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Blue Moon

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Posts posted by Blue Moon

  1. How does the taxman see a better return from liquidation and going after those responsible ?


    I'm intrigued by this as it implies they are chasing Whyte, Murray and the old board for the cash.


    This could be very interesting.


    Especially since my reading of HMRC's statement is that they are pursuing the big tax case as well in that they said Rangers can start afresh debt free. If the CVA had gone ahead the club would have had to deal with that if found guilty. If not found guilty I cannot understand HMRC's actions.

  2. I've no desire to get involved in personality clashes but to have a go at another Rangers fan today of all days because he's stating how he feels is out of order. If you disagree with Gunslinger ignore him today isn't the day for pettiness, a big bit of our club died today for a lot of Rangers supporters.


    I agree 100%

  3. My gut feeling is the newco asset sale will go through but the Green group will sell quickly (probably before the start of the season) to another group for £8-10million.


    Please God you are right, Frankie, the alternatives don't bear thinking about.

  4. Cancelled mine weeks ago and told them why. Will not be changing my mind. They have tried to contact me a few times, got a hold of me once and I have told them my reasons again. Stopped shopping in Tesco too and got a very reasonable letter back. You may say it is pointless but it makes me feel I am making my point. I am still raging at the SFA's hasty, ill considered, knee jerk reaction based upon a half baked investigation while the whole thing is sub judice. They have done absolutely nothing to help a member club, in fact they have been obstructive. I have e mailed the SFA too. No reply.

  5. If I remember correctly he said he had a consortium of 20 people, some had commited already and others would be named as the CVA progressed. I took from this that if the CVA is successful they will come on board. Is it possible that some of these are the Rangers men?


    I am maybe being naiive and giving CG too much of the benefit of the doubt but that was my understanding last Sunday. I can understand that people would prefer more specific statements rather than statements that are open to interpretation and so would I. However, I really don't think we have a choice, nor do I think it is in our interests to carry these things out in the public domain. He is communicating and we have a right to be vigilant.

  6. Mmmm...not sure about this... Call me defeatest but the events of the last year or so have left this Gers fan close to chucking it. The wreck that Murray and Whyte have left behind has changed the footballing landscape forever and even if we get back on a even keel' date=' you really have to ask "what is the point?" We were hated by all and sundry before and now after all this sheite we will be fighting to maintain membership in a league whose fans and governing body detests us beyond reason. Is it really worth it?[/quote']


    I think we have been under siege since this began and I am delighted to see someone defending us. Not enough bears have put our case in the media, football phone ins etc. I was having a crap day, felt the same as you, depressed and feeling overwhelmed by it all. Now we need a lead to come from the club/aministrators/Green, I don't care who, just someone officially defend us.

  7. Surely we need to take one thing at a time , firstly if the players revert back to their original contract as come June 1st the release/low transfer clause disappears , 2nd if we manage to come out of this with a CVA I believe we only have a 1 year European ban , its only if the third option/nuclear option of a newco kicking in that players can leave if they wish and the 3 year ban comes into play from Europe , or have I missed something ( quite probably lol)



    ps welcome Davie p


    I suppose it depends on to what extent the SPL decide to shaft us too. I felt so good about our future on Sunday, now I have more questions than answers.

  8. My take on events so far is this.


    Administration is a lengthy process and ours seems to have been moving quicker than others.


    The admin could have sold our top players but have kept us afloat with the potential to be at least as strong as we were last year. The decision on the transfer ban will determine that.


    The Consortium looks to have potential financially. David Holmes once described Rangers as a sleeping giant. Of course the investors will be looking for a return on their money but that will only be achieved by success on the park.


    I don't know if D&P have any indication of the the likely actions of HMRC but I think to suggest they have an agenda is too much for me to swallow. If they knew all along that HMRC were going for us to set an example to other football clubs then that is the reality of the situation we all have to deal with. Timing is not in our favour as tax avoidance is a political hot potato.


    Whether it is CVA or Newco or the dreaded L word is in the hands of HMRC and what will happen will be determined by them.

  9. He is an inexperienced manager with a lot to learn but as far as I am concerned he needs a chance to develop and we should allow him some leeway to do that (within reason). I think in his first full season he has shown dignity and calm under incredibly difficult circumstances. I think he has excellent man management skills which no doubt contributed to the players decision to accept pay cuts and the incredible spirit the team has shown . I always thought Walter's greatest quality was man management and the ability to get the best out of people. I haven't seen anything to make me believe that Ally doesn't have the same qualities. He has gone up in my estimations this year and should be judged under more normal circumstances.

  10. I think the SFA/SPL have acted in haste and got themselves into a mess. They have not carried out a proper investigation because they are not trained and don't have the skills to do so. They have bowed to hysterical pressure and ignored their own inadequacies in all of this. Time would have been better spent by the authorities in tightening their own procedures to ensure a situation like this never happens again and allowing the real authorities, HMRC and the police and the courts to do their investigations. When the effects on the rest of the clubs of their hasty and ill conceived actions became apparent there was a noticable shift in opinion when people began to realise that Rangers money would be missed. They want their cake and they want to eat it. They want to emasculate us with a transfer ban but continue to play in the SPL for our money. They want to create new rules and apply them retrospectively. If they create new rules they should apply to the future, not the past. They have now created a situation where fans are threatening boycott and counter boycott. I don't see how they can come out of this with credit. It is a situation of their own making. Yes rules were broken at Ibrox and the punishments should apply based upon rules that are already in place after a professional and thorough investigation.

  11. I feel such relief this morning and I guess my desperate signing up to the fans share issue last night hopefully will no longer be required. I am cautious, like most bears are, but the news that is coming out from Charles Green on Twitter sounds okay.


    I like the idea of a footbal board and lets hope some great Rangers men are involved in this.


    I also like the idea of a 15% ceiling on share ownership per individual.


    First of all, though this has to go through and hopefully will be ratified by the creditors on June 6th.


    I hope desperately that we can keep our top players. Mixed messages coming out here - Green openly states tough decisions have to be made but is also talking about tapping into the Middle East and Far East markets and competing in Europe. You won't do that with a duff product. We have been so used to instant fixes and throwing money at problems that we are impatient and will have to adjust to the fact that we nearly went to the wall.


    Reading what Ally said this morning or more specifically what he didn't say about the takeover, compared to his positive comments about Bill Miller, concerns me, but remaining optimistic (you would go mad otherwise) I am hoping that he too is being cautious given the speed with which this has happened.


    No doubt there will be many twists and turns to come and obstacles to be overcome but this is a

    start. I would have preferred Rangers men in there and lets hope there will be in the football board but we have to deal with the facts and look to the future. As I said I am cautiously optimistic.


    Rangers for Ever

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