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The Real PapaBear

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Posts posted by The Real PapaBear

  1. peaceful protest is whats needed during the game go on to the pitch every man jack and just stand there game will be called off we will lose the points but who cares if you don't Ashley will own rangers and the fans


    I have to admit I like that idea. Just walk on to the pitch and stand silently until the game is called off, then leave. No trouble, no provocation. If only we had the fan base disciplined enough to do it. Game after game until the ****s beat it.

  2. RF claims to put Rangers first and then ducks all the arguments.


    It watches on while Rome burns.


    It offers little or nothing at a time of crisis.


    At a time when we need to be on the same side more than ever before when every share counts, what purpose do you think your negative and derogatory posts about RF serve?

  3. Only 3 replacement directors named, so one assumes Parkco will get at least 2 appointed post the EGM.


    it might be an idea to announce those asap. For some reason Paul Murray attracts a degree of venom from some sections of our support based, seemingly on the fact that every grouping he has been involved with has failed to oust the ****s. (No, me neither). If the 3 Bears can nominate a couple of quality, universally accepted candidates it might go some way to silencing the anti-PM brigade.


    What we really don't need just now are any petty, nonsensical divisions.

  4. yeah, well get it sorted pronto; because if this carrys on, I'll be off to...to....to...well, there's always......look, you guys take your time and let us know when you're done. no rush.

  5. That would be fine, because then the whole lot of them can sod off, including Wallace. Not a single one is Rangers class.


    harsh. We've had much worse than Wallace at left back. Aird is still a kid and clark hasn't been given a fair chance. Granted, the others would get a combined lot price of €14 in an Avignon flea market.

  6. That's what's wrong with us - we cling to figures of the past and delude ourselves that they still have something to offer.


    During the worst years this club has ever had, Smith and Souness did next to nothing, and yet when blue skies return we should suddenly welcome them back?


    Not for me.


    I want a re-born Rangers to be a Smith/Souness/McCoist free zone.


    Leave the past in the past. Get some new blood in.


    it's not an either/or situation. We can enjoy the cotinuity and gravitas afforded the club by having 3 huge footballing figures, whilst also embracing the future/present with some new/very old footballing philosophy, i.e play the game in the right way, the right way today being the most modern and powerful we can afford.

  7. I don't want Ally back, although I'm not ruling this possibility out, and I don't want Souness or Smith back either - in any capacity.


    Until Rangers learns to face the future with new blood, it will never be all that we want it to be.


    These names distinguished themselves in the past, and that's where they belong.


    No more Smith, no more Souness and no more McCoist. Close these chapters for good.


    I would welcome all three back in a heartbeat - albeit as long as Walter and Ally stayed away from the football side of things. 3 mamoth figures in the game, respected as football men all over the country and beyond - all 3 could have a part to play in our renaissance

  8. Stunning news. My old man is slipping away, he's not supposed to be able to understand or recover consciousness but this news might just do it. Whatever, it's the last thing that will be spoken in his presence re the teddy bears he first took me to 49 years ago.


    I'm not going to be on the forum for a while now. Great to get this news as my temporary farewell thread.


    all our thoughts are with you mate.

  9. So, as you're gutted that he has gone to a Championship club, I guess you're saying he's Premier League standard? If so this is very encouraging for us as it reconfirms our Premier League ambitions. People still view Brentford in the light of our eternity in the bottom two tiers but things have changed at the club beyond comprehension. We're brushing aside teams like Cardiff and Fulham - both Premier League last season and after decades of effort, our new stadium, capable of sustaining a Premier League club is finally happening. I can see why an up and coming star would want to jump on board.


    Lewis isn't yet PL standard, not by a long shot, but if he continues to develop he certainly had the potential to be. I reckon he'll be at least a class above Charlie Adam when he's finished.

    Take care of him; tell him we love him and ask him to write home occasionally.

  10. I wouldn't expect it to be like North Korea but I also would expect a level of professionalism and clear boundaries between players, staff and coaches. No wonder European clubs laugh at us.


    completely. That kind of behaviour may be ok for the assistant manager, but never for the boss. There always has to be a level of separation between the leader and those being lead.

    jesus wept - can you imagine Ferguson or Mourinho showing their arses to their players??

  11. Brown is an excellent player ? Fck me, how Scottish standards have dropped. He isn't even very good. Excellent ? Absolutely no chance. IMHO of course.


    methinks your specs are so deeply blue tinted that you can't see what's in front of you. He's not captain of club and country for no reason. Nobody is saying that he's Cruyff, but every good team has an enforcer that can destroy opposition moves as well as knowing what to do with the ball when he gets it. He is excellent at what he does.

    Anyway, I've reached my quota for the year of saying nice things about celtic players, so I'm out now.

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