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Daniel Amokachi

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Everything posted by Daniel Amokachi

  1. We haven't been much better in recent years. Scottish football dying on it's arse at the first hurdle in Europe does us no favours.
  2. Those corrupt charlatans can take a flying fuck Romanov seems to get round it
  3. How much have they got wrong about us though, aside from digitally editing our manager's comments and consistently calling us 'new Rangers' or words to that effect...
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/19376352 Mentioned in the other thread but I think this deserves exclusivity. Phenomenal news personally. Anyone that has read my posts will know my thoughts on his managerial skills, but I will always love this man and I think it's wonderful he has part of a say in our future and literally is a significant owner in our club. I'm surprised this isn't making bigger news because it's quite massive. Given all the shite we had about people investing in us? Here we find out this legend has quite quietly bought a chunk of our club and hasn't looked for a single fucking thanks It certainly makes Brian Kennedy and the Blue Knights look utterly ridiculous, with their pathetic bids based on the absurd notion of us reaching the later stages of the champions league. This is certainly how you do business. Well done Sir Ally
  5. CEO of a company worth billions isn't a bad thing. Mind you, so was Murray. Whyte? Not so much
  6. Has Leggat become so discredited that he uses a different moniker now?
  7. In an ideal world I would like to have someone with outright control with a vision for the club. I have never been a fan of fan ownership, it works abroad with big clubs in far different climates from us but I can't see it succeeding here. Given the way we have been raped and obliterated by two evil bastards, it's probably for the best. Where was I? Oh yes, another issue is our last share issue was a complete and utter disaster but hopefully this was because people had no trust or interest in bailing out that evil bastard Murray. I'm not sure this is correct though as despite Rangers forums largely aware of how much of a cretinous cunt he was, the typical guy on the street seemed to think he was wonderful. But, given the 'siege' mentality and the rise together attitude that has developed to combat the atrocities we have faced, hopefully this particular one would be far more successful.. On the ciders and ranting loyal
  8. I like him but I'm not totally convinced by his general talents. McKay is the one player who has stood out for me. The way he played when he came on at the weekend sort of reminded me of Chris Burke, who in his youth used to come on and really excite the crowd. Unfortunately Burke never really made the grade, though perhaps another misused player as he has been a stand out in the championship
  9. Good question. I think I possibly once wandered into one many years back when I was looking for a cheaper way of getting Lampard on the back of my Chelsea top, given JJB were asking for £20
  10. Do you know exactly what the plan is for this share issue? How much of the club will the fans own? What will the rest be left with? My cheque book is seating here waiting for the right investment to help my club. The right opportunity just hasn't presented itself and thank fuck I invested nothing in the corrupt RFFF.
  11. I will probably always be hugely wary of him and anyone running us but I'm quietly thinking that this chap might just be an absolute gem for us.
  12. I've never set foot in Sports Direct. It's a pretty shite shop. But this deal is most likely good for us.
  13. It is relevant if Green stated that nobody would own more than 15%. Personally I'm all for more individualistic power and direction so long as it's the right person. We won't become a global power with a group of conflicting bodies engulfed in self interest running us
  14. I'm sure Matias Abelairas, Georgie Welcome, Clint Mathis and the dozens of other trialists that didn't get offered deals were treated well at Murray Park. Trialists probably have a 0.1% of getting a deal. Generally though, we have probably been right in not keeping these players. It does seem a bit amateurish handing out all these trials but given the millions we've paid to get duds off our books, it's better to be safe than sorry.
  15. I have tried to completely avoid all the shite in the media about us, it just depresses me, but it's news to me that McCoist owns a part of this club? Also, I thought the plan was for nobody to own more than 15%? I hope that Mike Ashley dips his toe into the water then decides to buy us outright. The consortium is working ok at the moment but it is never a great long term business plan. The camel's a horse designed by committee and you just have to look at Arsenal to see how much of a power struggle you end up with. I'm personally thrilled that Ashley is investing in us. He has brought Newcastle right back to their former glory as a quality top 4 challenging side in one of the top leagues in the world.
  16. This was one of the worst games of football ever. Reserve team or not, Liverpool have little chance of making the top 7. They will make up the best of the rest with all the other shite teams in England.
  17. I'm at a weird point with money just now where I'm not rich enough to bet high but I have too much money to bother doing typical bets. It's probably for the best £10 or £20 bets here and there just don't seem worth the bother. I guess bettings not really about the money and more the thrill
  18. I'm a Chelsea fan and I saw nothing from AVB to suggest he's a decent manager. He is only proven in the Portuguese league and the Europa which are both atrocious levels of football. That said, in the first half today Spurs played well and should have been 2 up at half time. They have a huge lack of fire power up front and another problem in that I don't think Van Der Vaart and Sigurdsson can play in the same team. That's a huge problem as IMO they are the two most talented players they have. Perhaps Van Der Vaart could revert to a right sided role with Bale wide left and Sigurdsson behind a single striker. That would be an awesome attacking midfield
  19. Anyway, Chelsea and Man City on the tele tomorrow in 3d. It doesn't get much better than that
  20. I think the only time I have seen an Umbro product displayed in an independent shop I've frequented is when I went to my primary school football's second hand charity sale when I bought a pair of Umbro shorts I never wore.
  21. Sunderland were relegation fodder until MON took over. He beat the best team in the league and got them in the top half. Were it not for a huge dip in form they would have made the top 8. Liverpool have a shite team and Rodgers neck will be on the line. Their team is actually laughably bad compared to the top 6.
  22. Fully agree. I used to disagree with much of what you said at RM but you have been on the point lately.
  23. You made a cunt of it not for the first time today Are you suggesting we played a right back and a right wing back? I hope not because I was starting to think you might not be a full blown retard. What are you even talking about? Where is your mind? PS - Bocanegra at no point in his career has EVER played as a wing back.
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