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Everything posted by Scott7

  1. Instead of Wilson we could get jig or mosher back. Would that be better?
  2. Yes, just as soon as an influential member club seeks clarification.
  3. Bill Brown, Dundee, Dave McKay, Hearts and John White, Falkirk nearly one third of that great Hotspurs side, one of the best ever to step onto the pitch at Ibrox.
  4. Damn. Ashley's dobermanns have been reading my posts. I'll keep quiet in future.
  5. Within its own jurisdiction, yes, so I think the SD application must be about something else other than an order to silence Kingco.
  6. I'm sure Bluedell is right about the jurisdiction clause but if SD want some order to prevent the publication of contract material at the egm they would need the Court of Session heavies for that.
  7. A very lucid rendition of the clause. Queen's Counsel could not have put it better.
  8. "To stop the board releasing any info on contracts at EGM?" Think you'd need the Court of Session for that.
  9. McLeish, McCall, McInnes, even the Portugese gent - Scotland would be too cold and wet for him.
  10. I hope that's right. While I can't say I'm impressed by the two Dubyas (out of ignorance, you understand) the alternatives are a gloomy prospect. But whoever it is I back them until proven duffers likewise the team.
  11. Why, yes, I remember it well but I always thought it was Ian McMillan at inside right not the Downing Street maestro.
  12. Rangers have had mighty centre halves during my time - Willie Woodburn, Geordie Young, Willie Telfer, Bill Paterson then Ronnie McKinnon. Colin Jackson well deserves to be in that number
  13. I bet he'd have got us straight up and playing better football. But I'd rather be relegated to the Lowland League.
  14. Best, Jennings, Dougan, Whiteside, Blanchflower, McIlroy, Neill.
  15. Steady, Rab. No point in signing any player until the manager/coach/dof is appointed. There will be plenty players better than Carmichael on the market.
  16. Rangers blundered into an elephant trap and now all the pygmies are dancing round the pit with poisoned arrows. They're loving it.
  17. I don't have a problem with R5. Miles better in every respect than Radio Pacific Shelf, sorry Pacific Quay.
  18. That is very true but the hatred of Rangers has intensified over the last three years.
  19. Making the right choice is a hiding to nothing. Remember the rising stars that were Adkins and McDermott? What of Brendan Rogers now?
  20. I agree with that, Steve, but Barce did say you need good flesh round the spine. You are spot on about Scott and Stevenson. Imagine being a defender run breathless by Scott then wee Wullie comes on to destroy you. On that particular team and Barce's theory I would just mention Ritchie, McKinnon and Millar.
  21. 4 - 0 to the Arsenal. HRH the Duke of Cambridge looking sick as a parrot.
  22. Bit harsh on the Villa. They did manage a euro-cup win.
  23. Who do you want to win the effy cup? Two clubs of braw pedigree though Villa have been well off the pace for decades now. Arsenal for me, fellow aristocrats of British football.
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