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Everything posted by simplythebest

  1. Not been witch hunted out either. The vindictive comments in this thread really don't do any of you any favours to be honest.
  2. It's an extreme example, basic point was that criticising someone who could be considered a constituent doesn't mean someone can't do the job, especially when it's someone who has decided by their own free will to become a public figure. By all means use your vote in the next fan board elections how you see fit, but I don't see the point in a witch hunt like this when there's still people in the boardroom who have taken us to the brink of ruin again.
  3. He was definitely shite, did have a good game against Dundee Utd but that was probably a fluke more than anything
  4. I've said much worse myself about Houston and co, take it you think I have a nasty streak?
  5. I just bought up an example, hardly the same thing when MPs get paid thousands plus expenses.
  6. Could keep on arguing about this but life's too short frankly
  7. Again point me to the rule that say the members can't have personal views
  8. Get yourself a vote for the next election if it matters so much then
  9. Mature. Surely there's bigger things to worry you at Rangers right now than a member of a voluntary group you don't actually know?
  10. I'm speaking for myself and my own opinion, Alison can speak for herself
  11. You've never been big on fan groups yourself. I've been skeptical about the regime for over a year now anyway, I've been skeptical of the alternatives as well hence why I've not been keen to 'take sides' etc. But the Ibrox issue is simply a step too far even if Paul Murray isn't my ideal choice of director.
  12. That's just it though, rumours. At the very least McCoist chose the players after watching them on trial
  13. For having a personal opinion on her own social media page? Dearie me
  14. Not sure what that's meant to mean, but I think Ibrox being used as collateral crossed a line for many that were probably more on the fence over the boardroom issues. Nothing wrong with that.
  15. Life isn't that simple, plenty of Labour MPs will have slagged off Scottish Nationalists during the referendum campaign that were more than likely constituents of theirs. The fans board are there to listen to concerns of fans and read correspondence from them, then bring issues raised to the club. Having a personal view of high profile individuals doesn't prevent her or anyone else carrying out that role, and let's be honest here Craig Houston has chosen to put himself in the public spotlight where people will form opinions of him, he's a fan but he's not just any fan these days. We're not talking about horrible personal abuse or threats here and no-one sent Houston a direct message, he or someone close to him obviously came across the comments decided they were worth reporting. I just don't think people should be so quick to judge someone they don't know or declare them unfit without knowing what work they do in their role.
  16. The comments that all this fuss is about predate the news of Ashley wanting Ibrox as security, and it's about one board member anyway so you don't actually know how she feels about the regime overall do you? There's no reason to believe the fans board aren't unanimous on the Ibrox security issue. Wider point is that I don't see how being on the RFB bars someone from having personal views and expressing them on their own personal social media pages. We're talking about an unpaid voluntary position here after all, it's not a PLC board.
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