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Everything posted by Scott7

  1. When you see the side set out like that it shows the ever increasing number of alternatives.
  2. He’s a hardy looking lad. A target for refs and journos?
  3. You’d think he could afford tuppence for a razor blade.
  4. Very interesting. I’d put Palace higher up and West Ham lower down. In my dream league Wolves would win it but I wonder if in real life they can sustain the performances of the last two seasons. Still in dreamland, ‘Spurs would be second, the Villa and Sheffield United would do well. There would be a mass relegation of Leicester, Watford, So’ton, Bournemouth, Palace, Norwich and Brighton. Apologies to fans of any of them. They’ve not really done anything to deserve such unreasoned prejudice. In my nightmares, Manchester United have to turn it round sometime but it may need a proper manager before that happens. I’m changing my prediction method this season. I’ve put away my 1950s Charles Buchan’s Football Monthlies and I have banished hope and sentiment. Current form and measured potential will be the new system. I predict a success rate of around 3.75%.
  5. A Chapter, obviously but perhaps a diocese?
  6. Correct, Bill but in your example the vendor has already made the selling decision and fixed the price . No evidence of such with McCrorie. Gives Portsmouth an incentive to give the player the best chance to do well. Or maybe not just too well.
  7. Should have thought it was obvious. An option to buy is always dependent on a decision to sell.
  8. I’ve only seen fragments, most of it of a fairly low standard and the occasional bit of good football. Wouldn’t pay to watch. Never last 90 minutes. Anybody watch a lot of it? How good/bad is it?
  9. Hibs and Rangers had a pretty good relationship during the Curtain v Five years until Rangers let them down when Hibs were pushing to get celtic banned for flying the tricolour. Might be capable of restoration if there enough new brooms at Easter Road
  10. Man of many clubs. One great season alongside Suarez. Needs his own general hospital on standby. Depends how much Liverpool will pay Rangers to rehabilitate him.
  11. Unlikely. You don’t get to the US Supreme Court without being in at least one lower court first.
  12. Disagree, Yorkie. Better than poetry. Incisive prose of high quality.
  13. He did indeed fail at Sunderland. In fairness, most do. Peter Reid was the last to do anything notable
  14. Never thought I’d say that. Nonetheless, do it and vote Rangers’ new strip top of the SPFL fashion league. What was I doing there, you may ask? Bill had posted about celtic paying millions for a defender but didn’t name him. Curiosity got the better of me. Two things about the strip. It’s miles better than anyone else’s. Aberdeen’s away is desperate. Hearts are usually well attired but not this season Furthermore, I saw a young lad wearing one in an Asda car park this am. Much better in reality than on a wee screen. Vote quickly. Vote often if you can.
  15. You are absolutely right, 26th. Your argument is 100% solid. No dispute. I confused things by doddering off into a curmudgeon’s dislike of players over celebrating the scoring of a goal. It’s the fans’ job to do that.. BBC Scotland is dreadful. All Glesca wide boys (of both genders) and dreamy hielan’men. Should I have said “all” instead of “both”)?
  16. I can’t get exercised about goal celebrations but that doesn’t detract from the theme and message of 26th’s post. Actually I do get exercised about players’ goal celebrations. All right for wee lassies but not for grown men.
  17. Lamps to the Bridge. What a surprise. What a mistake.
  18. Nobody’s saying lawyers are running the club but from a layman’s point of view, endless litigation seems to produce nothing but substantial cost. The Board instructs the lawyers . One wonders and one will never know, if it is with or against advice.
  19. Doubt it. They can afford platinum Rolexes, one each wrist, different every day of the week.
  20. Benitez leaving Newcastle. Assistant to lennon, perhaps?
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