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Everything posted by Scott7

  1. Cardiff v the Wolves tonight, areprise of last season’s Championship encounters in which Wolves had the upper hand. Cardiff have a basement lookabout them. Wolves need to win to avoid sliding down to join them. Pass over Saturday’s non-events to the big Derby day. Everton must beat Liverpool eventually. Now is as good a tme as any. Arsenal will use their home advantage against the Hotspurs.
  2. I don’t have a screen for this. Is possession wasted because of bad delivery or lack of movement by potential receivers?
  3. SFA can still get themselves out of this by means of plea bargain. Rangers accept the breach of rules. SFA impose a fine of one penny and waive the right to collect in recognition of massive mitigation i.e. telling the truth. Come on, beaks. Take advantage of my free offer and avoid being a laughing stock. Any of the Rangers lawyers got the gumption to follow this line?
  4. Firminio was ineffective and Salah’s anticipator mechanism needs tuning.
  5. “Exiting” Is that a bit of prophecy, Pete?
  6. Scott7

    Scottish Cup

    Leith Exhuberance as good as out. Might take a replay.
  7. Good predicting but ‘Spurs surprise you. Manchester United have a negative goal difference of 1.
  8. Sunderland have been managed worse than Rangers were for much longer and are deservedly in the basement. But up until about three years ago they still had massive attendances and a big away following. ”Bank of England” club in the 50s, Len Shackleton on the wing in front of 60,000 at Roker. Giants.
  9. Gin is for drinkers who have moved on from alcopops but aren’t ready for a real dram.
  10. Many giants of yesteryear are languishing in the cellars. Sunderland in the third tier for heaven’s sake. But you’re right. They are down there on merit or the lack of it. I’m tempted to run to the bookie with your predictions. Can’t argue with any of them.
  11. This weekend yet another uninspiring card of fixtures, only ‘Spurs v Chelsea stands out. Wolves to blow the Town down.
  12. Wrong comic. Desperate Dan the better comparison.
  13. The clubs in the strangely mis-named Highland League would do well to stay out of it. caley and RC have done reasonably well but where are they now with pathetic attendances? Access to public funds helped them on their way but that can’t last forever. Peterhead haven’t had that good fortune but they’ve had reasonable private investment and been very well managed. Nonetheless they couldn’t stay in League 1. Better luck next season, perhaps The example not to follow is Elgin City, former Lords of the League. They’ve struggled from day one and are permanently short of money. Cove being an Aberdeen city club are most likely to succeed but there is no historical fan base and in reality Aberdeen could not sustain two top league teams. Dundee can’t and some might say neither can Edinburgh.
  14. The Title may rise again. The Scotsman ethos of fifty years ago may not, however, and if it did, would that ethos find a readership? I fear not.
  15. I know what you mean, dB, but the Wolves and to a lesser extent, Burnley, have some pedigree.
  16. I’m not quite sure of the sequence of the events but was there not a short time lapse between the alleged gesturing and the assault by Ferdinand? If Collum was offended by the gesturing why did he not card Candeias immediately? If he had done so Ferdinand would not have perpetrated the assault and would not have been booked himself. Ferdinand and St Mirren have been let down badly by Collum. Something should be done.
  17. That’s it in a nutshell. And there’s thousands of the useful idiots.
  18. Aberdeen’s star player touted ,not just in local press, as a contender for Baxter’s place in the national team. His role at Aberdeen was creative. Didn’t look quite so good at that with Rangers but taking a step back to defence transformed him. Brilliant at reading the game. Saw his debut in a friendly against the Arsenal along with Alec Smith from Dunfermline.
  19. All of that is true but since the Roxborough/Brown years, I haven’t been able to bother. I’ve gone from boyhood expectation that Scotland would win no matter who, except maybe Hungary and South Americans, to the roller coaster of magnificent defeat and unexpected victory (did I get that the right way round?) and now to apathy. Very wrong of me, I know.
  20. Can’t remember what mine cost. 30 bob, I think. £1.50 in this new-fangled money.
  21. Nice picture but, trust me, compared to mine, these are positively Gucci.
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