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The Real PapaBear

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Everything posted by The Real PapaBear

  1. that's because the organ grinder does the talking, David, not the monkey.
  2. and if the desperation of our situation can be summed up in one sentences, that's it.
  3. I had exactly the same feeling this morning that I had when we went into administration - that we had just lost something intangible that we could never get back.
  4. It depends what Ashley really wants. If he's happy to get 5 years of free money from his retail contracts whilst doing no work and then walk away at the end of it and on to his next project, then he might let King and co take over the club. That way they have the headaches, they have the expense and they have any negative publicity that's going. If King is successful and we get back into Europe sooner rather than later, then Ashley will start raking in some serious dough for no effort and no outlay. If he has something else in mind, then whatever that is will mean making more money from Rangers over a longer period than 5 years and he's got to know that the only way to make money is to keep the fans happy - which means putting a good product on the field.
  5. seriously, Sbragia is a bluenose? Him being Italian an all? Is this a real "he's a bluenose " or is this a gunslinger "he's a bluenose"?
  6. yeah, but according to you Pope Francis is probably a bluenose
  7. it's been a long, long time since I've seen a Scoland team play such good football and look so professional (for most of the game). We were the better team for most of the game and actually looked like a team that could play at the Euros.
  8. I agree about Strachan not having an anti-Rangers agenda, he's a pure football man - but he's a lifelong Hibee, bud, never a bluenose
  9. defaming a fellow member of the SPFL and bringing the game into disrepute. Next case, m'lud.
  10. The updated club statement is even worse than their first effort. "As far as Livingston FC are concerned, we consider the matter to be closed". My arse, it's closed. We need to hold these fuckers' feet to the fire over this.
  11. The problem is that Livingston aren't apologising. They are "sorry if anyone was offended by what was written" - but they haven't denied, condemned or dissociated themselves from what was written. A simple statement to the effect that "Livingston FC apologises unreservedly for the article in our matchday programme which sought to denigrate Rangers FC with the erroneous claim that Rangers is a new club. This claim by the writer does not in any way reflect the opinion or position of Livingston FC and the writer has been relieved of all duties concerning Livingston FC and its matchday programme" would constitute an apology. Hildy is right; we have to tackle this and tackle it now. We should have done it when it happened before, but we let it go. Until these people are faced with legal action and/or forced into a public and humiliating apology then every little piss-ant outfit, like Livingston, will feel they can take a free swing at us. The detriment to our name and brand should be enough to instigate legal action or at least the threat thereof.
  12. He's probably thinking that he can make Rangers title contenders and guarantee European football every year for the same cost as a couple of midfielders in the English Premiership. He'll be happy with regular UEFA cup runs and the occassional Champions League venture.
  13. What is the board for if not to steer and control the club? if the football is crap and the manager is unable to change it, whose responsibility is it to deal with that? If the name of the club is being dragged through the mud and the board fail to address that, whose responsibility is it to deal with that? If the club is being mismanaged in commercial, footballing and public relations domains, whose responsibbility is that? if the world's most loyal and steadfast fans have been voicing discontent and rebellion to the point of refusing to buy season tickets and the causes of her discontent remain unaddressed, whose responsibility is that? Once upon a time, people in positions of responsibility were expected to fall on their sword if they or their departments fucked up.
  14. They might have been tipped the wink that Ashley has decided to go for it and buy the club outright; if so the chance of HH making any sort of profit may be minimal given that Ashley has the retail arm locked up, the naming rights and god knows what else is int he pipeline.
  15. if he plans to become the club then he'd want to buy up all the shares he can and by buying the shares owned by HH he is in effect investing in himself/the club.
  16. I don't see how you can say that. The Hibs player a) grabs Boyd b) behaves aggressively toward him and then puts his forehead agianst Boyd's head. Boyd's action was not a headbutt; he waspushing the Hibs player away. It's the Hibee who should be getting done for this, not Boyd.
  17. Mohsni's would have been a straight red had the ref seen it - he should bite their hand off for a two game ban. Boyd otoh could consider himself hard done by - he didn't instigate the confrontation; he was more the victim of aggression.
  18. So Cosgrove is spending the afternoon scratching his face, sniffing like a junkie into the microphone and telling people that 999 is about to be phased out when it is not. Which other presenter would be allowed to get away with this 3rd rate beahviour and still keep his job?
  19. call me cycnical, but I doubt whether he was thinking of that. But maybe he was, so let's give him the benefit of the doubt. Which just leves the small matter of 999 being phased out - anybody heard of this because it's sure as hell news to me?
  20. talking of 5-1, the biggest regret I have as a Rangers fan is the 5-1 game of 1988. 5-1 up with half an hour to go, Celtic a total shambles and we decide to take the foot off the gas and play with them like a cat with a mouse when we should have been putting as many past them as possible. We could have got another two at least on that day.
  21. I think the difference is that Cosgrove is a hypocrite of the highest order. The BBC is fair and impartial when it comes to Rangers but biased and dishonest when it coms to the referendum? No, I don't think so Stuarty. The BBC is corrupt, dishonest and partisan to its core. All the time. Not just when it suits you. I had the misfortune to have to listen to OTB a couple of weeks ago (I was getting a lift so couldn't turn off the radio) and he was announcing that the new 101 number was being introduced to replce 999 which was being phased out. The reason he gave was that 101 was quicker to dial than 999. I kid you not. This is a buffoon without equal and the sooner he is chased from the airwaves the better.
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