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Posts posted by Blinkyman

  1. I think Rae is excellent. I grew up listening to him on the wireless and I reckon he's as balanced and as neutral as you can get. I also certainly think he tries to keep the negativity of Sutton and Stewart in check.


    I don't always mind those two - nothing wrong with strong opinions - but it just seems forced and, last night anyway, OTT and lacking balance.


    They used exactly the same script for the 'Tic v Alloa game last night .................. insert 'Kung Fu Gordon' for Forrester.

    However Howard Webb must have had the night off :D

  2. I enjoy the video referee in rugby and Hawkeye in tennis ................


    I too like the idea of a 'second opinion' as it has a finality to it that allows everyone to move on.

    As witnessed in the Olympic field hockey the idea of a challenge whether instigated by the referee &/or team captains worked very well.

    The NHL is a good example of video review success where the sport is a 'religion', especially in Canada .


    Perhaps it's introduction could save the SFA/SPFL a bundle of money on 'Compliance Officers' who continue to be more than a few days late and selective in their decision making.

  3. IIRC MW mentioned in one of his pressers Holt sustaining 'a knock' in training but it was later upgraded to 'bone bruising' or something along those lines ..................... ;)2

  4. Absolutely agree and I think we were somewhat taken by surprise at how defensive Motherwell were which showed us up in the first half.


    The positive aspect comes that the manager recognised this and made changes. Perhaps later than some would have liked but, if he'd made them earlier, they may not have been as effective. Swings and roundabouts!



    I don't think I was the only one who groaned & sighed when the team was announced @ 2 pm Saturday.


    The 2nd half against Dundee was just as bad as the 1st half against Motherwell.


    Not too many would disagree that Forrester is better through the middle but was ineffective on the right.


    What does MOH (or Dodoo!) have to do to get a start!?


    By 18:45 on Friday I will have bitten my nails up to the elbows :D


    P.S. We are missing Holt's penetrating runs ..............................

  5. (Quote: You don't seem to be showing much empathy or understanding ...................................)


    I have great empathy for Bears in the UK who are unable to view live Rangers games due to the monopoly (FIFA to the SFA) that have such tight control over broadcasting rights and the ever advancing encroachment on the freedoms of the internet by governments. Is it any wonder that they fail to promote 'the beautiful game' and fill the stands in Scotland with their hypocrisy, " we like your 'blue pound' but we don't like you ....................... no singing at the back !" (that is a lot of man hours behind a video camera that should have been spent on more polis, riot gear & truncheons).


    As I said before " Where there is a will there is a way" ..................... know what I mean, wink wink, nudge nudge! :shock::confused:

  6. ................................ - didn't matter to me what the platform was, only that I could view the game.


    As an overseas user I can only concur.


    RTV is 'abused' on most Rangers forums and it gets right up my nose. Of course, you have to consider the source ...................


    It's a bit like Canadians who have to 'put up with' those ungracious Torontonians who consider Toronto to be the 'center of the universe', no less. Toronto isn't even the capital & considering that Canada is 9,306 km (5,780 miles) from Vancouver Island to the east coast Newfoundland, they are taking a liberty.


    I can't speak for the RTV subscribers nor the 10's of thousand of Bears scattered across the globe but it is interesting to note that most of the complaints seem to originate within a 'stones throw' (in global terms) of Ibrox. I am sure I can say that countless Bears wish they could buy a season ticket or simply make a once in a lifetime pilgrimage, to 'feel' the atmosphere and drink in the noise that brings a lump to the throat just thinking about it.

    My monthly 'season ticket' to RTV is 17.25 gbps and worth every cent to me. I've found in several countries that if you have good bandwidth then buffering is

    non-existent. I regularly stream from laptop via HDMI to a 50" TV, and in all honesty, can't complain about the picture quality. Not everyone around the globe has access to the Ultra HD, HD, etc., available on BT/SKY. Streaming difficulties as experienced from Charleston by UK RTV viewers happen on occasion due to bad weather but are not indicative ........... last problem I remember was from Cowdenbeath a few years back.


    It has been stated the RTV is a work in progress to Rangers FC and an upgrade is 'in the plans'. Considering the amount of whimpering that goes on over 'another CH/CB & another striker' is it any wonder that RTV is a little bit further down the list of needs & wants .........................


    PS : as for [a bit technical] .........................where there is a will there is a way and I'm very grateful for the privilege of being able to watch RTV.

  7. Nothing would surprise me!,well if Rangers don't get fined around the same I would be surprised!

    With the Sheer numbers of invading Spoonburners coupled with the goading, taunting, assaults of on Rangers players, destruction of hoardings, goalposts, turf etc., common sense has to tell you that any punishment should be proportionate. Coupled with the obvious failure to deal adequately with the Motherwell debacle the previous year the 'powers that be' should have jumped on it in the manner the Russians were dealt with in the Euro's.

    BUT, this is Scotland & the SFA so experience tells you & me that the leopards ain't about to change their spots anytime soon. For all their 'sporting integrity' :facepalm: ........ they are utterly shameless.

  8. Rousseau ........................ ma heed is nippin' :confused::D


    Thanks mate for relating the various systems to our existing & new players in a way that makes it a whole lot clearer.


    Great post, getting excited now :thup:

  9. I didnt see the game as I wont pay for Premier Sports and I didnt see it listed anywhere else, so it was bbc scotland website match thread for me to follow the game - McKay got a mention when he came on and nothing after that. Given the summary of his play from Craig above, surely BBC Scotland weren't bitter enough to ignore the only thing worthy of note that Scotland could take out of the game? No need to answer, I know how those bitter tims operate by now.


    I too took a look on the BBCeltic match thread after the game to see if Wee Barrie actually got on the field this time and found this gem.


    True to form, it was all Rangers fault according to Derek Ferguson :-


    'McKay has flair Scotland lack'

    Former Rangers midfielder Derek Ferguson on Radio Scotland:

    " McKay has got that flair that we sadly lack at the moment. i wish Rangers would let him off the leash a little bit more because he has got plenty of ability. Hopefully he will enjoy playing against some top-class players".


    ............................. 83rd minute Derek !????


    It was 'Wee Chesney:wanker:' holding the leash Derek - NOT Rangers !!!! (consider the source eh .................... :facepalm: )

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