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Posts posted by T-1000

  1. Goldson and Katic have formed a good and solid partnership (with Katic winning the defensive headers and Goldson looking to make the forward pass and link up with the midfielders) and therefore it would have been very risky last night to change that by introducing Helander (or Edmundson).  More especially, as Helander has had limited game time playing with either Katic or Goldson and on one of the occasions he did feature it was against East Fife who are not a team with high quality players.  In interviews Helander has expressed the view that he is ready to play and I suspect SG will want to see what extra he offers the team and therefore I would not be surprised to see him start on Sunday.

    On anther note, I thought that last night Aribo was a bit less dominant than what he has been in previous games but he still put in a solid performance and like the views expressed by others I thought Jack had a very good game.. 

  2. I think Davis will start more so because Kamara is likely to be out.  I would keep Morelos up front and see how Hibs defenders can handle him (note;McGregor was an unused sub when they played St.Mirren).  As Hibs lack pace I would be tempted to keep Jones in the side. As Fianagan has only come back after surgery it might be that a second match in three days is a bit too much for him.  If so, I would expect Barisic to play.  Arfield still seems a bit below his normal standard and looked very tired at the end of the game so possibly he might be replaced.  I hope he retains Goldson and Katic but would not be surprised if there is some rotation at the centre half position. 

  3. On 05/08/2019 at 12:02, Frankie said:

    FWIW, I have serious doubts over Barisic but would give him until January now.  Let's keep him in the team and ensure a serious run of games to see what he can do.  No more excuses if he doesn't perform in this period.


    I don't see the point of bringing in Max Lowe instead unless a deal is done for Barisic and/or Halliday/Flanagan first.  The squad is far too big and we need to be moving folk on before we add to it.  I'm sure lads like Holt, Grezda and Dodoo will move on soon enough but another quality attacking player should be our priority as it stands.

    Do you really think that Barisic can improve because so far there has been evidence of that to date.  When he receives the ball, if there is a defender in front of him his standard reaction is to pass inside to Niko or one of the midfielders.  You very rarely see him taking a defender on or cutting inside.  It may be just lack of confidence preventing the former but I have my doubts that this is the case.  I feel he is very one footed and is probably weak on the right hand side and that partly explains why he is reluctant to cut inside.  If we are to get the best out of Barisic offensively then he needs to receive the ball when he is ahead of the last defender and can cross the ball in; so far this has not happened.  He does make runs down the wing that takes defenders away from the Rangers player who is wide and this at least helps create more space but is that enough to justify being our first choice at left back.

    Lastly, defensively he has been caught wanting on a few occasions and seems reluctant to physically dominate the opposing winger.

  4. Overall, a rather mediocre performance from Rangers with a tendency to over-elaborate and dwell to long on the ball.  The passing needs to be quicker and more incisive.  Aribo had a very good game in the first half but drifted out of things a little in the second half; I wonder if he is involved so much in the first half that he then tires in the second half.  Some good flashes of skill from Ojo who was unlucky that none of what he created was put away.  I think we also need to improve at left back because Barisic does not provide much and is too often wrong sided by players.

    Finally, as usual our long range shooting was mainly atrocious.

  5. Derby started well and seemed to be finding quite a lot of space but midway through the first half we started to counter that.  Kamara has been a bit hit and miss at the moment, looking a slightly off the pace.  Jones has tried hard but mot quite coming off for him at  the moment.

  6. 2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I thought we played some nice stuff today, particularly some of the short passing interplay in midfield.  However, we also had a tendency to overplay at times and Jones and Ojo kept running into opposition players, which was a bit frustrating. 


    Nothing to get too excited or upset about, in my opinion. 

    I thought Jones did ok but agree re Ojo who I thought was a bit of a disappointment.  Tav's performance  was a little below his level of last season and Kamara looked a bit complacent and was too slow in moving the ball on.

  7. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    We capitulated to a shit Hibs side in that final, which is why I don't understand anyone going on about our semi final win.  



    The Hibs side contained McGregor, Hanlon, Gray, McGeough, McGinn, Stokes and Cummings whereas the Rangers side included Kiernan, Wilson, Zelalam, Holt and Miller.  The composition of the two teams I would argue does not merit the suggestion that in comparison with the Rangers lineup Hibs were a shit side.

  8. From Kent's displays against various opposition it is evident that he is regarded by them as a dangerous player who they have to watch closely.  This can be seen by the way opposition players swarm round him.  This, in itself, is useful because it opens up space for other Rangers players.  The issue I have with Kent is that he does not always play with his head up and tries to do too much.  He has to realise that having drawn players to him he can then release the ball to a colleague rather than attempting to dribble past the opposition.  If Kent can improve his decision making then he will be a real asset for Rangers. 

  9. may be going out on a limb here but I can genuinely see us not just challenging but actually winning the title strongly next season.


    BlackSocksRedTops, whilst I agree with your sentiment I think you have to also consider the other side of the coin.  Celtic will have a new manager and assuming this is not Lennon that may give them a bit of a lift.  It is likely that there will be at least some overhaul of their playing staff in the summer.  Judging from the results against ourselves and earlier ones  where they squeezed out a win it is apparent that their squad does not have the necessary strength.  The directors of Celtic I am sure will have been annoyed that they lost to us, since undoubtedly they want to go for ten in a row and see that this is now in jeopardy.  For that reason I can see considerable funds being made available to whoever becomes the manager.  Let us hope that they choose the wrong manager and that they buy flops.






  10. 7 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    It does, but his poor stats back me up. I said way back in August that the end product just wasn't there. Of course he did well to score against Celtic, but he hasn't been good enough to create proper chances consistently and score goals consistently. 

    DMAA, I take your point about lack of end product particularly goals but prior to the introduction of Defoe this might also have been said about other players in the team.  At various times during the season we have been heavily reliant on Tav providing the spark that leads to a goal.  Both Kent and Middleton need to improve certain, different, aspects of their game.  Incidentally, I thought Tav would have been a better candidate for POTY.

  11. 18 hours ago, johnnyk said:



    18 hours ago, johnnyk said:

    But they also told me Gerrard told them it's now up to Jake to prove himself in training that deserves a chance but they all rate him very highly, more so than Middleton.



    Johnnyk, not doubting your recollection of the conversation but I am surprised that SG would make a comparison with one of our current players.


  12. 1 hour ago, ian1964 said:

    Katic got Rangers TV MOTM, I thought he was superb today, big and brave up against a big physical player and deserved his goal for the way he attacked the ball, there is still a lot to come from this guy, I just hope he stays in the team for the remainder of our games 

    I thought he was strong in the air but just average on the ground.  Against a quick and lively centre forward I think his deficiencies might have been more exposed than they were today.

  13. We saw about a week ago Aberdeen drew with Celtic by sitting deep and going man to mani in the midfield.  We knew it was likely they would do the same against us.  Equally predictable was the team and shape we played; this would not have been a surprise to McInnes.  Aberdeen were in their comfort zone playing the game they wanted to play.  I think SG should have have started with one or two surprises, such as two up front, a backline of 3 or at least something that would be different from our norm.  Aberdeen would then have to react and possibly we would have more joy as they adapted.  Another issue apparent from last night is how bereft we are off game changers on the subs bench.  Davis and Coulibaly have both been mediocre of late and so far Lafferty and Defoe have been ok but not much more than that.  I think there is plenty for SG to ponder over. 

  14. 1 hour ago, JohnMc said:



    Rodgers being in England might come back and bite us in the summer. I could see him being interested in Alfredo for example, and Kent too. At the same time I expect he'll consider bids for some of Celtic's first team too. 



    I think Alfredo may well leave in the Summer to an EPL club anyway but with Rodgers being more aware of his potential I think it just increases slightly such a move happening.

    Losing Kent to Leicester would be a blow.

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