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The Real PapaBear

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Posts posted by The Real PapaBear

  1. You mean the chap who fouled him thrice in the first ten minutes without even a look from the ref? The animal who was laughing all the game at us, because the ref ignored him till late on? Rest assured, had Black done anything similar, he'd been off after 10 mins at the latest.


    I mean the chap who dominated, intimidated and bullied Black for 90 mins. Call him an animal if you like, but he's what a *real* midfield enforcer looks like.

  2. He slows the game to walking pace and allows the opposition all the time in the world to regroup. No coincidence we have upped the tempo in the last 2 games.

    His free kicks are abysmal - either can't clear the first man or they hang in the air so long that it makes it impossible to do anything with them.

    For a so-called tackler his tackling is very poor.

    He never penetrates the opposition with runs or decent balls in behind them.

    His Holywood long balls out to the wings put the winger under so much pressure as the ball is in the air for so long.

    Before anyone jumps on the bandwagon - this is nothing to do with Ian Black the person. He is just a very very mediocre player in my mind.


    he was exposed for the fraud he is when he came up against Scot Brown in the LCSF.

  3. The question that has not yet been asked, and it has perhaps not been asked because it is so blindingly obvious, is why is this degenerate clown even on radio or TV anyway?

    Anyone who is able to suffer his braying Brummie whine for any length of time (and if you can, you're a better man than I) will be left in no doubt that he is noth there for his analytical skills, which are, at best, bland.


    This, let us never forget, is a practicioner of domestic violence, a man who batters women - the lowest form of life other than a child abuser.


    The fact that he is also an adulterer and a sexual degenerate is no reason for him not to present a sports show, but they sure as hell are reasons for keeping his mouth shut on any topic of morality.

  4. He essentially said in an interview about his finances (very rare that a ex-manager says something like that, but he did) that he could work for free if required, as he has no need for any money. He'd obviously take money if he was offered a job in Qatar or the like, but he would not squeeze any more from an empty vessel like e.g. our "company". We will see soon enough what he takes up from any job at Ibrox, if he choses to accept one.


    Is there any indication in the German press about why he would be interested? This is a guy who has done and won just about everything in the game - why get involved with us? He has no Scottish connection as far as I can see.

  5. Would have thought he's one of the most senior of senior journos for them, yet we still get all the Yahoo cover ups and liquidated club stuff from his fellow reporters and him as well. Has he ever written a word about the Yahoo city council stuff? Just asking. For any good journo doesn't have it just one way or taking the easy option, much like he did since 2011/12. Kudos to him for all the investigative stuff he highlights about our board, but there it essentially ends.


    Reporters don't get to decide what appears or doesn't appear in the newspaper; editors do that. Also, he's a sports reporter, not on the crime desk.

  6. Making comparisons between the Scottish and English leagues is pointless. The only way any sort of equilibrium can be restored is if Sky go bust, most analysts agree they've paid too much for the rights so it's not impossible but is unlikely. In the meantime hundreds of small Scottish boys are starting to support English club sides instead of Scottish ones. We'll become Ireland within a generation as things stand.


    The only way to make Scottish football more attractive is to make it more competitive. That involves spreading the little money there is around more evenly. Those currently with the money don't want to do that. Then some imagination is required and there's precious little of that around in Scottish football. I've come to believe that we're the last generation of Scottish club fans.


    said it before and I'll say it again, a 50/50 split at the gate is the way to go. It allows smaller clubs to develop youth systems which in turn improves the entire game.

  7. everton didn't have a shot on target.


    he's about as effective as a fly buzzing round a cow's arsehole.


    oddly, that's the same image that comes to mind when I think of Naismith. Except the flies. Or the cow.

  8. The Celtic PR wagon have certainly worked overtime on this one.


    Well, Celtic had three choices here:


    a) a public appeal for the thug to hand himself in or for his mates to shop him

    b) a reward to catch the thug

    c) a photo-op to make themselves look good


    which one do you think they chose?


    The only surprise is that they didn't make a statement about being all inclusive for 127 unbroken years while they were at it

  9. Andy


    Sorry to see you might consider my post as a bit of a piss take because generally I consider your posts to be some of the most informed on the forum. furthermore, as one of the other posters has observed I have been a member for quite a while.


    It seemed to me that there was considerable negativity regarding the five loanees from Newcastle which I thought in certain respects was misplaced. I see them as potentially helping Rangers obtain promotion to the Premiership next year. The longer we stay in the championship the greater the losses we will run up, the more funding we need and the less that will therefore be available to rebuild the team. Given that even Dave King doesn't have bottomless pockets I see remaining in the present league as detrimental to the club.

    In a normal world would we want to see five loanees foisted on a manager without his agreement. No, we would not. However, these are not normal times; as was seen in the game against Celtic, and lots of other teams, the team is poor, K. McD. is merely keeping a seat warm for some new incumbent and therefore pragmatically I saw this as an opportunity to enhance the chance of Rangers being promoted, though this will ultimately depend on the quality of the five players. In response to critics who suggested that Ashley is now running the complete show, in reality he already did and I don't think these player loans materially affect that position. As an aside here, I don't think Ashley from a business point of view wants us to remain in the Championship and that gave him an incentive to sanction the loans. He may have other reasons for the player loans but on that matter I think we have to wait and see.

    Now, do I want Ashley to remain in charge. No, because I believe he sees the club purely as a vehicle to further his business interests and I think as fans and I hope Dave King and the 3 bears see it as more than that.


    Andy, this guy rips the piss in an inventive way and uses language like a skilled swordsmith - I mean, really; "foisted"? Who, apart from you would ever use the word "foisted" and then follow it up with "incumbant" "pragmatic" and "enhanced".


    No way this guy is from the tribe of Timothy. Only a real Bear could write with such verbose pathos.


    T1K, welcome - there are those of us who enjoy a good writer in these parts; reckon you'll fit right in.

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