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Posts posted by blueflag

  1. 3 hours ago, Frankie said:

    Folks, I'm aware of some early morning issues over the last week.  This has been traced to a back-up utility problem at our host's end which I've had escalated for a repair.


    Please let us know of any problems you have accessing the site.


    PS: There's also another software update about the happen. @blueflagmay do this before this evening's match or leave it until a later date.  The site will be unavailable for a few mins whilst the update occurs.

    Hey frankie, i think they must have been doing some work this mornings. The alert system was sending alerts for about 20 mins before 9am.


    The current pending updates, i will wait till after tonights match as i will only get home in time before the match, with previous updates i will probably do very early morning or late at night, aiming for late tonight or tomor morning.




  2. 32 minutes ago, compo said:

    we will have our work cut out to progress from the group but it's a nice little earner would be better if there were crowds allowed in to spectate even more money but it will be interesting i am looking forward  to seeing Benfica once a force in european football  

    I actually went to old Trafford last season to see Benfica with my old man and didn't see anything major to worry us 


  3. Ok, I am going to open the boards again. I will keep an eye on this for the next day or two. 

    Had some proper bother repairing the tables and it's not normal to crash again after I only fixed it this morning, but hopefully we are good to go.


    really sorry to have closed the boards on a match day but the double posts/cache problem would just have got worse and crashed it completely eventually.

  4. Hey all, sorry, been working on some site issues and accidently deleted my thread about the recent forum upgrades.

    just had some niggly database issues past few days, which I thought was solved this morning, but seems to have come back already, *sigh*.


    I am working on it now and think i have got it functioning again. Please report any quirks.

    Clearing the cache on the database may cause some people to get a message about 'draft' messages not existing any more, if this persists more than a day or two  i'll take a deeper look.


  5. 4 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Is that true? 


    Why do I always think we struggle there? 


    Parkhead doesn't bother me as much as that place. 

    I think they are wrong. Mabie they meant in top flight?

    We lost in the championship there according to google..

    The commentators defo had the conversation about Sebo because coisty laughed and said ah there is a blast from the past 

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