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Everything posted by onevision

  1. If anything Thomson should be rubbing his hands at the prospect of a possible place in the semi draw rather than being pumped oot by the manks, oh wait Ross County will probably be thinking the same now....
  2. Yes and numerous in a time when what foot you kicked with was never questioned.
  3. I never got past she's an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Glasgow in the initial statement, nuff said....
  4. Davie, the full sentence reads....the Club has formally given notice to end the relationship with Sports Direct while still reserving our right to proceed with challenges to the existing suite of contracts and side agreements in a court of law. So we can expect these onerous contract WILL BE challenged and i would hope, no, expect them to be severed long before that by either the fat man himself or the courts....
  5. I think 26th of foot is bang on especially the need for Zelalem to work on his weight of pass until then he will continue to frustrate.
  6. probablty not but will " it wisnae me it wuz him " ?
  7. It's a statement of facts and a good one at that, nothing more nothing less.
  8. Or the slant the daily scum tried to put on it....
  9. Both my son and I enjoyed making a few new freinds at what was a brilliant relaxed evening made special when meeting 3 Barcelona legends. A big thank you to Alan and whomever else helped with organising. The one big disappointment was that Frankie looked nothing like his avatar. Cheers all.
  10. Thanks guys, good i'll be able to show off my competition winning scarf....
  11. Excuse if it's already been asked but is there a dress code regarding wearing club colours, football tops, scarfs etc or is it a cover up occasion?...
  12. Do us newbees have to wear an avatar name tag for identification and is there an initiation ceremony like having to strip naked and sing or having our heeds ducked doon the lavi pan or does a bog standard secret handshake suffice?
  13. If the bad press is justified then so be it but not when reporting is slanted, twisted and untrue, that must be dealt with head on.
  14. I think he's doing an alright job and at least you can hear what he's saying.
  15. Ha, funny when viewing on computer but being in the same room, goodness me....should i bring earplugs?
  16. Aye, but he does bring a smile to your face.
  17. Happy new year all gersnetters. This is our year, the year of the bear.
  18. I was with you on that but we have been saying this for many many years with little evidence that others have made much headway with their house.
  19. Fans entering the away section sang about us being huns into the ears of the police officers maning the gates without said officers blinking an eyelid.
  20. I sang " we're up to our knees in leagues and cups" At the top of my voice and others around sang different versions, plural . We need to agree on new words and a version that we can introduce as our anthem again.
  21. Happy xmas all fellow bears
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