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Blue Moon

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Everything posted by Blue Moon

  1. But what makes you think they will stick to the rules this time around? Green shouldn't have to ask to use CAS. This document is asking them to accept the outcome full stop. That's my interpretation of it. What if the outcome is to withdraw their registration? We should not give up our rights and should go to CAS before signing. I don't even think it would be legal, given the background to it. Any lawyers on here?
  2. Section 12 points 1 and 3 lay us wide open to it with no recourse to law.
  3. GA Getting it right in the beginning with a measured response would have been accepted in the first place.
  4. Accepting sanctions in relation to Craig Whytes tenure and future sanctions in relation to EBT's. No way would I agree to signing away our right to contest the outcome of a kangaroo court.
  5. I think Regan needs to be asked to explain what is going on here. The SFL have agreed to meet next Thursday to vote on Rangers, prior to the SPL vote which Regan says won't matter anyway! Why bother meeting then? Can someone explain the technicalities of how the SFA can do this? "distorted, taken out of context and leaked to the media" but said nonetheless. Explain yourself, Mr Regan. I am sick of this whole charade.
  6. I don't like this. The last thing we need is to crank up the old firm thing. Celtic's silence has prevented this from happening and I don't see the sense of Brown bringing them into it now unless he is able to back up his claims. If he can't, it is time he shut up.
  7. This guy has been on a personal crusade for months to publish anything he is presented by our enemies to bring us down. His one sided campaign , masquerading as journalism, brings shame on himself and his profession. Go on then, Mr thomson, take on Mr Findlay, but for the sake of your professional integrity do a piece on Celtic's lawyers investigating EBT's and Celtic men in the judicial panel and question whether there is a conflict of interest there?
  8. This guy Regan is something else. He has said nothing for weeks, which is shameful while the rest of Scottish football gets in a frenzy. Ahead of a vote to be held by another organisation tomorrow, he announces the result. I can see what he is up to today. He is telling the SFL, who are quite rightly saying the SPL is passing the buck, that it is not up to the SPL. In other words, more bullying. Regan is a disgrace, he should have shown leadership, been impartial and put the brakes on all of this a long time ago. Now he is reduced to gambling everything in an attempt to reign the monster in. He has failed in his position and should not survive this. His day of reckoning is not far away but that won't help the breakdown of trust that will be left as his legacy.
  9. That's too far. This can't be serious. If this comes to pass CG is on a different planet to me.
  10. Their transfer ban wasn't even legal and they had already ruled out the other sanctions as being too severe. The whole thing was ott to begin with. Morally, this should die a death. Apart from anything else the subsequent events have made it obsolete. We have not been found guilty for EBT's so any punishment in relation to that should be back to the Court of Session. We cannot agree to sign away legal rights and should take this to a higher football authority. The SFA have made a balls up and have been told by UEFA to sort the mess out, but they still can't do it without trying to emasculate Rangers further and give them another kicking.
  11. We could have been doing with articles like this for the last few months, not at the last minute, although I am grateful for it nonetheless. The treatment of Rangers and their fans by the press and the footballing authorities has been nothing short of a disgrace. The media have been the mouthpiece for the very people he condemns. "One day the truth about the subterfuge, deception, and downright spitefulness used to prolong this saga might be told but right now those who are trying to save what is left of the game need to be given space." I hope he means what he says that once this is over the truth will come out. I can't wait and I hope there is a lot going on behind the scenes to make sure the truth is told. Heads will roll over this. We must also learn from this that dignified silence does not work in the internet age. We have put up no meaningful defence of ourselves. If James traynor can say it, why has no-one from the club, past or present, been saying these things? We have been badly caught out. Traynor hasn't said anything that hasn't been said daily on this site.
  12. Pressley did an about turn on Friday! Friday 29 June 2012 Text size Elvis: Clubs will go bust without Rangers By MATTHEW LINDSAY STEVEN Pressley today warned the anger over the Rangers crisis could result in more clubs going bust. SPL clubs are set to unanimously reject the Ibrox club's application to join the top division at a vote at Hampden on Wednesday. And now it looks as if their SFL counterparts are set to follow their lead and scupper the newco's hopes of dropping into the Irn-Bru First Division.Cowdenbeath – the Fife minnows chaired by former Gers director Donald Findlay QC – are the only club to have given the thumbs up to the Glasgow club joining them. Falkirk, Morton and Partick Thistle have all publicly said they will reject the move while rivals are consulting with supporters before declaring their intentions. Fans of SPL and SFL clubs have threatened to boycott both their own clubs and opposition clubs if they vote to let Rangers into the top flight or Irn-Bru First Division. They want to see the newly formed club start at the bottom in the Third Division and try to work their way up. But Bairns boss Pressley has issued a call for calm and expressed the fear that hammering his former club Rangers will lead to other clubs going into administration and liquidation. He said: "There is a lot of anger about what has happened at the moment and I think that could be clouding people's judgement. We need to have clear thinking at this point. "Many clubs will suffer financially without Rangers involved and that should not be underestimate in all this. Other clubs could realistically go to the wall and that is not something that I or anybody else wants to see. "I can see why people want the club to be punished, but, personally, I think we should try to reach some sort of compromise. "And I don't just want to see one that will only benefit Rangers and the big clubs in the country. The solution to this problem has to benefit the game in this country as a whole."
  13. What a great piece. Sums up my attitude towards the lack of facts in the discussions of this crisis. Nothing, however, can describe the feelings of Rangers fans and I think, by and large, we have been ignored in all of this. I think that this will be one of the enduring legacies of this whole thing and it will take generations to heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon us by all and sundry.
  14. Surely that can't be used if we have to drop down to SFL3?
  15. On what grounds would they refuse to admit us?
  16. I don't see the point of this article tbh. I will not criticise Walter Smith for trying and failing. If we turn on this man for that we have totally lost the plot.
  17. I think if their contracts didn't cover them for a newco then we would all know that. I would not have criticised them for leaving after transferring if we go to SFL3 and, for the cream of the crop, for the lack of European football. Having said that I doubt if any of them, perhaps McGregor and Naismith excepting, will ever get a sniff of European football before we do. Nevertheless, I could have fully understood their reluctance to play in SFL3 when they are at the peak of their careers but we don't know where we will be playing!!! I disagree with your statement about the PFA. Without these organisations we would still have one day off a year. Players, like everyone else deserve employment protection rights and if the law is on their side then so be it.
  18. And an embarrassment, not Rangers class.
  19. But they didn't have to stay, they only had to tupe across, see how things panned out then they were free to go for much reduced values. I will never forget what they have done, especially the "Rangers men".
  20. I don't think this is finished by a long way. I think they will cut and run but until then they have my support unless I hear something real, rather than imaginary, to make me think otherwise.
  21. Bang on cue, to illustrate my point. What a volte face from Steven Pressley http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/elvis-clubs-will-go-bust-without-rangers.18015175
  22. Fairytale stuff alright. We have applied to join, SFL1 is the authorities recommendation for economic reasons, a different set of circumstances to Fiorentina. This is no longer just about what to do about us but has provided an opportunity for change that was not possible before our crisis. If that works in our favour then I am all for it. SFL1 for me. I think we will start to see more pragmatic thinking over the next few days from chairmen and journalists. If not the whole game is screwed.
  23. Rioch gives us something we haven't had for a wee while - hope.
  24. What a great statement, pity some of the others hadn't taken time to think about what they were going to say. I really hope he stays.
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