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Posts posted by Anchorman

  1. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/2421-a-fantastic-mementoA Fantastic Memento


    It depicts 22 sheep in Forres and Rangers strips playing each other at football with the Moray town’s backdrop, including the iconic Nelson Tower, in the background.


    Club legend Sandy Jardine is responsible for placing the commemorative plate in the Trophy Room.


    He said: “It’s the very first time we’ve ever played Forres competitively and as a club, we like to give any new opponents we face a gift.


    “In football terms, it is a really tasteful piece of memorabilia and we’ve put it into the Trophy Room for people to see.


    “ I think it’s one of the best gifts we have even had. I’ve no doubt when people come along to Ibrox to do a stadium tour, it will be a talking point and something they’ll look at with a smile.”


    As Mr Jardine once said "why do the fans need a museum? They've got everything they want or need in the trophy room. I know the feelings of the fans........."


    P.S. Not taking away from the fact that it was a nice gesture from Forres!

  2. I'd like to write what I really think of Sandy Jardine but I would get a lifetime ban, all I will say is he ranks below Baldy Twat Bain on my scale.


    Cheers GA. I did try to keep the thread diplomatic for obvious reasons, but I'm glad it was a telephone conversation rather than face to face. I thought of anything I could do after the call which would be a bit lighter than Jardine's conversation to brighten my mood, and ended up buying the box set of The Best of Victor Meldrew.

  3. I noted a comment earlier in the thread questioning the need for a petition. I would say a petition is most definitely needed, and the reason I say that is that there is a pretty strong voice within the Club in Sandy Jardine who doesn't care for a museum, nor does he feel that the fans really care for one. I had quite a heated arguement with him on the very subject a couple of years back, around the time the Evening Times did an article on the back page about a possible museum. I know Sandy has done a lot over the last year to ingratiate himself to the Rangers support in his defence over the Club but he fell from 'legendary status' in my mind during the conversation with him on the matter of the museum, when I found him quite unyielding and abrupt. He stated that the trophy room held all the memories the fans would ever want or need. I argued that there were a number of events that were close to the hearts of the fans and would never make it to the trophy room e.g. the 2000 'world record' Cup Final, when for the first time ever the fans swapped the traditional colours for a sea of orange in a theme day that will never be surpassed (they actually mention it inside Hampden museum but nowhere in Ibrox). His response was along the lines of "with all due respect I think I know the feelings of the support more than you do". He even insinuated that theme day was not as successful as I was making out and that it "hadn't really captured the fans that much" despite all photos to the contrary. So a petition for me would answer that question once and for all what the fans want.

  4. I think it will hit the papers but I don't think it will get 'Scandal' rating. Knowing the way our systems work I am willing to bet HMRC will be commended for dealing with it swiftly and it will get not much more than "HMRC employee suspended for using H word on Twitter".

  5. They've exposed a bigoted HMRC employee stupid enough to post his bigoted comments on the Rangers Tax Case blog etc, but I don't think it can yet be proven to be linked to corruption. Although everyone knows the blog in question had to have insider information and there is a corruption waiting to be uncovered.

  6. With all due respect to FF*, Gersnet always had a higher standard of debate and talk. It is sure not elitist or should be. But we should try to keep the standards on here as they are and IMHO, we recently had a slight drop over the McCoist issue, as, I'm sure, all will agree.


    *Having 20k more members does create much more room for all sorts of people joining the debate on all levels, and it is sure much more rough than over here.


    The thing I found immediately refreshing about on here was the fact that there were obvious standards (within reason. We are all adults and it is football, so the odd swear word at each other is fine in my view). What drove me absolutely bonkers elsewhere was the incessant 'go back to Kerryfail Street Timmy' whenever they disagreed with you [i wonder what they would have made of one of our regular posters who suggested that The Sash was a pretty "gay" song. No names mentioned :-) ]

    The Tim reference is not a dig at you DB as I know that you didn't feel you were using it loosely yesterday. On a personal level it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if they came on here and tried to 'out-debate' as I don't think they would last long (or maybe it wouldn't be such a good thing).

  7. Also can't believe it got pulled, obviously the truth hurts.


    Thought you were spot on with the signing policy, probably the only thing in our history that makes me really cringe. Shows the difference between us and them, we seem to be able to look back at the poor parts of our history with open eyes and criticise ourselves, don't see much of that from the East.


    'Appalled by plenty. Ashamed of nothing' always springs to mind.

  8. I am totally amazed by this Thread. In no way do I think there is an elitist clique or a snobbery element going on here.


    Pete, my take on this is that the 'elitist' comment was not aimed at certain posters (I can name names if you wish, I've no problem with that) as a form of insult. My impression is that it was aimed at those who fairly openly (in previous threads including this one) have alluded to the fact that they would like this to be some form of 'elitist' forum. And comments are often aimed at posters who despise this whole snobbery idea e.g. me, that we should go join some 'lower class' forums. I'm a bit longer in the tooth than most in here probably but this was never the Rangers way in my eyes and I personally despise all it stands for.

  9. I'm not happy about this 'elitist gang' term. Gang is so not the correct noun to use. An elitist troupe, an elitist assemblage or an elitist convergence, I could have lived with. There are so many synonyms that could have been chosen, the English language offers the discerning poster an agglomeration of possible alternatives. All Rangers message-boards should have a mellifluous flow, attractive on the eye and an almost musical cadence on the cerebral cortex.


    There's certainly something that flows intermittently on this one....can't quite put my finger on it!!! :facepalm:

  10. Forgive my usage of probably incorrect words ... that happens occasionally to non-native speakers of New-West-Saxon. Try it again with "fractionalizes".


    When a 'development fractionalizes boarders' , is that something like 'some posters try to divide or cause a split among the other posters'? You see, it's the 'development' word I got stuck at in this context. Again, you must excuse my ignorance. Maybe development is a word I've always struggled with :-) .

  11. Well, there sure is a development about that tries to factionalize the boarders.


    What happens when a 'development factionalizes boarders' in a football context? I'd like to join in here but the language is a bit off putting. Excuse me for my lack of education and intellect but I've followed Rangers for many many years and I don't remember getting confused by the language when talking to fellow Rangers fans about our Club.

  12. I can see the difficulty you have understanding the subject matter under discussion, much like your incessant threats of night night.

    That is waffle my friend to avoid answering the point I made. Your 'benchmark' was flawed as alcohol is WAY the biggest killer. My comments of 'night night' to Kuznetzov were tounge in cheek from another thread because he said we should win every trophy we enter this season because "Man U, Barca or the Milan teams" aren't in them. I was winding him up for being drunk.

  13. I don't really care what you are missing, having seen the damage drugs do to people I will use that as my benchmark.

    In case you are unaware it is not illegal to drink alcohol as the exchequer gets a good cut from it, whither people drink themselves to death or into ruin.


    "I don't really care what you are missing, having seen the damage drugs do to people I will use that as my benchmark." What an arguement you put Einstein!. Despite the FACT I post about alcohol still being a bigger killer than drugs you hit back with that as a "benchmark". Do your mates call you Bullet by any chance?

  14. Maybe being arrested in possession and charged, court proceedings being halted 7 times and then witnesses having a mysterious amnesia about dates of the trial are more than enough smoke to blot out any fire.


    Trainspotters should not be wearing a Rangers jersey and Rangers managers should not be signing them, smackheads should not be at Ibrox if there is the slightest suspicion, just my opinion.


    Am i missing something here? Was this 'alleged' substance for himself or was he trying to sell it to kids? Alcohol is a bigger killer than drugs. Were you equally as apalled that Gazza had to break into a whisky decanter at Breezeblock Boulevard in the final against Hearts before he could start playing? Did you want Gazza out?

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