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Blue Moon

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Everything posted by Blue Moon

  1. He's been shown up for the charlatan we all know he is.
  2. I was disappointed with the quality of the streaming and found it quite difficult to follow. I will try it again at least once to see if the service improves. TBH I would rather give my money to the club so I hope it does.
  3. I thought the loan was from investors, hence not external debt, was for working capital after the purchase and prior to the sale of season tickets which was delayed to the last minute due to the machinations of the SPL. I have seen Green use the phrase "external debt" on a few occasions.
  4. Shorerd Bear you have summed up how I feel tonight. The big question for me has always been why did they choose our club as a test case for football clubs? Who took that decision? The whole thing stinks. I watch with interest what unfolds.
  5. Gordon Brewer's performance was embarrassing but typical BBC standard these days.
  6. Yes but it became a debt in the eyes of the SPL, media and our enemies. Guilty before trial, fact instead of possibility.
  7. I can understand that, STB. I just find it a bit cold and made me think about all the conflicting emotions we are experiencing tonight contrasting with a statement from someone with no emotional attachment to the club.
  8. I find this statement from the club disappointing. It is a corporate statement that ignores the fans, the players, management and creditors of the Rangers (dare I say the Oldco). It is obviously designed to support the share issue. The only parts of it I find palatable are the references to the SPL and to the purchase of our honours. It does nothing to endear Mr Green and his backers to me.
  9. Traynor is not holding back today. If the SPL get their way it will be the death of the game. The product is stale and repetetively boring and driving fans away from the game.
  10. Have been trying for over 40 minutes. Now the site has crashed......grrrr
  11. How sad to see an exceptional soldier and human being die in such circumstances. What a tragedy for his family. My thoughts are with his family.
  12. Ditto and to be ultra positive, he did promise this share issue.
  13. Absolutely delighted with this news. A very important move for the new regime for trust issues.
  14. My favourite lines of war poetry. They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
  15. He was forced to apologise by his bosses for the John Greig memorial "joke" due to the complaints received about it. The Rangers fans are fighting back and onto everything detrimental to our club. It would help if the club would do it more often but I don't believe they will let this go if it portrays us as Thomson sees us.
  16. He was already forced to apologise after his memorial gaffe. He has come in for a lot of criticism over his conduct with the Sun journalist. He is about to single out one group of fans as the subject of a documentary. He better get it right or the proverbial will hit the fan. Chancers like him are always found out because they think they are invincible and can do whatever they like.
  17. He is such an attention seeker but if he commits to TV what he put in his article (no doubt with interviews from some neds to illustrate his point) it could be the end of his Channel 4 career.
  18. After Saturday, I cannot defend Ali any longer. His tactics were dreadful. I cannot believe he watched 45 minutes with no-one on the right side of midfield. It was amateurish. I am sick of hearing it is the players fault. We should be putting out attacking teams and taking the game to them. I thought the atmosphere was flat (apart from BF1). Ali needs to look to the management team and take responsibility or he will find he is no longer in a job. I am not yet calling for his head but his negative tactics must change.
  19. How obsessed are these people that they spend every waking hour investigating our club, a club that they despise and would like to see buried?
  20. Very enjoyable read and really good to see those original sources. Thank you.
  21. I cannot envisage Rangers returning to the discredited SPL. It is a busted flush.
  22. I joined Twitter about the same time as I joined Gersnet and for the same reason - to find out information about Rangers. I only follow Rangers guys, journalists, a certain political party, Alex Thomson (want to know what he is up to) and one or two celebs that are good value. Last year I contacted several key politicians about something that was of particular interest to me and from the replies I got it is clear that Twitter is an important tool for communicating with politicians. It serves notice of articles that are often of interest to me that I wouldn't otherwise know about. I think it is facile to see it as a series of soundbites for attention seekers.
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