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Everything posted by Scott7

  1. They've been quite clever in a way because they've already had the content of their ad made public without having to pay for it.
  2. Is it prudent for a company teetering on the brink of insolvency to borrow money without a credible plan for repayment? Are not shareholders rightly aggrieved? Fair enough to borrow sufficient to keep trading up to an imminent point of investment but sound fiscal management must usually prefer investment to borrowing. Could the directors be interdicted from borrowing excessively until an egm if a reasonable estimate could be made of the amount needed? Perhaps clever blokes like fs or BD can tell us. Ashley would be an idiot to lend unless default would bring about some happy alternative outcome for him and we don't need clever blokes to tell us what that is.
  3. He makes idiots of himself and his clients. The whole PR industry is an utter charade. Beats me why those who pay them can't see that for themselves.
  4. Cowden will probably clear the pitch. Last Saturday Burnley played on a perfect green surface with snow lying all around the outside of the ground.
  5. Surprised her brother hasn't joined as well.
  6. Classic image. Ball in the back of the net, Jimmy Millar turning away, arms raised and a crestfallen 'keeper contemplating the misery of life. Wonderful.
  7. I've got the 1 - 7 wound stripe and strangely the young and middle aged spalpeens make much more of it than their grandfhathers did at the time. It all blew over in a couple of weeks. Those were less frenzied, more sensible days.
  8. I wouldn't like to see Ally's garden. Turnips in the front border. Feeble flowers in the vegetable plots. Costly second rate imported tubers all over the place.
  9. Get McGregor signed up so that Rangers get a fee when a big team comes in for him.
  10. The game most certainly is not doing fine. It's prospering. It's booming. It's flourishing. Your command of the English language is slightly better than mine, dB, so there's no excuse for not having understood the message from SFA/SPFL control.
  11. How on earth can "a Rangers ace" "struggle to cement a place in the starting lineup"? If Templeton is an "ace" it's like having a pack of cards with fifty three jokers
  12. Off the shelf company secretary. Come back Campbell Ogilvie. Can you say that on here?
  13. Very true but if you look back through the posts a bit especially # 38 you'll understand the discussion better.
  14. Better Adkins than Gattuso, right enough, but that's his second sacking in not a lot of time. I didn't like Pulis at Stoke and I didn't like Stoke when he was there but he's what we need to create a competent team
  15. Alec Smith, manager of Aberdeen, our closest competitors at the time used to say that Rangers defended from the front in that as soon as the ball was lost, McCoist and Johnston would track back to try to recover it. de Boer was a better footballer but McCoist was a better centre forward. Boyd at his best is third rate.
  16. City are starting to get the hang of this Europe business. PSG. won't get past Chelsea.
  17. You could argue that the great Jimmy Millar and the lethal Ralphie Brand had even better back-up than McCoist. If I had played in front of Baxter and McMillan and between Henderson and Wilson I might have scored a few.
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