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Everything posted by DUDE

  1. I'm slowly starting to feel like this boycott is going to work out just fine for us and hopefully makes a clear statement to the rest of football Scotland.
  2. Makes Dundee look like giant mugs if they try to keep complaining to the SFA about us. This really steals their thunder.
  3. Brilliant really. That should silence some people.
  4. I'm really excited about the 140 yr celebrations, can't wait to see how that all turns out. Unfortunately only on RTV.
  5. That's exactly what bothers me most about it. Rangers where guilty from the get go and nobody could be quick enough to put the boot in. Alex Thompson, Mark Daly, Gerri Hassan, Mad Phil just to name very few. And none of the people who where so quick to find us guilty can be arsed to admit they where wrong now.
  6. Welcome kielbear. What German forum are you talking about?
  7. Fair enough. Still more than I was able to get a hold of so far.
  8. The SPL could sell the trophies they want to strip us of, they must be worth a bit of cash. Ridiculous as usual.
  9. I have to agree with Bears, if we do this we need to do it properly and acurately, and not waste our time whaling into the darkness. Sweeping blows are not very effective. This does take up a lot of time and probably resources, but it is very much necessary for numerous reasons stated here before.
  10. Very appreciated mate, been looking for something like this forever. Cheers.
  11. Agree with you Juancornetto, as of now I'm afraid we won't live long enough to witness this.
  12. I see where you're coming from mate. This may just be a matter of timing to be honest. While boycotting a game at the piggery would be more appropriate it is as you said, nobody knows when we get the chance to do so. With a cup tie at Tannadice around the corner, this may have seemed fit for CG and the club to take a stand. After all, Dundee aren't innocent when it comes to Anti Rangers policy.
  13. Which is alright, but they have to accept this applies when we visit them just as well instead of bitching to the SFA about it.
  14. I'm not eager to give them any money. Just wanted confirmation they're sinking anyway for my peace of mind mate
  15. Isn't there a fair chance of them going bust even with our money?
  16. IF, I repeat IF there's any truth to that, it's probably about rival fans just buying tickets and not attending. Watching Dundee v Rangers when you support neither one of them is probably as pathetic as it gets. With the split of ticket turnovers (if SFA doesn't change that) I don't see the benefit of this anyway. Must have been some super intelligent blogger's idea...
  17. That's the cross you bear as the biggest and most successful club in Scotland. It would still be our fault if we just endured every beating.
  18. Neither will I, they can all go down tomorrow without a single tear shed. But there's other ways of expressing this than denying your team your support in foreign grounds. Anyway, it's an alright one- off action.
  19. This whole boycott only makes sense as a one- off. Every further boycott of away games would water it down and hurt our own team. And when we're ready to hurt our own team just to be able to harm another club, we're really down in the dirt with the rest of those tits. I've heard some say exactly this, to give away the Scottish Cup since we're not winning it anyway and promotion is more important. This is really not my stance because we're Rangers and fuck me if we're not in every tournament to take the silverware home. Your certainly need your fans supporting you to do so. It's alright to take a stand and show defiance, but it has to stop when it starts to harm your own team. Period.
  20. Very good read and very true that. We stand together.
  21. 'Course it would, I don't see why that would stop the SFA. And this is not about numbers of fans. Queens of the South do not have much supporters to come to Ibrox. It is about the boycott, a club advising his fans not to go to an away game to stick it to the club hosting it. I could really image the SFA fining this. It would be wrong indeed, but I don't see why it shouldn't happen.
  22. Sadly we'll need to see what the SFA has to say aboot that first.
  23. Their ground is that we do this (at least in their minds) for the sole purpose of harming them. Dundee refuse to fill the stadium exclusively with their fans and still pay us half the turnover without any bears rocking up. And sadly enough I would put some money on them getting through with it.
  24. What a bunch of riciculous twats. But let them swap money amongst each other I couldn't care less.
  25. I think the issue some bluenoses are still having with CG is that he announced plenty of action he plans to take and plenty of directons the club should move into. Whether or not these actions will be/ have been taken remains to be seen in some cases. That's probably why some remain vary, it is to early to judge of he walks the talk. The indicators certainly show he does, at least I see it that way. Calling for the Dundee boycott is the latest of a couple of bold moves, he keeps on showing he's a gutsy lad who's not afraid to take a stand for our club, even if a middle finger needs to be waved. Ally I see that understanding for the club and it's supporters needs as well, that keeps me hopeful he's moving Rangers into the right direction.
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