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Everything posted by Scott7

  1. Are we at a level where we only raise our game for big matches?
  2. What we have to learn is to work constantly to strengthen our position. Tims did it for years and now they reap rich rewards. They can do what they like. Putting in a word for Aberdeen in this situation does us no harm. As has been pointed out we could be in their position at some time in the future and we would have established a precedent. I'm all for fighting battles where you can crush the opposition at little cost to yourself but never stop shoring up your defences.
  3. That article is a journalistic breach of the peace, stirring up hatred against Sinclair among our more volatile, less perceptive supporters and inviting celtic supporters to rally behind their man. Sinclair, I reckon, is blameless. DR Hack: "Worried about the hate mob, Scott?" SS: "Not really." DRH: "Looking forward to the game?" SS: "Yeah, sure."
  4. At SPL level a rummle-them-up guy is essential to create a bit of space and time for the poets and artists. Waghorn is strong, no doubt, but Garner is more raw boned and runs unexpected angles. He's worth his ticket.
  5. I voted many times in each round but let's face it, the competition was rubbish. No Barce, Real, Liverpool or United any of which would have overwhelmed even Timothy Juan Guy and his special voting program.
  6. If I remember correctly the Academy used to be called Queens Park.
  7. Garner seems to be a diminutive Kichenbrand, a sort of mini rhino. Perhaps Jimmy Millar is a better comparison. Four inches shorter than Billy McNeil but could out-jump him no bother from a standing start or running. Garner will need a Ralphie Brand. I don't think I see one anywhere.
  8. "Acas" is written correct, "Accies" is spoken correct. Rugger chaps say Edinburgh Accies, Glasgow Accies etc.
  9. Could have been worse. Could have been a north-easter calling him the loon, Cathro.
  10. I think I' ve had nine successful votes over the last three days. I'll have another go.
  11. Baggies can't check Chelsea. They gave it it a go, though. Terrific finish by Costa for his goal.
  12. Jury out on Stones but I don't think either Pellegrini or Mancini signed a decent defender despite spending £Ms on nominal centre halves to say nothing of Sagna and Clichy. Who buys their fullbacks from the Arsenal for God's sake?
  13. I've changed my mind about City. They can't beat mediocre opponents home or away.
  14. So we're told. In fairness they were when I was a lad along with Hibs. celtic were nothing. Still are really.
  15. We raised our game. It was our cup final. And again against the Hearts. It's great having these big teams at Ibrox.
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