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The Real PapaBear

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Everything posted by The Real PapaBear

  1. Well, given that 25% of the No vote was predicated on the panicked promises of the last week, let's wait and see whether those promises are delivered before we decide on what is or isn't the sovereign will. Once Westminster renages on the promises made, your 55% may get a whole lot smaller quickly.
  2. There is no reason to believe these stats when we have a far more accurate breakdown of the vote here: http://lordashcroftpolls.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Scotland-Post-Referendum-poll-Full-tables-1409191.pdf As I said the population of Scotland under 55 voted Yes by quite some margin.
  3. "Scotland" did no such thing. People over 55 voted decisively , and those over 65 overwhelmingly, to remain in the UK. Of those, only 25% said the voted No out of some attachment to the UK; 75% voted No for 'economic' reasons, People under 55 voted decisively for independence. It's not a question of 'if', it's a question of 'when'.
  4. Can I just point out that before the campaign began, support for Independence hovered between 25 and 28%. When we finished the campaign, support for Independence had risen to 45%. So I'd say that the Nationalists did a pretty good job of convincing quite a few people - particularly in the face of a tsunami of lies, threats and blackmail from the No side, pumped out and published by their lapdogs at the BBC and in the MSM. The good news is that the genie is out the bottle and the 45% aren't going anywhere. Indeed, as the lies of the No campaign come home to roost and people see that they have been conned by the three stooges, the momentum will begin to build for the next referendum. Even better news is that 20,000 people have joined the SNP since Friday - and that makes us the third largest party in the UK. Independence has been delayed for a few years, that's all.
  5. That is a fantastic post mate. Had I been able, I would have written the same thing word for word. I take my hat off to you for being able to write such a reasoned and rational post after the events of last week. Me? I'm staying off the forum for the time being as I would almost certainly get banned for life if I were to give my thoughts on the subjects you have addressed so elequantly and maturely. A word of caution though; don't argue with the idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
  6. Any time we win a cup game is a memorable event.
  7. and if you look at the basic reason for each and all of them getting into the state they are in it comes down to the same thing: arrogance and lack of accountability. The arrogance of the Labour Party, who used to joke about weighing the vote rather than counting it, in taking its Scottish vote for granted has resulted in two SNP administrations and the brink of electoral armageddon. The arrogance of the banks, the masters of the universe, resulted in the economic meltdown - a disaster for which nobody has ever been held accountable. The arrogance of the establishment parties at Westminster, for whom the city and City of London is all that matters, has seen the rise of a reactionary, regressive far right and a working class disassociation with society in England and the potential extinction of the UK The arrogance of various board rooms at Ibrox, the sun around which the diddy teams revolved, has seen a liquidation of the company and an emasculation of the club. The arrogance of Murray who allowed his attitude to business to permeate the club. He was never held accountable, hence the £12m wasted on Flo and the millions wasted on journeymen and the disaster that followed. The arrogance of the present board and their predecessors, consorting with and appointing convicted criminals, have been allowed to ruin the club because, once again, they haven't until recently begun to be held accountable. The old saying ain't so old after all: power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  8. I refer the honorable gentlemen to the following, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAc-G3Z5ht4, and invite him to retract the second part of that statement
  9. Clark is a confidence player and if he's forced to sit out for weeks just as he's coming on to a game it will do him no good at all. I got the feeling that this was him finally making his breakthrough.
  10. I hadn't heard about this. Good on Cork City and much respect to them.
  11. Quite so; If, as the result of a boycott by the fans - and let's not forget, the fans *are* the club - the boards takes us into administration, it only goes to prove that they are not fit for purpose and we were right to boycott them.
  12. That's what's called a non-sequitur. Non-sequiturs are commonly used to muddy the waters of a debate or divert attention to another area where the speaker feels on safer ground You make a statement about the validity or otherwise of boycotts (in my opinion, a ridiculous statement, but one which is relevant to the debate) and then you link a second statement which has nothing to do with anything being discussed. What relevance does people talking "as if us being run badly from above is a new thing" have? The subject under discussion is whether people like you, who continue to give money to the crukes, sp1vs and charlatans running the club, can be held responsible for the mess we are in. The argument is that aslong as people continue to hand over their cash to these shysters we have no chance of getting rid of them. And it's a point you have failed to address.
  13. I think you can rest easy on this one, bud. He begins that sentence with "Other clubs coming back from the brink", implying that we are one club amongst other who have come back from the brink, so not one which went over the brink, thus not a new club. There is a degree of ambiguity in the sentence, but in this case I think it's unintentional.
  14. having a high turnover to low wage ratio only matters if the club is being run properly. At the moment, we have no money to spend so it doesn't matter how well we're spending it. Due to almost criminal incompetence we are utterly broke again, so I think it's fairly irrelevant how prudently we are spending money we don't have, The fact is that we are vastly overpaying people we don't need with money we don't have.
  15. So they are looking for a backstabbing crew of gutless cowards who will do anything they can to weaken Rangers? In which case I confidently predict that next season will see the inaugural "Glasgow City Council Premiership"
  16. I don't think it's difficult at all. Who remembers all the attractive teams that got dumped out of the CL? We have to look at the two Smith periods seperately. In the first period we did play very attractive football at times, both domestcally and in Europe, but Smith too often got his tactics wrong and/or our big names didn't turn up on the nights - but, apart from the first CL season, we did nothing at all in Europe and were on the wrong side of a few humpings (Ajax, Juventus anyone?). Smith part two saw us play some turgid stuff at times, but we were successful beyond anything we had a right to imagine both domestically and in Europe given the quality of players we had. And the reason was that, this time, he got his tactics, spot on - in all except the last game against Zenit, when we should have gone for them. As far as Walter goes, you have to ask the questions; could any other manager have taken us to 9 in a row? Possibly. Probably, in fact given the money we had available. But could any other manager have won 3 in a row, come witing a gnat's ba' hair of four in a row and taken us to a European final with the squad we had? That's more doubtful.
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