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Everything posted by pmu

  1. How about "any team, anywhere, can play any player they wish against Them! " Jammy basturds
  2. I' m sure that Sky news ticker said yesterday that sunday is sold out! Edit - looks like loads unsold on rfc website ticket page. Hertz website says their allocation sold out. That must have been what was reported. Sorry...
  3. Board should be insisting on him changing his coaching team. He wont so he can walk if he doesnt like it...
  4. Hibs - rookie manager. A couple of months working with team - half last years team gone, think i recognised two names - playing decent football with a bit of pace, purpose and something that is outwith our budget, an ability to string a few passes together. They are right, we will never get a better manager for our half mill or whatever it is now +/- deferrals etc etc
  5. Missing a fairly large chunk of fans in between overseas and glasgow/govan. Theres hunners o us oot in the shires!!!
  6. Think ambrose was second yellow. Usually they wont report these in friendly games. Mohsni was violent conduct and these usually do. Honestly dont think there is any unfairness here. If anything both decisions are good. We lose moshni and they get to play ambrose. A right pair of screw ups..lol
  7. How very dare you! It's all going to be fine come tuesday. Ally says today he "hopes" we are ready come the kick off. As the experienced manager in the head to head one "hopes" he has it all under control..
  8. Nothing special about that. Any excuse to get out of Fraserburgh ( The Broch) for the weekend!! Lol
  9. Why make a comment like that? Whether you agree or disagree with him he has his opinions like we all have and discusses and debates them in a decent manner. My experience on other sites has been this constant sniff sniff shite with anyone who doesnt conform to their view. Gersnet allow diverse opinions and moderate it well when some folks overstep the mark, (cough cough) whilst allowing a fair degree of leeway to express ones self! ?..
  10. Doesnt prove his theory, but approx 17000 took huge decision not to renew and only a couple of thousand turning up to anti board marches etc. you could surmise that not all of the non renewers are on that particular page!
  11. If you havent been banned by ff then you must be a lemming or an ass kisser! Lol
  12. Thats like saying if you cant beat em join em. It's official gs is a s@*v!!!
  13. pmu


    And further weaken them..
  14. A vicious circle of trust issues. I dont trust this board and same feelings about a number of the characters actively opposing them.
  15. pmu


    Serious dip in their financials could be huge for rangers. for that reason very relevant in rangers chat!
  16. Wtf are you on about?
  17. Can UOF confirm that the points raised in their questions to Somers are based on provable fact? If yes lay bare their sources and blow this outa the water!
  18. Oh well we can discuss pre season for a while yet. Our scummy neighbours just getting fucked over and they are "in season" . Good lord that cheers ye up..
  19. Without the ability to attend a game then any financial input will be for no product or perhaps a juicy dividend some day lol. In all this dilema about boycott or no boycott etc i dont want to benefit this board etc its worth remembering that buying a ticket is not the same as investing money in shares etc. you buy a ticket to see a show. You would be hard pressed to argue that a fair proportion of your ticket price is not being spent on the team. So how much of your ticket money is going into a " s@#v pocket? Are you getting value for your ticket money. That is another question! I' m not going back until i see a vast improvement in the football. Membership scheme? Unless you want to be part of the voting process for the new fan board the benefits are not that enticing. At 25 quid a pop we are not talking megabucks income for the club unless there was a 50000 uptake, which is unlikely in current climate. Because there is no seemingly direct benefit from your financial input then you could argue that this money could go into someones pocket. Db makes a valid point. No matter what they do now it's going to be slaughtered, if they do nothing the same...
  20. But they now have to fund the hole in finances that was there despite the st sales, and If 10000 less go to games that is another hole they need to fund. I'm not saying its legitimate, as a big axe in ALL departments would fix our problem, but they have to fund it from somewhere.
  21. One thing is for sure, there is no easy answer and no rights and wrongs as folks try and decide best way to deal with this. by going game by game you are not starving the club at all, just messing with their cashflow. However who knows now whether the club have no other option but to sell off assets or whether it was always their game plan! the board are the ones with the power to change things, make huge cuts etc to run the club on a sound footing, and why they dont just mystifies me. If as many suspect they just want to sell off the assets i wonder if craig, sandy etc etc feel they may have unwittingly provided a form of legitimacy for the board to seek funding elsewhere!
  22. This is all money going to directors etc but what are shareholders getting for their investment?
  23. Maybe just a tease! We will all be so grateful when they announce it's in safe hands!!!!
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