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Posts posted by EDGE

  1. The biggest compliment that I could say to SFL3 is that I could hardly tell the difference between the quality of opposition from last season to this season.


    Also, when Provan talks about the SPL having 16 teams, he neglects the need to compare our top flight with other countries top flights. Does the EPL suffer because you don't have 4 x Manc derbies? Well.... No.


    The problem we have in Scotland is that the 2 big Glasgow sides have dominated Scottish football for so long that other clubs fans don't go to see their teams because they perceive that their chosen sides have no chance of winning anything because of the strength of the big Glasgow sides. This inherent problem then discourages a pessimistic father to take his son/daughter to see their side play and thus, their child likely goes on to support someone else in Scotland OR, as seems to be the case nowadays, an EPL side.


    Our problem up here is that there is a general apathy when it comes to fans going to see their teams, indeed this has spread to Celtic fans this season in the SPL, where they 'expect' that their team will win the SPL at a canter, as such their "7m worldwide fans" have decided not to go to Parkhead, well all bar 20k of them. At this present moment time though, in celtic aren't and as such, traditional SPL diddy sides are seeing increased crowds, because they perceive that their heroes 'have a chance'.


    I think that I speak for everyone in Scotland bar the Tims when I say that I'd love to see anyone win the league bar Celtic. Just for the novelty factor in general terms and latterly because no one likes them in broader terms. :)


    I'm still pished from last nights 140 year party (mum&dads anniversary really) so apologies if I've not made sense so far.


    But MY BIG POINT IS..... I think that the SPL should have an end of season cup style showdown. A 16 team league then at the end of the season the top sides play each other home and away with a final held at the national stadium. This, I feel would increase interest in the game and give other teams a chance of winning.


    Rangers and Celtic are too big for the current set up and it distorts the competition up here so much that other teams fans chose not to follow their teams.


    Apologies for rambling on. I was up to 3am and the weans have just woke me up and I am still steamin'.

  2. I dont know what Rangers fans want to be honest , the main fans groups call for a boycott and the board listen and not only that come out with a fantastic statement and still some aren,t happy , jesus wept


    I guess that I'd have liked the fans to have been given the choice instead of being told that they wouldn't be allowed to go to the game to support the team even if they wanted too.


    And what percentage of the Rangers fans are actually represented by the main fans groups? Less than 5%??

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