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Posts posted by frost

  1. Not a legal expert m8 but who do you mean regards ticketus ? I simply cannot understand why this company handed this money over to Whyte in the first place. Were they mad? Whyte's business record was in the Daily Telegraph on the day he got control of Rangers. It's not as if no one didn't know his shambolic business history


    The court was today informed that ticketus had reserved its position to pursue the liquidators for their wedge. Many appear to think things have been settled because the admin was signed off, the reality is that they are only just beginning and the final outcome will depend on the liquidators investigations and decisions taken on that or those investigations.

  2. They're not conducting their investigation for Lord Hodge though, they're conducting it for their own organisation and Lord Hodge will simply read the IPA's investigation report.


    I could be wrong, but I can't see the IPA finding Duff & Phelps guilty of anything. It'll certainly be interesting to see how it pans out and whether or not Duff & Phelps still have a man on the IPA Council after the dust settles....


    It will be interesting to see if the liquidators find any impropriety in any of D & P's actions.

  3. You're trying to pull my chain aren't you?......:rolleyes:.......:ninja:


    Looks like Mark Daly must have "mispoken" on Newsnight the other week if the BBC have to be served with a court order.


    I suspect Lord Hodge is unimpressed with the whole sorry saga not just today's proceedings.


    Not at all fact is always preferable to chain pulling. The noble Lord is far from impressed by Duff & Phelps tardy late presentation of error strewn documentation, their QC Wolff is drowning in a sea of disbelieving stares from our noble Lord, is getting very interesting with ticketus having reserved their options.

  4. So Lord Hodge is at presiding over an imaginary hearing at this very moment?


    It would appear that Hodge is presiding over a session that is not on the lists and looking very unimpressed with proceedings I am told. He may be forced to invoke a court order to have the bbc surrender their latest tapes to the court, which would suggest nothing being decided today.

  5. Strange things emails, fancy having the ability to reply immediately to correspondence received!


    You said he got a reply to a correspondence he sent yesterday, yet he says he didn't know Lord Hodge was allegedly sitting until after 2pm today, does he have a Tardis, emails that transcend time barriers, maybe he is pulling your chain we aren't up tomorrow.

  6. It wouldn't have made a blind bit of difference.


    Johnston, Bain et al were being vilified left, right and centre by the RFC support for attempting to derail the takeover.


    There was enough publically available information about Whyte and his modus operandi but virtually the entire RFC fanbase were too busy impersonating the three wise monkeys.


    You left out in your opinion.

  7. they didn't resign they stayed and opposed the takeover. far more of a statement than walking out.


    of course they were just accused of wanting to keep their club ties by some.


    I nearly laughed opposed the takeover, who opposed it ? keep an eye on Whyte that was opposing it, you are right on one thing all they were interested in was hanging on to the tie and blazer.

  8. This is the first time any of the actual content of the report has been published rather than just hinted at.


    The entire board resigning woul have achieved what exactly?


    I would say it would have resulted in all the right questions being asked of Whyte, rather than inventing his wealth of the radar status, plenty of people had him sussed from his boiler room ops at MHG to his asset stripping and non payment of debts, plus his corporate office in Bath Street that looked more like a Janny's cupboard.


    Honour and business just don't mix.

  9. THERE has been growing speculation recently that an announcement from the First Tier Tax tribunal is imminent.


    The Club has no knowledge of when such an announcement will be made. However, the Club as it now stands as part of The Rangers Football Club Ltd. has been informed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs that any decision by the First Tier Tax Tribunal will not affect the operations of The Rangers Football Club Ltd.

    This tax liability which is under consideration by the Tribunal is historic and was a matter for The Rangers Football Club plc ('oldco') which is in administration and will be subject to liquidation in due course.

    The Rangers Football Club Ltd. is a corporate entity formed following the acquisition in June this year by a consortium led by Charles Green of the business and assets of Rangers, including the Club and its honours.

    Unpaid tax liabilities led to the demise of 'oldco' and the EBT arrangements were part of 'oldco's' liabilities. As HMRC stated in June when they decided to vote against the proposed oldco CVA, no tax liabilities relating to 'oldco' would transfer across to the new company. HMRC have recently reaffirmed this position to the Club's tax advisers, Deloitte.

    The Rangers Football Club Ltd. is a company free of external debt and all liabilities relating to 'oldco' are a matter for the administrators.

    The impending decision of the First Tier Tax Tribunal once again calls into question the validity of the SPL Commission into the use of EBTs. They are clearly a matter for the old company and The Rangers Football Club is trying to rebuild as a great sporting institution.





    ETA It is quite possible there may never be an announcement regards this case, HMRC have already stated that the club is not their target, individuals are.

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