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Everything posted by onevision

  1. Obtain an illegal link such as i....pay the futters eff all.
  2. I think an empty stadium has the same effect on both sides not just the home one. Most time during a match a pro player only ever hears a din so basically what i'm saying is that home advantage has probably more to do with familiar surroundings than much else.
  3. Hopefully the net will catch members of the media 1888 club
  4. All this political shicht makes me glad that i have only about another 10 years or so on this earth to put up with all this pish... dread what the future beyond my life holds for my family though.
  5. Looking at the advert above it states Leg Guards (patent), does that mean that H&P McNeil held the patent for shin guards?
  6. Agree....he would run through a brick wall for us, just like most fans would do. Pity he never possessed the skill set required.
  7. Hearts will not be relegated, their resolution will pass, we are being lead up the proverbial garden path, or so they think.
  8. The valuation seems right going by whats left on his contract. The guy knows what playing in the spfl is about and would add a bit of much needed grit and strength in areas we are weak so would be a decent signing in my eyes.
  9. After watching the Lyon match i think if we had our key player fit for Manchester we could have lifted the cup.
  10. Just shows that the wee rat has found that by hating us he has found an audience just like him full of gutter rats.
  11. I wish i hadn't read this, was hoping for a late rise tomorrow but no chance now....no idea what this might be.
  12. Nevill Southall Paulo Maldini B Laudrup M Laudrup Christiano Ronaldo
  13. Obviously well rehearsed and won't stray away from his script unless proper and correct questions are asked.
  14. My 2 ST were auto renewed even though i dont recall ever ticking that box through the years and this being the first time they have been auto'd. Strange.
  15. Has to be this one for me. Sitting on the wooden bench in the centenary stand and beating Juventos 2-0 in 1978, a team containing most of the Italian national team.
  16. Nope but it will most likely be an attempt to slip something under the radar.
  17. One reason sure and thats always been a given but there is something more to this.
  18. Am i the only one who has suspicions that this whole fiasco has been orchestrated? For what reason i'm not sure but sure enough to think it's a smokescreen.
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