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Posts posted by DUDE

  1. I thought Peralta was a central midfielder...?


    I actually find it quite difficult to pick a first XI as it stands as I can't see how McCoist can fit all his new signings into his preferred 4-5-1 (4-2-3-1). Are we moving people on?


    As somebody in another thread sayd, you can't always hold on to formations. Sometimes it's just clever to play the best 11 players you have in their respective position which makes the talk about formations redundant, because it really picks itself then.

  2. I've never heard of the guy, not a big fan of watching YouTube videos of players either. Anyway, he must have some quality that Ally find worthy of Rangers. Integrating new players into a squad is always a gamble, hopefully this lad can make it.

  3. Hey...we have a keeper. The Goale MkII?


    Wish Ally had the same 'clout' as Souness (not a criticism)...he has the same idea, buy a goalie first, but because of the situation we find ourselves in our hands are tied to a certain extent. Wouldn't surprise me tho' if our next big signing is a proper CB in the Butcher mould.


    That would certainly be a nice touch.

  4. I think if you go down the leagues to the 'diddy' clubs of the first second and third divs, you'll find that idealistic owners and boards are in the majority, guys you've never heard of and never will hear of, putting their own personal money into their clubs for zero reward other than knowing that they are contributing - and there's no reason why we couldn't be the same;


    Actually there is. Unlike most other clubs in the lower leagues, our beautiful Rangers have a massive potential to generate profits for an investor which will always attract cunts the likes of Whyte.

  5. probably because of our situation though. a true blue would come to any division and play for us


    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2


    Good explanation, cheers. Haven't really thought about that possibility to be honest. All the shite at the moment makes you suspicious, so my thinking kind of headed more towards the club making everyone out to be a bluenose for fans to accept them quicker.

  6. my issue is by the time we are in the spl he will be no use to us. as such in the meantime hes just stealing game time from someone who might be. like little or clark.


    that and i can only imagine hes costing way way more than we need to be spending to get out of sfl2.


    Don't know about that mate. He's only 30, most footballers hit their zenith in their early 30's so he'll have a few more good years in him I suppose, given he's a skillful lad. I'm quite excited about this signing to be honest.

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