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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Rather play Alkmaar or FC TWENTE than St Midden or ICT any day
  2. The Insolvency Service are now involved and they'll be fully investigating Whyte, the takeover and the role played by the likes of LBG, They'll also probably want to investigate HMRC and why they allowed Whyte to run up such a large PAYE/NI non-payment and who knew about this and took no action i.e. the SFA who are supposed to be the governing body of Scottish football. The SFA (Regan in particular) may yet have more than a few questions to answer regards Whyte's ownership of Rangers.
  3. why are we talking about players we don't need? we'll need a squad to cope with the inevitable injuries & suspensions throughout the season
  4. Celtic are in control of large sections of the Scottish mhedia. That's why you won't hear anything about their financial shenanigans. We agree to disagree about Rangers needing to get out of Scottish football.
  5. Celtic ? you've obviously not read PZ & J's financial analysis of Celtic in Bill McMurdo's blog. A very interesting read. Looks like they called us financial cheats to divert the spotlight away from themselves.
  6. As WS said there's no money in Scottish football. It's commercial madness for Rangers to be there where we're subsidising teams many of whom should be in semi-professional or amateur leagues. The OP highlights the issues we'll continue to come up against. An escape route to a stronger, better financed league would solve a lot of those issues.
  7. This article merely highlights the problems Rangers will face remaining in Scottish football.The fact is we need to get out of Scottish football altogether. WS warned everyone when he left a couple of years ago that there is no money in Scottish football. Things are bad & likely to get worse especially if Doncaster has signed a SKY TV deal on paltry terms over nine years or something which will not generate much needed bigger revenues. I'm one of those who believe CG left because he saw no long term prospects for Rangers whilst we remained in Scotland. Hence his attempts to move to England which weren't feasible but what about a Northern European league comprising of teams from Scandanavia, Holland, Belgium etc ? I believe we should endeavour to be part of such a setup. It would make good commercial sense and would allow the club to grow to its full potential which it won't do stuck in Scotland
  8. before the end of next month I do think this squad will be reduced in size by 2 or 3 players leaving & younger players going out on loan
  9. If we can get the CB area sorted out & maybe a wee bit more MF creativity then I'd go as far as to say we would match Celtic. CB top priority though.
  10. Must admit to having a bit of sympathy for Naismith. He was getting played wide right at times last season and you could see it wasn't his position. Good to see him start well at Accrington Stanley. Hope this doesn't come back to haunt McCoist in the near future.
  11. As I said earlier I believe(unconfirmed) that more catholics now support Rangers than protestants support Celtic. If that were the case I can imagine Kearney & co would be heading towards total meltdown
  12. I'd be delighted if Hutton proved us all wrong but just can't see it. Last season was his missed opportunity IMO.
  13. Gallacher surely can't go out on loan until the end of next month when the transfer window closes? Bell can only play 3 games as a trialist can't he?
  14. He isn't the only one who may, in years to come, look back upon last season as a missed opportunity
  15. He was very disappointing last season & I'd gladly have got rid of him for this season. He's going to find it extremely difficult to get a game this season so he'll need to prove everyone wrong after what he showed last saeason
  16. In all honesty can't see us getting anyone better than what we've got in reserve already. I'd be surprised if Mather agreed to this unless a few players get released first
  17. Sorry totally disagree. Genuinely believe if we get the CB's sorted out then we'll be there or thereabouts in the LC & SC this season. Why fear Celtic? when I look at some of their SPL performances last season I think they're there for the taking.
  18. wonder why WS never pointed this out to Ally? or did he?
  19. I don't think he does get stick. Remember he's 35 now & not getting any younger. I think this was why Ally brought in Jon Daly who'll do a similar job to what jig did. Jig will always be a Rangers legend after summer 2012.
  20. unfortunately for jig I genuinely don't think he'll be in Ally's first choice eleven after SEPT01. I do think Ally has recruited well so far & if we get the CB's sorted out then there's no reason we can't win both the LC & SC this season.
  21. Jig will always be a legend after last summer but I thought it was asking a bit much when he got a new contract taking him up to his 37th birthday in two years time. Does anyone genuinely believe he'll still be challenging for a first team place up til then ?
  22. Our history & heritage is of a scottish protestant unionist club. If we wish to become a truly global brand then we must become all-inclusive. I don't have a problem with that so as we don't lose our history & heritage which we shouldn't do. Is it not the case Rangers now have more catholic supporters than Celtic have protestant supporters? Bet that would upset some over at the girodome.
  23. Other than Murdo Fraser MSP not one said a word. Mind you didn't expect or get support from the SNP either
  24. how he deals with the cabal running scottish football will go a long way to determining how successful he is? also unless the product on the park is vastly improved from last season what will he do?
  25. Would you vote for George Galloway ? John Reid? Michael Mather? Roseanna Cunningham ?
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