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Blue Moon

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Posts posted by Blue Moon

  1. one wonders why Craig graham only now sees a conflict of interest. why now and not origionally.


    the cynic in me says its because he knew the verdict before the trial and know it wasn't suspension.


    Could it not be in Carloway's case that his professional integrity is impinged? Maybe someone could shed light on this. Would his position be compromised if the SFA insisted on the registration ban that has already been declared unlawful in a court of law?

    I agree with Gunslinger on Craig Graham that there is now a conflict of interest there. Although at the time of the decision there was really little prospect of us going to Div 3.

    It looks like we are going back to the appelate tribunal.


    It amazes me that all clubs were allowed to vote in the first place as it could quite easily be argued that there is a conflict of interest with every single one of them. It is outrageous that it went to a public vote. Britain's got talent?

  2. Nobody will back us, every man and hid dog will want us stripped of trophies. Just like they all wanted us kicked out the SPL


    You may be right. I think the SFL vote to put us to division 3 was more an SPL and Regan/Doncaster backlash and a touch of self interest. Even at that, 5 clubs voted to put us in SFL1. I do not think they would take kindly to further interference from Doncaster or Regan and I think if push came to shove they would back us. These guys jackets are on a very shaky nail.

  3. We are at the stage now when I don't think regan is bluffing ,IMO he would be quite happy to see us finished because he knows he is on borrowed time and will try to complete liewells plan before being thrown out


    I do not think the rest of the teams would stand for that.

  4. The point is - and I asked that before - will our and his point of view actually be considered and heard? Will this be a legal inquiry or one whipped up by SPL/SFA folk who preside over this like they did over our penalties and sanctions? Will we have a right to challenge any outcome?


    For me the most important thing is the right to challenge. If CG gives up this right I will be really disillusioned.

  5. yes he told us what happened and said whyte was forced into it.


    so now we know what happened and we can ignore the notion whyte was forced into it.


    I've reread an earlier letter and I get it now. My mind is not as sharp as it used to be. Forgive me, I am having difficulty keeping up.

  6. We support Rangers, not the SFA. If they want to cripple us then walking away just lets them win, the club will only die/remain in obscurity if the fans give up.


    No problem at all with people saying things in frustration and anger, hell that happens in general life regularly never mind with all this rubbish.


    But my stance is the club needs us more than ever, and i'm not comfortable with people abandoning Rangers only to come back at a later date when things are rosier. In other words they should be no turning back.


    Look at it this way. I have been going to Ibrox since 1967. Bought my first season ticket in 1978 when I started working and gave it up 3 years ago because I was bored with the rubbish that was the SPL and with the negative play on the park. I can certainly not be accused of being a glory hunter or a traitor. I will be buying a season ticket next year, as close to the guy that I sold mine to as I can get. It works both ways. People do what they think is right.

  7. Various people saying license been granted but have accepted a transfer embargo. This has upset quite a few and I can see there point , but surely it depends on the conditions of the embargo , do people think it would be OK to accept so that we can get back playing competitively. Conditions might be ,loan players allowed to be signed, players below the age of 21 can be signed, players out of contract allowed to be signed. If conditions like this were attached people would see it as a face saving exercise by the SFA , I would go along with it , would fight a total ban , but to get us playing give them a get out of jail card , the end will justify the means .


    I will wait and see what the terms are. In principle I do not think we should have accepted it but always thought Green would and if he has managed to wheedle a compromise out of them so much the better. Is it a season or year long ban?

  8. he told us that d&p have all in had 20 million in fees out of rangers in the last 18 months.


    something like that.


    18 months? I did listen to this but obviously not carefully enough. I did hear him saying CW was involved before the official takeover but didn't hear that about D&P.

  9. It has gone very quiet.


    It has gone quiet on here.


    Mr Green has gone very quiet.


    Nothing on the club's website.


    Nothing from Ally.


    Nothing from the SPL, SFL or SFA.


    We are desperate for information.


    How to interpret this?


    What is the stumbling block?


    Is it fit and proper person stuff?


    Is it sanctions?


    Is CG putting up a fight?


    Is it better to hold these discussions in private? Well, yes, after the last public hanging I think so, but then that depends on the outcome.


    Driving me daft.

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