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Posts posted by Scott7

  1. How are they getting on?


    Jelavic and Naismith doing fine at Goodison. Davis struggling in a struggling side at S'hampton.


    How about Lafferty and Whittaker? Don't hear a lot about them. The wee guy who went to Wednesday - does he get a game?


    Further back, Thomson - is he still injured?


    Carlito Adamio - was it Wigan he ended up at? Or was that Fleck?


    Funny how they fade from the radar but not the first two. I'd have them back like a shot.

  2. R. C. Hamilton has the unique distinction of being top scorer for Elgin City season 1895/96 and for Rangers in every one of his nine seasons from 1897/96 onwards. In his eleven internatonal matches he rattled the onion bag 15 times. Off season he bowled, batted and eventually kept wicket for Elgin CC.


    1914/1918 he had the rank of Captain in the Cameron Highlanders. Elected to the Town Council post-war he became Lord Provost of the City and Royal Burgh of Elgin.


    What a career.

  3. On this day in 1987 Rangers and Aberdeen drew 3 - 3 aet. in the League Cup Final. Rangers won the penalty shoot-out 6 - 5. Thought by many to be the best LCF ever.


    On this day in 1992 Rangers beat Aberdeen drew 2 -1 in the League Cup Final.

  4. From memory without looking at stats, Ian McColl did pretty well. Bobby Brown not so good. Tommy Docherty and Willie Ormond not too bad. Aye, things were better in the old days or does the memory just erase the bad bits.


    If the XI on the park are Brown, Hamilton, Caldow, Crerand, McNeil, Baxter, Henderson, White, St. John, Law and Wilson you don't need to be all that good at the managing bit. The current players are selling platers compared with that team.

  5. Thanks, amms. I'd forgotten about Lord Roseberry's colours but it was Plastic Whistle style hoops with a neat white collar and the pink was a deep manly pink not the current jessie pastel shade. White shorts and navy socks with red tops, typical of the old sectarian Scotland.

  6. "Poor Charlie Shaw

    He never saw

    Where Alan Morton

    Put the baw.


    Poor Charlie, he sat doon and gret

    When he saw the baw was in the net

    Then Charlie ran

    Tae tell his maw

    Where Alan Morton put the baw.


    Poor Charlie Shaw

    He never saw

    Where Alan Morton

    Put the baw."

  7. WBD - (any relation of "Will Be Done" from the old Rivals days?) - might I respectfully suggest that the verse from the Psalms be rewritten thus:


    "For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture"


    Not a religious chap myself but I was brought up on the King James and I still reckon the old Presbyterians (not the current namby-pambies) got it less wrong than the rest.

  8. I think it was Ian McMillan who was being fouled and Harrold thought he'd put a stop to it. Must have been reassuring for the ball-playing artistes in the side to know that if any of the opposition clouted you, Harry or Bobby Shearer would be along to redress matters.

  9. See Tiger's shirt? All Rangers' shirts should look like that though the one that followed was more than acceptable.


    See Willie Thornton's shorts? All players strips should look like that at the end of the match.

  10. 'Gers and Wolves two terrific teams. Pity Wolves didn't keep it up. I remember listening to the radio commentaries of their matches against Honved and Spartak. Their wingers Hancocks and Mullen destroyed the visitors , two of Europe's top sides.


    With regard to the song, the tune is fine, the lyrics need to be unshackled - some parts are under terrible strain - and the whole thing needs to be re-recorded by someone who can sing. I tell ye, it'd batter the download charts.

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