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Everything posted by onevision

  1. No but if 9 games into the league season i see no major improvement and identity in our style of play it will change my mind.
  2. Thought Lawrence looked u good when he came on but gone for Roofe as he had a busy first half and had a cracking finish with the wrongly disallowed goal.
  3. First time seeing that clip and fuck that's never a foul to them and goal should have stood end off....no one will say anything that will change my mind, dessers gets his leg in front and is kicked, if anything dessers is fouled.
  4. Looking straight on from the enclosure i saw nothing wrong with dessers challange...any clips going around as i don't want to sit through bbc highlights to see it.
  5. Voted Butland but may change my mind 2pm tomorrow
  6. Obviously been on the same lsd trips as paul elliott....
  7. Clearly Butland, anyone who votes otherwise was watching a different match from the majority.
  8. Not playing well but still in it....a few tweeks and a wee break you never know.
  9. I wouldn't be against the Lundstram change as he has played well recently however after watching the whole PSV match back again i don't think Cifu played as bad as a lot of folk think he did so the same starting line-up would suit me.
  10. Eh....if this allocation ever returns then you can offer them 8000 + 1 the 1 being mine.
  11. Hard to vote against either soutter or tav but i'm gonna. My vote goes to Lundstram who apart from a couple of tired passes late on was solid in the midfield.
  12. I hope that lot don't show up at Ibrox either.
  13. I get that Gonzo, as i say i'll watch back and see if i change my mind.
  14. At the match i thought Dessers didn't play well, need to watch it later tonight to see if i see what others have seen and change my mind.
  15. Goldson was excellent at the back but for me Cantwell was not only our best player but the best on display, thought he was superb.
  16. Rabbi ran a savvi. 🙂 The wee chap is beginning to look like a decent player. Hope he keeps improving.
  17. This can be interpreted in such a way that they have the power to increase the allocation and tart it up as safer for visiting fans to have the full Broomloan citing easier to police or am i misreading? Unlikely as no one but our own club can limit the number of matches that season tickets can attend, like how it used to be.
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