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Everything posted by Scott7

  1. Scott7

    Semi Final

    A despairing cry for help from Aberdeen in #126. The club don’t recognise that the red army, such as it was, diminished considerably when Marshall Alexey Fergusonovich got promoted to United. Many deserted to celtic. When I was a lad in the rural north east support was about 60+% Rangers, 40-% Aberdeen. I knew three hibbees and one celtic supporter. We all got on fine. Since Aberdeen’s descent to mediocrity red and white has vanished but there’s been an unhealthy increase in hooped outfits never previously seen.
  2. Scott7

    Semi Final

    Part time supporters. If they get to the final against timothy they’ll be bleating for 50% nonetheless.
  3. Do hibbees not boo Wallace because he is a jambo and, by their standards, a grass?
  4. “What is it about the next 1000 posts that’s likely to add to what’s already been said?” - Bill. I see what you’re getting at, Bill, but I rather enjoy 26th’s critiques.
  5. Thanks for the link but I am content to take your word for it.
  6. Late 90s a lifetime ago, BSRT? Just the other day, it seems.
  7. Campbell v wee spence? What a mis-match. Rocky Marciano v my grannie would have been more even.
  8. Just because you look like an idiot, doesn’t mean you are an idiot. But ......
  9. Walterbear will be filing a FOI request. #999 above. I had some correspondence with bbc Scotland about the cost of sending Idessane to report on Andy Murray in Melbourne instead of Accies at New Douglas Park when the highly regarded tennis correspondent, Jonathan Overend, was already reporting for the network. They are apparently not subject to FOI. They said Idessane had studied Murray’s career for years, could work the camera himself and was able to get Murray to talk to him when he wouldn’t speak to others so whatever it cost, it was worth it. Doesn’t explain why they sent Annie Maguire before Idessane got the gig.
  10. On reflection, this is veering away from the main theme of scrutinising bbc’ s coverage of Rangers. Might be better moved to Lounge.
  11. Anyone intend to watch the new channel? Genuine question. Nothing to do with nationalism or McLaughlin.
  12. What kept you? Thought you’d have been on to this pronto. This club is so good it should be Auchinleck Mercedes.
  13. I’m afraid FF wasn’t entirely correct in that he’s not away to Manchester. Pity. But I couldn’t really see him on the track of possible bids by Sunderland for the PNE second string central defender and delivering the news to eager English viewers. The English like McCoist - amiable cheeky chappie, good for a laugh. They wouldn’t take to McLaughlin - hard faced whinging Scotch git. And who’s to say they’re wrong?
  14. He was never a great player. Some good games but not many and never reliable as a defender. But for his courage in facing a mortal disease, for his loyalty to Rangers he has my utmost respect.
  15. What makes me think the weasel will be back in less than a year as Head of CeltSport?
  16. Henry and Baker, the ‘Spurs fullbacks, were hoarse at the end of the game because they had to shout to each other to make themselves heard.
  17. Can’t see he has much appeal to a wider BBC audience.
  18. If they want to come back and Rangers agree they’ll just send a different lunatic. Some contrition required.
  19. Sideways promotion according to FF. No doubt 26th will be on to this to confirm.
  20. Bishopmill United. Who? Never mind they’ve withdrawn from competition, so, failing them it’s Linlithgow Rose.
  21. Rapid were trying to win the game by actually winning it instead of waiting and hoping so there was no requirement to break a packed defence. That’s how football used to be pre Herrera, the Inter boss, not the Mex sharp shooter.
  22. I don’t want to jinx your investment but you could be right.
  23. What the Hell do I know. Toffees only one of the three to win, Burnley draw and Watford walloped.
  24. Much later. Tomorrow 4.30pm.
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