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Everything posted by onevision

  1. There is pretty clear footage of him throwing the coin so hopefully not to difficult to identify.
  2. It did look a bit iffy when during the draw Michael Stewart's hands moved behind the counter before producing a ball.
  3. Exactly. I counted at least three tackles worthy of a yellow and it's no wonder Morelos had a go at Madden.
  4. onevision


    He did a good job carrying the banner around the pitch at half time on Sunday but he did have other helping him though.
  5. No thanks Gonzo, i much prefer to stay safe while attending my footy match.
  6. Correct but fans of other clubs sing various versions about being "up to their knees" in blood of some sort or other.
  7. Peat's response to the "chairman" in question should have been " go fuck yourself and i'm going public" and as it obviously wasn't we should be asking why wasn't it?
  8. My money is still on it being Thomson who made the call whilst Reid listened in on the extension giggling like a 2yr old.
  9. News to me, i always believed our highest win was 8 - 1, was it not during the war years?
  10. Did you see the size of this lad when warming up pre-match? big and strong.
  11. Downloaded, will listen on way home from work. Hoping it is as good a listen as the previous pods.
  12. This is pretty much my thinking also. Like it or not but there is a stigma associated with being a politician and supporter of our club ( and i mean sectarian ) that doesn't seem to stick across the city where love for a terrorist group appears to be embraced openly.
  13. Days like them is when a time machine would be real handy, can you imagine going back to when the 4 lads first got together and laid out their plans for a football team?
  14. Ha, just what i was thinking, he had a good swally there and back, remember no motorways back then so the trip may have taken a full day.
  15. Reminds me of the old Hector Nicol joke Wife asks husband " whit dae ye want for xmas"? " a muppet " replies the husband " ano " says the wife " but whit dae you want fur xmas"
  16. They really are a shower of classless bastards
  17. Our journey in rhyme, Excellent, thanks for posting.
  18. If todays 2 yellows doesn't hit home hard then im afraid he's a lost cause.
  19. Has it not always been the case that the fixtures against THEM get reversed each year? Who ever is at home last match of the season is at home first the following season.
  20. No matter the result next week it's way to early in the season for this match to be used for anything other than a yardstick to measure our progress under Stevie G. In saying that the only result i'll be disappointed with is a defeat.
  21. was the position advertised or was she head hunted?
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