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Blue Moon

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Posts posted by Blue Moon

  1. Just noted this on FF ...




    BTW, Souness had an EBT running with us? I was under the impression we started this only in 2001?


    The fact that the police know the documents exist permits them to ask the club for them. So, while it is not legal to steal documents there are ways around that. Ditto the supposed Regan/Lawell E Mails. If there existence is known about then the police have the right to ask for them.

  2. a poster on ff who certainly talks a good game ha been saying for a month or so that this is the plan.


    I have my doubts personally.


    I really don't think that will happen, given how unpopular he is with our support. He was allegedly afraid to meet JB :)

  3. you'll be familiar with the concept of admin plus one no doubt.


    its been mooted as the game plan and best achieved by not getting a licence.


    I am not familiar with this,GS, could you enlighten me please?

  4. as I say its designed to help us in a time of chrisis. it would only ever be needed or wanted if we were on the brink of admin again.


    I am beginning to agree with you, GS. It won't do any harm and there have been mutterings that we could go back into admin. This could be a preemptive strike by BK to prevent that happening. I don't know if that is his intention or if it is a by- product of it and should prevent that nightmare scenario. So long as it doesn't prevent the club from prospering by creating divisions and failure to back the club then I have no problem with it.

  5. If he's confident about his evidence I think he should go for it and try for a court injunction. He probably wouldn't be successful, but it would be interesting and would bring a lot more publicity to his accusations.


    He didn't seem so keen on an injunction tonight. That was his plan last night. He seems to be acting on the hoof. I think he has come to this late.

  6. Just watched his latest Youtube video and he's not making much sense when he says the SPL & SFA can still create a larger SPL by admitting us and Dunfermline at this late stage. It's too late in the day for league restructuring before the season kicks off and even if it wasn't too late, the SFL would need to agree to it because their leagues would be getting restructured too. The SFL are extremely interested in league restructuring, but they won't accept it being forced upon them and rushed through as a panic SPL damage limitation measure.


    The question is what does he do with the evidence? I think they will ignore him, but with a bit of luck this will be all over the press, although I won't hold my breath on that one. It should have come out a long time ago. Perhaps he should take it to UEFA.

  7. It's a real shame that Brechin have to put up with all this rubbish from the SFA/SPL. In fact, it's a disgrace what these organizations are doing to everyone associated with playing Rangers.


    On another note, does anyone know how to get BBC Alba. I thought it was on Freeview, but I can't find it on my mam's TV. Is it provided via sky and would most pubs have access to it?


    It is on freeview

  8. OK forget revenge. Karma, if you believe in it, should be good enough :sneaky::sneaky:


    I know you are right and one day, hopefully soon I will see it that way too. I think my anger is more directed at institutions that I feel have let us down than at the other clubs, I just feel contemptuous of the way they have behaved.

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