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Everything posted by onevision

  1. Joe Aribo was simply unplayable.
  2. In the words of my favourite Christmas song.. " we wish you a wombling merry xmas"
  3. Best player on show by a country mile....Ryan Kent.
  4. Morelos and Kent were great, Kamara (one mistake aside) was brilliant but Joe Aribo was just Brilliant again.
  5. Would love a go at testing ourselves against Barca.
  6. Both goalkeepers were excellent but i'm gonna go for Kent who i thought was back to his best.
  7. Indeed....John Arrol in goal....there's a name i've not heard mentioned since the seventies....smashing goalkeeper.
  8. We are Rangers, the famous Glasgow Rangers, that team of giants that raine from Ibrox Park.
  9. More a decent team performance but voted Lundstram.
  10. Aribo but loved watching Sakala's runs.
  11. I know Boyds scoring record again THEM wasn't great but can't help thinking he missed an open goal here. Could easily have played the Steve Clark card.
  12. Settle for the council buying back the piece of land they sold them for a penny, demolish what is on the +land and then build some more affordable housing for the deprived folk in the east end.
  13. Kamara, thought he drove us on in the second half more like his old self.
  14. Almost agree but Kamara showed a lots of blood and guts, to me deserving of motm.
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