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The Real PapaBear

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Everything posted by The Real PapaBear

  1. The names are not of real people (well, they probably are, but I don't know anyone with those names) and are simply for effect to show that racism is not confined to people with different skin colours for example, the never ending references to Germany and Germans in a context of war and nazism? Or is it just "banter"?
  2. he's playing with fire if he tries to take on McCoist. Remember, Walter is a non-exec, and Walter's long enough in the tooth to know that if McCoist is forced out, then his own position becomes less powerful. If both Walter and Ally were to speak out about something, the impact would be greater than the sum of the parts and the fans would listen. If Green loses the fans before the reappointment in August, he'll be out of a job.
  3. he didn't lie by omission though, he denied having met or knowing Whyte - totally different thing
  4. Political correctness or simple respect for other people? The one is imposed on people who need to be told, the other comes from within. Also, - the insulting and abusive language to one side, - telling people to keep their opinions to themselves on a discussion forum? Have you thought that one through?
  5. Oh, the power of the indefinite article. Tell you what Pete, next time you're in the company of some Asian guys, use the word Paki, Then get back to us once you've been discharged and let us know if you still think there's nothing wrong with it.
  6. serious question: you really don't know what goose stepping means?
  7. That's fair enough, BF, but your granny is not CEO of Rangers FC. I can accept there is a generational aspect to racism and I agree we have to cut the older generation some slack. My mother in law is a peach of a lady but won't see 80 again. heart of gold but would take the paint off the walls when it comes to muslims or non-white people (although, she's completely cool with gays for some reason). Like most of that wartime generation, she's never had any real contact with anyone who wasn't from her own background and you have to understand that. As you say, ignorance rather than real racism. Charles Green does not belong to that wartime generation. He has no excuse.
  8. have you considered the possibility that what they write is the product of some thought? There *is* a reason why more and more people are distrusting him increasingly and not all of them are bandwagon jumping moaning minnies. it seems to me that the people who mistrust Green have a reason to do so, whereas those who are supporting him have no concrete basis for doing so.
  9. and replacing him with someone who wasn't a snake oil salesman would be bad how?
  10. Believe me, the outrage is not mock. The man is a fucking disgrace. "Green described his relationship with Rangers director Karl-Heinz Schroeder in the article, in which he stated he referred to him openly as his "Squarehead friend". The Yorkshire-born businessman also made reference to a former team-mate, who he said was known as "Goose Stepping" Gerhardt Reibold. " How's the context now?
  11. Cotter, just change your sign to the line above - it's going to apply to anything you say about Green anyway. RSI is no joke, and it would save you typing the same thing over and over again, mate.
  12. because he is an attention-seeking, half-wit, motormouth whose tiny head is unable to cope with the magnitude of Rangers? He is, to quote the West Wing, a .22 calibre mind in a .38 calibre world.
  13. If we were discussion CG's delusional fantasies and smokescreens, I could see where you're coming from but I'm not sure how this relates to us moving to England, bud.
  14. wear ra colours? Somebody's not thought this through.
  15. So, if I'm understanding this, according to 54, Charles Green is not a racist because he uses racist language and according to GA he's not a racist because he employs people who are non-White (Alabama plantation owners, anyone?). Is it just me? Am I missing something here? Like an Alice in Wonderland gene that will help me understand this by taking me back to 1973? Here's a clue fellas, if you use terms like Paki' and 'darkie' and pine for the days when these were commonplace and you could use them about your favourite centre forward without going to jail - you're a racist. Green is a racist. It really is that simple. If you're happy with a liar and a racist representing our club, well that's your call. Me? I think he's an embarrassing joke who should gtf asap.
  16. With Green as our CEO they'll be working double shifts and overtime.
  17. Nah, he's a racist. A racist, a liar and an embarrassment and he has no place in the job he holds.
  18. <twiddles moustache ponderingly>hmmm , I see what you're getting at Holmes, and by Jove I think you may be on to something!</twiddles moustache ponderingly>
  19. Just a wee question: If the SPL goes tits up and the clubs in it have no league to play in, wouldn't the SFL then become Scotland's top league? and with it entry into UEFA competitions? And wouldn't the magnificent 12 have to apply to join the SFL at the bottom?
  20. That's because I said it and you like to hang out with the brainy kids.
  21. You read between your lines and I'll read between mine - and 6 months from now I hope I'm doffing my cap to your steadfastness and wisdom, sir. I really, honestly do hope I'm being force fed humble pie - but I don't think I will be. I will be very surprised if both of them are still there in September.
  22. Ally's managerial abilities to one side, he is a smart guy, an honest guy and 110% Rangers. If he says Green is not to be trusted, that's good enough for me ' not because I'm an unthinking sheep, but because he is 'our' man on the inside. Seriously, if you can't trust McCoist's integrity, then there's no point in getting up in the mornings.
  23. except if you read bwhat ally doesn't say - he doesn't offer Green his support: "we're in the same boat" "we want the club to move forward" McCoist is a media Pro. If he says something or doesn't say something, it"s intended that way. Reading between the lines, Ally doesn't trust this guy any more than Zappa and almost everyone else here. Might be time to start smelling the coffee, STB.
  24. conversely, STB, he's had a year to convince us - and far from doing so, the smell of fish just keeps getting stronger. Take your money, Charles, and fuck off - you're not the sort we need running and representing Rangers FC.
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