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Posts posted by Blinkyman

  1. Have to say I feel privileged, and a little guilty, that I am able to watch all the games 'LIVE' from abroad when supporters in the UK can not.

    (No way that SKY or BT are about to 'move over' for us anytime soon though)

    So I'm a bit reluctant to be overly critical. However, I have shared a few thoughts, comments with the support team and they are more than aware of the need for a more 'professional' presentation. The introduction of a variety of guest colourmen to 'assist' this season so far, is a noted improvement in an attempt to get away from the 'parochial patter' of, our very own, Francie & Josie. Have to say TM is a lot more tolerable without his comedy partner. DJ takes some stick across all the forms but doesn't bother me so much when he talks fitba'.


    I do believe, as Zappa says, that they are working hard to make improvements, budget permitting. Having watched a couple of the Brentford videos on YouTube, can't imagine it will take too long before MW gets around to making his mark (no pun intended) in this department too.

    The man oozes quality and is contagious.


    Hoping to catch a couple of REAL LIVE games (Falkirk & QotS) @ Ibrox in October.


    The one thing that Rangers TV CANNOT give you, is the atmosphere .................................................................:rfcbouncy::party:

  2. Sign up for the season bud. Well worth it


    Totally agree!


    I'm on my 3rd season buying 'the full meal deal'. Used to buy game by game but great value @ the price of a pint (per game) for the package. Watched 50+ games last year from preseason through playoffs.

    Hardly a handful of technical glitches to bitch about - missed the first 20 minutes of the Easter Rd. game, (RTV problem) buffered once in 7 games since then. I go Laptop to 50" Sony, good quality IF you pay for the bandwidth. The tech support are just that - supportive, if you talk to them. They acknowledge that their equipment needs an up grade. Everybody complains about no score/time, TM&DJ (including me) but I control the volume so I can & do turn it off @ times.

    Not sure if it is just the euphoria of the start to the season but it seems like there is more pre & post game interviews, player interviews, press conferences, news updates, articles available between the Official site, RTV & YouTube than ever before.

    Certainly a different media feel from our own camp befitting the W&W Renaissance.


    Onward to Yesterday

  3. Without trying to sir things up, I wonder what Ally Mccoist thinks? ................!


    Have to stop you right there at ..... "thinks" !


    Too much to ask from the blissfully ignorant & naive 'cheekie chappie' ..............

  4. What struck me from the footage is the tempo. Don't mean players running fast but the way the ball is being moved around and especially forwards. Arbroath looked completely overwhelmed by it. A real pace and 'zip' to the passing which is something we were absolute gash at recently.


    You could hear the shouts from the coaches on the video to move the ball ................. what you describe is visible in all 3 U20's games we've seen so far.

    Reminds me of a couple of seasons ago when the likes of McKay, MacLeod, Aird, Crawford, even Hutton were given a chance, they seemed to combine way better and moved the ball far quicker than we ever saw from the so called 'senior professionals'.

    We were only given a glimpse then but I do believe the signs are there again. When the young guns like McKay, Walsh, Gallagher, Hardie, even Stoney are let off the leash it is a joy to behold.


    It is to be hoped that we see exactly the same on Tuesday night @ Ibrox.

  5. These little rays of sunshine that are breaking through the clouds over our Rangers world are very encouraging.

    If we can just build confidence on that encouragement who knows what will emerge from the 'shite' that was left after the 'complete dross' was dispensed with at the end of the season.

    I am just as guilty as the rest for condemning Law, Templeton, Aird etc. at some point over the last three years. But, if we are honest with ourselves, we have all seen flashes of brilliance in them all. Some of the condemnation on here has been way over the top.


    It is time we all had a change of attitude, like we see emerging daily from Auchenhowie, where the slate had been wiped clean and they all have a fresh start.


    I'm looking forward to seeing who W&W have resurrected from the 'shite' as well as future stars emerging from the young first team recruits. Time we showed some of that, patience, belief, encouragement the seems to be working wonders in the U17's & 20's. Let Warburton & Weir show us what they can get out of what we have before we condemn any more 'dross' to the midden.


    'You only get to squeeze the juice out of the orange when you have it in the palm of your hand'

  6. I think Vuckic has the goal scoring ability, value and love for our club that W&W would appreciate. Hope the player has a say in his future.

    Wouldn't want to get into a bidding war, we don't need to be spending silly money to get out of this league.


    GS may have a different opinion however:D

  7. GS: "Imho yes there is. We aren't hearts or hibs"


    You are entitled to that ............................................


    ......... you are W&W with a clean slate, you have your left-overs from last season and take them at face value. Some you like, some you don't, some you think you can get by with or even turn around. Same goes for the youths.

    16 days into the preseason but you are Keeping ALL your options open. IMHO it is easier to deal with what is on your plate and take your time to bring in players at both levels, as he seems to be doing ATM. You care about every game BUT the league is the primary objective so maybe too soon to really worry about the cup game against Hibs, que sera, sera.

    You'll find out soon enough when they start playing for real, either buy into your system or not. You still have time to show some the door and bring in more before August 31st.

    Nothing wrong with a little loanee insurance to tide you over till you get the players you really want in the next two windows.


    And, as you say yourself, we should be more than capable of winning this league.

    No need to throw silly money at anybody till we know what we can do with what we've got. We'll know soon enough.........................

  8. Yeah in a league that's comfortably winnable without loan signings. Or should be.


    Hearts had one that scored 12 goals in 15 games, Hibs had a couple too........................... no shame in it !?

  9. We're in a unique position. The top Premiership clubs ............................................................


    15 days in .................................................................... we ain't there yet:D

  10. Fredricks and Winks would be decent signings, but I'm not convinced loan signing are the way to go; It's hardly building for the future, is it? I'd much rather we got permanent signings.


    Needs v Wants ............... !?


    Priorities :-

    - The assessment of our current squad players just back today, including an abundance of youth that needs a proper evaluation

    - some players might just be turned around by our new management team, some may still leave, some may even be asked to leave

    - finding/fielding a team that works, from what we have will make preseason games very interesting before our first two cup games

    - even then we still have until 31st August to identify/bring players in on loan or permanent signings

    (We still have a January window to bring in players before the end of the season too)


    Our TEAM may look very different by the end of August or it may not but either way W&W have a lot of work to do between now and then. Bite your nails if you must but, please, let them get on with it ..................................they deserve our support.

  11. Lifted from FF:

    Default Jonathan Bond a transfer target.

    Watford Goalkeeper.


    Not one to post a thread on transfer rumours, I have sent a message to admin with my source.


    A goalkeeper....................... now that is an area of major concern :sigh:


    We surely need a 'warm body' to challenge 'Calamity Bell' for the jersey. He seemed to lose a lot of confidence after his long term injury.

  12. Agreed with the comments on Miller above, his attitude was putrid.


    Was Miller giving attitude to Mork & Mindy or Stuart McCall?


    It's hard to tell from watching body language only on RangersTV.............. I'm sure we all felt his same frustration at his own performance, team performance, management performance. Always considered him a fierce competitor, even in his RTV interviews it was quite apparent.

    Don't imagine 'Big Davie' will put up with any petulant child displays so my glass is still 'half full' for now ............ time will tell whether the attitude you describe can be or will be changed. Might be a good measure of Warburton's man-management skills !?

    I still believe Miller can add 'value' to Rangers, I'll watch & wait with interest ............................

  13. Definitely a new keeper required.


    got to command your box

    that's what's needed


    A new keeper may not be the top of W&W's list but I agree we need someone to challenge 'Calamity Bell'.

    Robinson commanded his box far better, came off his line with determination and was looking for a player to throw the ball to on many occasions. ( unfortunately they were still all behind him :devil: )

    I'd have kept him & certainly would have him back as a back-up ............................... it may not be beyond the realms of a possibility.

    Will be interesting to see if young Kelly gets a few run outs in the preseason too.

  14. I wouldn't include Kenny Miller in the squad next season.


    I would ........................................... all the kudos MW awarded to Eustace also apply to Kenny Miller. Only one of the veterans who showed any kind of 'heart & desire'. It showed in his face, the way he talked on and off the field, his disappointment. Just maybe he'll find his scoring touch again under W&W. His playing time way well be limited to a sub but as a squad member I can't see W&W being worse off for having him around.


    Lets say the glass is half full ATM and leave it up to W&W !? (we could be pleasantly surprised.......)

  15. To put things into perspective, that season opener ranks alongside something like Swansea v Villa. Nothing to shout about.


    Maybe so, on a purely football standard but from a Scottish viewing perspective, comparing SPFL Premier to Championship following, it speaks volumes.


    So from a bears point of view I can only concur with the OP and say " It is all about the Rangers", but then we all know that ............ don't we !? :D:D

  16. These threads will be funny in a year I suspect


    Sincerely hope so............because the pain from the impatient pontificating pomposity of the 'underwhelmed' Is already to much to bear. More likely to drive the rest of us to the Erskine Bridge before the first ball is kicked than anything W&W could possibly inflict upon us.

    Just saying like .......... :D :D

  17. This Gough dross is just that, dross, left over from the Ally Love Train that passed last week.

    The only really depressing thing is that we could not afford to getting rid of the whole management team 'at one fell swoop'.

    Unfortunately the image of the three stooges, arms folded, deer in headlights expression, is all too fresh in my mind. Not dissimilar to Walter & Ally with their heads together in Manchester. Coupled with a few inept press statements from said 'management team' before & after Saturday's debacle

    This memory will last a lot longer than anything Gough has to say.

  18. Read it about 6 hours ago (I'm 6 hours behind the UK). Basically a brief paragraph among a repeat of points we've heard before.


    Durrant told to stay away from Murray Park/Auchenhowie for two weeks while the staff restructuring was going on. Which suggested to me that perhaps it wasn't finished!? Only conclusion I took from it was that he must have had words with somebody in support of Ally or over his 'so-called' demotion as the 'mhanky mhedia' seemed to delight in repeating.


    It is the only hint I have read in a week that has referred to any reaction/response from Durrant over the 'reshuffle' of the coaching staff.

    The Daily Mail probably made it up then retracted it just as quickly as a 'nothing story'. Typical for a mob that salivate while putting in the boot, regularly. A 'Clockwork Orange' comes to mind ...........

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