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Everything posted by Scott7

  1. Some of them are very good, miles better than performers in what Rab calls the Shortbread Senate. But there are a good few who play up for the telly.
  2. The sovereignty of Parliament is fine. The tyranny of Parliament is not so good. Ashley makes a good point about "grandstanding". Watch one of the Committee hearings on the telly and you'll see what I mean.
  3. They are doing what champions do - beating the opposition while rivals stumble.
  4. Scott7


    A footballer's job is to kick the ball, not to be a bodyguard to any dope who runs onto the park.
  5. What a dream season for the boy Rashford - scores as Manyoo lead 0 - 1 at HT. Let's hope Aguero gets four in the second half.
  6. So would I, selfish and blinkered as usual. But for the greater good of the game, short term Falkirk currently a very good team, long term Hibs who should be a lot better than they are.
  7. The first twenty minutes reminded me of Danny Blanchflower's Hotspurs. So did the last twenty. Reminded me 'Spurs had two fullbacks and a centre half who could defend.
  8. His defence is very well constructed. But does the Jury find him credible? They may be out for some time
  9. Keep at it , Ian. Bluedell put the case in a nutshell yesterday.
  10. 1- 1 Mannyoo and Hammers. If Hammers win the replay I'd fancy them to win the Cup. Not an exciting last four.
  11. Arsenal 1 Watford - yes, Watford for God's sake - 2. Adieu, M. Wenger?
  12. Scott Brown and David Silva in the same sentence?
  13. Ah well. Two goals and two sendings off in the last ten minutes. Still poor quality though.
  14. Toffees v Chelski - poor game so far. Boring in fact.
  15. Pubs were shut 'til 5 in those days.
  16. Alas, I can't be there but if I were, I couldn't be seen to lob anything less than the 18 yo Mortlach. People would talk.
  17. No problem whatsoever. One Peter Lawwell, there's only one Peter Lawwell - and we all know which one it is.
  18. Ms Sweeney repeats the myth about a reporter banned from Ibrox. Two myths in fact. 1) No reporter is banned. 2) McLaughlin is no reporter.
  19. Do you support the Rangers, Rab?
  20. The trauma usually wears off after a day or so and they're ready for more.
  21. I was going to say something sympathetic but I don't want Sheriff Officers banging on my door with a contempt writ.
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