a spiv, administration and then liquidation were all unfounded rumours found on celtic websites before they all happened. anyhow thats not where i heard that.


    That is complete and utter bollocks. We were split down the middle about Whyte and his motives right from the start. Nothing to do with that shower. I'm sure if you are are a regular vistor to their sites you will probably find some kind of rumour about every element of Rangers' makeup (99.9999% of which is utter shite) e.g. red top socks, origins of Penny Arcade, etc. Do us a favour eh?

  18. I think Darryl King has decided to let go of any inhibitions before he leaves for America. He's fairly giving it out to the Dhims tonight.

    "Gerry what is with you lot and Rangers history? You are absolutely obsessed with all thing Rangers. Can you never come on here and talk about your own team. I'm sick of listening to it! You've phoned me on this phone in for about the last 9 years and I've never heard you talk about your own Club. Always Rangers, never Sellik".


    I enjoyed that!!!

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