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Posts posted by RyanGers193

  1. When did Rangers bring out a CD with loyalist songs on it? Any chance you could give me the name of this CD? I'll nip right out and get one.


    Not sure the exact time but it was quite a while ago. You're obviously not going to believe me so there's no point in talking about it.

  2. Doesnt negate the fact they are waging a campaign. Which, again, is something you suggested wasnt taking place at all.


    There is no moral high ground to be taken by either side in this.


    And the only losers ? The club and the fans. The club's reputation and integrity is being used as a political football. Disgusting by both sides.


    If you think them defending themselves is a campaign that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.


    Couldn't agree more with the last two lines. As I've said Jack Irvine is a disgrace.

  3. I will ask again..... What relevance does it have to Rangers ?


    Do Rangers, as a club, have UVF sympathies ? Is supporting Rangers about supporting the team, the club.... or is it about singing about your own personal beliefs ?


    So we really shouldnt complain about Celtic singing about the IRA then, correct ? They have a large republican support, and the fans matter, right ?


    No, they don't, they have in the past brought out CDs with loyalist songs on them though.


    I couldn't care less what they sing if I'm being honest. I think they're scum for singing about the IRA but I don't lose any sleep over it. Freedom of speech and all that...

  4. So you agree that the Board, via their chosen PR "guru", are engaging in a campaign against the requisitioners ? That is contrary to your original post that the campaign was only being waged by one group.


    I am a devils advocate kind of person.


    Personally I would give Somers & Wallace time to see if they actually CAN improve the club. Stockbridge though has burnt too many bridges and been caught out too many times. Plus... he just LOOKS shifty :P


    I'd say they were responding to a campaign against them.

  5. Your link in your previous post isn't working for me.


    I wouldn't get too hung up by what RyanGers193 is posting, it's fairly clear from this thread he's not thought his views through or is in denial about reality. Either way he's far from being representative of our support at large as you rightly point out.


    You make some very good points.


    In what way have I not thought my views through?


    you know as well as I do our support feels the same way as me, either that or you never attend matches/have no friends who support us.

  6. Nonsense. The stuff coming from Jack, oops sorry official club statements, is more venomous than the stuff coming from the requisitioners. Regardless if you believe otherwise, there IS a campaign from the club against the requisitioners, which is contrary to your previous suggestion that the club werent engaged in subterfuge.


    I am a part of one group and one group only, Gersnet. No, my surname isnt Houston.....


    Let me set the record straight on my views on this, I'm not a fan of the current board by any means and don't back either 'side'.


    IMO the SOS have acted disgracefully with their protests etc. Jack Irvine is a cunt I'll agree with you there.

  7. Again, if I may attempt to summarise your position, it is this: You are, by your own admission, entirely ignorant of the history of the IRA, (and by implication ignorant of the origins and causes of the conflict in Northern Ireland and by extrapolation, ignorant of the events which seem to play such an important part in your own Weltanschauung) and yet, despite this self-acknowledged ignorance, you feel competent enough to proclaim what this song does and does not refer to.




    Yeah because I don't know the finer little details about the IRA I've no idea about the troubles. You got me!






    There is, of course, no question and never has been, that the object of their affection is the Provisional IRA, and no doubt, among the younger neds, the Continuity IRA and the Real IRA and the I-Cant-Believe-Its-Not-IRA IRA.


    Neither is there any doubt that anyone who goes to a football match in Glasgow and sings about 3 lettered Irish terrorist groups and pretends to be singing about what these used to be a hundred years ago is.... now how can I put this without incurring the wrath of the admins... indulging in veracious inexactitude.




    I've proved that to be a lie...





    But that's not really the issue, is it? The question before us is not about the drivel they sing, it's about the drivel that our so-called supporters sing. And we really don't, by the way, have a "large loyalist/protestant" element to our support. 90% of Rangers fans don't give a damn about loyalism and probably only slightly less don't give a second thought to religion of any kind.


    That's just a blatant lie. You can hear on matchday the amount who are loyalists and it's more than 10%


    'So called supporters' aye anyone who sings loyalist songs isn't a real Rangers fan...


    To sum up; you talk shite. :)

  8. We also have a large section who aren't affiliated to those so it's actually a fair question. Plus, the question is, what does it have to do with Rangers and supporting Rangers?



    Don't join in with the songs.



  9. Well, Bluedell, let me tell you, as someone who has just been cleverly outed as a closet terrorist-sympathiser,whose strong point is the history of the IRA, the song was written in the 1970s and so, being about an old man reflecting on his youth, it is, one the face of it, a song about the original IRA and not the Provos.


    On the face of it.


    But then, we all know that's bullshit. We all know that people who pretend to be singing about the original organisations, rather than their modern day terrorist manifestations,, and who point to song lyrics to prove it are pretty much two-faced bullshitt merchants.




    I've actually posted a song that proves it's about the original organisation and you're still spouting that nonsense. You have a very low opinion of our support for a Rangers fan.

  10. Let me see if I can summarise your position: Your song about the UVF can't possibly be about the modern day terror group because the lyrics are set in the early 20th C whereas their song about the IRA is definitely about the modern day terror group despite the lyrics being set in the early 20th C.


    You've really not thought this one through, have you?


    I wouldn't know if that was set in the early 20th century, the history of he IRA isn't my strong point unlike yourself. Doesn't seem to imply it is though.


    Anyway, I said their recent actions(H Block/Boaby Sands banners) prove they sing about the modern day IRA, not that vile song.

  11. So the club statements, created by toxic jack, aimed negatively at the requisitioners, isn't a campaign !


    You are at it !


    Nothing compared to the stuff aimed at Stockbridge and the likes from SOS.


    Dont suppose you're a part of SOS, Craig?

  12. Thanks for that up and for making the case for the Green Brigade who, following your logic, are clearly *not* singing about the modern IRA.


    Oh father, why are you so sad,

    on this bright Easter morn?

    When Irishmen are proud and glad

    Of the land where they were born."

    "Oh, son, I see in memories view

    Of far off distant days,

    When, being just a lad like you,

    I joined the IRA


    Up until you cleared it up for me I was under the impression that they were singing to the glorification of a bunch of murdering scum; clearly not.


    What an absolutely disgusting post. Quoting an IRA song on a Rangers forum to make Rangers fans look bad? Hang your head in shame. Who needs enemies?


    I think they've proved in the last few weeks that they're singing about the PIRA.

  13. He's not singing about WW1. Why would someone want to sing about a futile imperial stalemate that happened nearly 100 years ago?


    Did you miss my post with the lyrics, aye?


    I think I know why I sing songs a little more than you. :)

  14. Of course he is. What brings you over here anyway Ryan? Not banned from RM are you? :D


    Have you missed the protests and everything SOS have been doing? That's a campaign, a few people on the internet not liking him is not.


    And aye I am, only til later tonight though.

  15. This campaign against Paul Murray is absolutely disgusting and wholly embarrassing. It's went way beyond a witch hunt now, it's poisonous and pathetic.


    Campaign against Paul Murray?! Really?!


    There's a campaign going on to try and influence the AGM and Paul Murray aint the one who's being targeted.

  16. You'll never convince me of that.

    Anyhoo, I'm not going to start another boring, pointless, yes it is/no it isn't farrago. Suffice it to say I hold this weaselly attempt to deny our actions in the 80's and 90's (dunno about the 70's, too young) in total contempt. I know what I was singing about back in the day, so you may take your certainties and whistle Dixie!


    Surely the lyrics here will convince you?


    In 1912 a home rule bill England would impose

    So Lord Carson he did raise an army to oppose

    But off to France our boys were sent

    And Carson he did say

    Go take our sons and tell the huns that we are on our way

    We're coming

    We're coming

    We are coming down the road

    We are the volunteers of the UVF and we're coming down the road

  17. Not in my experience, but who's to say whether that's representative or not? Growing up in the 80's, anything & everything Irish was considered linked to the IRA and therefore suspect. Last week's news about the Irish police leaking info to the IRA seems to back the suspicions up, mind you!


    I suppose, like this 'when we say UVF we mean the army' crap we now have to suffer, people will claim that they don't hate the Irish, it was only the IRA. Not how I remember it. <shrug>


    You clearly dont know any UVF songs as it's quite clear that it is the original UVF who fought in the war that is being sung about.

  18. Here's the thing, twist and turn all you want, claim the UVF were formed to find homes for orphaned kittens for all I care, none of it changes what they were. Did you look up Lenny Murphy as I suggested?

    I take issue with your claim that most out 'match going support' agree with you, whatever the fuck it is you are claiming, you're being very reticent to make any public claims, although I can understand why.


    No because I have no interest in him. They were a group who were set up to prevent home rule and fought for our country in the war. That's a fact, you're the one spinning it.


    Ok, next time a UVF song is sung at a game you look around you to see what the reaction of our support is.

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