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North Rd

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Posts posted by North Rd

  1. That was my first response, but having cooled down, we do NOT beg, but let them decide our fate.


    Third Division wld be suicidal for Scottish football,. so I can see us being relegated a division as punishment as a newco

  2. GS is much a supporter as the rest of us, he lets his emotions sometimes get the better of him, we are all hurting and not the time for in fighting between us. He is angry that TBK didnt get approval, I wanted a Smith/Souness partnership but it didnt happen, I see where GS is coming from, Green will now make his 3m profit and sell on before next season

  3. This must be HMRC's plan all along. We're being made an extreme example that will stop clubs from stepping out of line for a long time to come. It's impossible to believe they were EVER interested in maximising the taxpayers' purse.


    Liquidation means that they will received virtually nothing when doing a deal a year ago could have raised them well over £30m more than they will get.


    I wouldn't be so angry about it if I could see it as justified but it is entrapment at best and shows that the UK has a very unjust tax system. Proud to be British? I'm pretty ashamed of it right now.


    Can see Salmond shouting UK Tax Office shuts Scottish Institution

  4. From RM


    I never fail to be surprised by the actions of the Rangers support.


    We seemingly attract, more of the sort that put themselves first than the club.


    In recent times this has come more to the fore than at any other time in our history.


    2 classic examples in recent weeks have had me shaking my head, although there are many more


    I wonâ??t name names, as I believe that would be counter-productive, but there are some Rangers fans who really need to take a step back, and review their own conduct.


    First we had a former Rangers Supporters Trust board member, who engineered a resignation of one of The Blue Knights, by complaining to his employers that said Blue Knight would be unable to devote enough attention to looking after his clients in his day job. Of course, said former board member, was one such client.


    As a really crucial stage in negotiations, one of the Blue Knights was forced to resign, through the machinations of a Rangers fan, who subsequently boasted about it on another Rangers fans site.

    Nice to be nice, eh?


    Then, on the flip side of the Blue Knights coin we have another deeply unpopular individual, who has apparently been acting to destabilise the takeover process by Charles Green.

    One can only presume that this individual believes that there is still a possibility that Green will walk away from the club, leaving the way clear for The Blue Knights to come to the rescue, and hand out the blazers and power to several individuals promised a slice of the action.


    While the RFFF has been working hard to save the club, an enemy within is leaking sensitive information that has a real prospect of damaging Rangers chances of achieving a CVA.


    A pattern has emerged following recent meetings, that information from RFFF meetings, and fans meetings with Charles Green, is finding its way to blogger David Leggat, and Blue Knights activists, with stakeholders such as Dave King and Paul Murray also commenting on points raised at private meetings they did not attend.


    Dave King last week asked Rangers fans and shareholders to block the proposed CVA and withhold Season Ticket money, on the basis of some wild assumptions about Green that seem to have arisen following the RFFF meeting including the Yorkshireman. Quite how he reached the conclusions he did I donâ??t know, but it was an unwelcome distraction from the matter in hand, ie achieving a CVA.


    Greenâ??s deal to secure Rangers has apparently got a clause that he can walk away if a CVA isnâ??t agreed. It appears that some are grasping to that belief and acting against him to make this happen.

    They seem to be oblivious that he has just covered himself here, and given himself another option to have a threat over creditors.


    The most likely scenario on Rangers being refused a CVA is the Newco route, which will cause major issues for the club over the next decade.


    This cannot be understated. Many will point to precedents of other clubs keeping their histories, and theyâ??d be right, but make no mistake, many in Scotland an beyond will be acting to change that, and may well succeed.

    The SPL rules to dock points, as well as severe SFA sanctions mean it should be avoided at all costs.


    HMRC have already appointed Liquidators, and it would be churlish to rule out the possibility that they will take a 3 Mil hit on what they could get from a CVA, and just wind up the club.


    Youâ??d think this cannot be anyoneâ??s wish, but it would appear that there are Rangers fans working to make this happen.


    Now, sensitive RFFF minutes from last weekâ??s meeting with Green has been leaked to Alasdair Lamont of the BBC. Lamont started tweeting details of the minutes yesterday, which I wonâ??t repeat here.

    Suffice to say, some could be damaging to the chances of achieving a CVA on Thursday, and lead to any number of doomsday scenarios that the bheasts are so frequently fantasising about.


    Green might be brave, but heâ??s not stupid, and knows that the CVA route is the quickest route back to some kind of normality for the club, and to him getting a quick pay day and getting out

    If he wishes to get in and out as soon as possible, and sell a profitable club with no debt for profit, then he needs a CVA. I have no reason to doubt him, and frankly, none of us can afford to.


    So, who from the RFFF would put the club at the mercy of the doomsday scenarios, based on the remote possibility that The Blue Knights can come back to rescue the club?

    Who from the RFFF would shaft everyone else in the room to make it happen?

    Who from the RFFF would knowingly je0pardise the fragile unity amongst the Rangers support to make this happen?

    Who from the RFFF would shatter trust between the RFFF and Green in order to further their own agenda, and hurt the club

    Who from the RFFF would use the one media group which has driven Rangers fans to protest at their front door three times?


    On Rangers fan site Follow Follow, one poster asked the question to his fellow Rangers Supporters


    â??Do You Want the CVA Agreed?â?




    Silly question, right?


    The fans spoke overwhelmingly to ridicule the poster for asking the question. In fact, Iâ??d say at the time I read it, that 99% of the posters either voted â??yesâ?, or ridiculed the question, while stating that â??timpostersâ? were responsible for the 3 â??noâ? votes.


    At the time I read it, there were no responses from several senior posters who are normally over anything like this.


    Why would they be so quiet?

  5. Rangers director Dave King wants Charles Green's bid to buy the club to fail, unless he demonstrates an ability to provide long-term funding.


    In an exclusive, in-depth interview with BBC Scotland King predicted Green "would not last a season" at Ibrox.


    He says the Blue Knights group is the only viable bidder for Rangers.


    The club's administrator Duff & Phelps and Green dismissed misgivings expressed by King on Thursday, questioning his motives.


    Continue reading the main story

    â??It's not difficult to put together a deal to acquire the club under existing circumstances the question is, how can you fund it going forward?â?


    Dave King


    Rangers director

    Green also pointed out that, even if his company voluntary arrangement proposal fails, the terms of his agreement mean he would acquire the club as a 'newco'.


    King believes that, either way, liquidation remains the likely outcome.


    "Whether the CVA goes through or doesn't go through, it may delay the inevitable," said King.


    "I think I was public in saying that [current majority shareholder] Craig Whyte wouldn't see the season out and I would predict Charles Green wouldn't see a season out either."


    The South Africa-based Scot previously called for fans not to buy season tickets and to join his opposition to the CVA.


    And he does not believe Green's acquisition of the club is a fait accompli.


    He said: "All you need is the fans to say 'we've seen this before, we want to support the club, we want to buy season tickets but we're insisting the season-ticket money is put into escrow with a major legal firm and it won't be touched until the beginning of the season so we know it's there'.


    "I think you'll then see that Charles Green will run a mile because he doesn't have the money to run the club and he's relying on the season ticket money to fund the acquisition."


    Green's statement on Thursday noted that King himself was not in a position to bid for the club himself, but King told BBC Scotland his battle with the South African taxman, worth hundreds of millions of pounds, does not preclude him from being involved in a bid.


    Green's group agreed a deal to buy Rangers in May

    He is adamant Green should reveal at least some of the details of his plans to allow fans to judge them.


    "If there isn't any demonstrated capability [of future funding by Green] I think it should fail, and fail quickly," he added.


    "Then at least Duff & Phelps are in a position to negotiate with the only real answer at this point, which is the Blue Knights consortium [led by Paul Murray and Brian Kennedy] and accept they might not get as much up front, in terms of what has been promised by Green.


    "I have a sense from discussions I've had that there are a number of people who would get involved but only if the club can be acquired in a sensible manner by like-minded people and will be properly funded going forward.


    "I respect that Duff & Phelps' job is not really to worry about the future of the club. They've just got to say 'we've got do the best for creditors and if we get another £500,000 from this transaction but they haven't got the money going forward, it's our obligation to take that'.


    "My concern with the Charles Green transaction is just the complete lack of transparency. If Charles Green had said 'I'm going to put £8.5m into the club and I've got these investors available with credibility who've also agreed to put in the £30-35m the club needs over the next three years', I certainly would have supported it.


    "It's not difficult to put together a deal to acquire the club under existing circumstances, but the question is, how can you fund it going forward? If Mr Green does have funding, he's being very shy about revealing who they [his backers] are.


    "My understanding is that he doesn't have funding and all we're into is the same situation we had with Craig Whyte last year where the funding will come out of the season ticket sales, and that will run dry round about August or September and you just have a [situation like] Portsmouth. We'll be back in the same situation a year down the road."

  6. Full Statement:


    Stephen Thompson doubts Rangers newco's SPL chances

    Dundee United chairman Stephen Thompson believes Scottish Premier League clubs would not vote a Rangers 'newco' into the league as things stand.


    Prospective Rangers owner Charles Green may relaunch the club as a new company.


    "It wouldn't be just a simple yes or no vote, they'd have to negotiate their way back in again," said Thompson. "That might not be easy for them."


    Meanwhile, Thompson revealed he is in talks with manager Peter Houston's agent about a new deal.


    Continue reading the main story

    “Most fans of other clubs outside Rangers are fed up with the whole scenario”


    Stephen Thompson


    Dundee United chairman

    Rangers currently await the outcome of a company voluntary arrangement proposal which will dictate whether the club can continue in its present form.


    Should the CVA be rejected by creditors, it is likely Green would attempt to transfer the club's assets to a newco, including Rangers' share in the SPL.


    The decision over whether the newco could replace the existing Rangers in the league would be taken by the other 11 member clubs.


    As well as financial problems, Rangers have been fighting footballing sanctions handed out by the Scottish FA and succesfully overturned a 12-month transfer embargo at the Court of Session, with the governing body told to consider issuing a different punishment.


    "I'd have my doubts whether they'd get sufficient votes to get back in," said Thompson.


    "There's been a lack of remorse shown. Views have hardened.


    "Taking things to a court of law hasn't helped. That's certainly hardened views of people within the game.


    "Next week the CVA will be decided. Next week will be the turning point and we'll see where it goes from there."


    Thompson has received "emails and letters in the hundreds" from fans opposed to a Rangers newco being admitted to the SPL and the chairman suspects the issue is already having an effect on season ticket sales.


    "One or two are holding back, I've no doubt about that and that effects what I'm capable of doing with regard to bringing players in," he said.


    "It's not just people who are 15, 16-years-old on message boards, I'm talking about people writing in who have been season ticket holders for 30 or 40 years with very, very strong feelings.


    "It's damaging for the game. Most fans of other clubs outside Rangers are fed up with the whole scenario.


    Houston has been in charge at Tannadice since succeeding Craig Levein in 2009

    "All we really want is clarity so that we can all move on."

  7. Dundee Utd Director Thompson states :


    Dundee United chairman Stephen Thompson believes clubs would not vote a Rangers Newco into SPL as things stand at present.


    United chairman also says Scottish football can survive without Rangers and that he is in talks about a new deal for manager Peter Houston

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