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Everything posted by D'Artagnan

  1. Well two things - Ive not seen that in the newspaper accounts Ive seen (though I understand that the interviews were not reproduced in full) and secondly is that not a reference to last season's comments re the team ? I thought this was an interesting take on the 2 interviews. http://www.ibroxnoise.co.uk/ War of the Rangers - Time for a ceasefire.
  2. Not much longer Doc - they are required under AIM rules to publish a set soon.
  3. That explains Mather's statement contents then Joe - thanks for that
  4. It was badly timed and had all the hallmarks of CG's crassness all over it - but what part of it do you think was an attack on Ally or the players ?
  5. Id say a gagging order from the current board, with the fans desperate for answers would prove to be the mother of all own goals for the current regime.
  6. Its a pity our support is so fragmented and ineffective. We should be demanding a set of published, audited accounts asap. That would end the speculation and perhaps even scaremongering over our financial state.
  7. Yes I would agree - I certainly felt they were calculated as well.
  8. I wonder how objective he would be about his prodigy Calgacus - notwithstanding that there is considerable differences of opinion amongst Bears of how long Ally should be given - some say go now - some say a season - some say till CHristmas
  9. There has been a suggestion on Twitter AMMS that as part of Green's return he intimated he wanted to cut the current coaching bill which it is alleged is £1.5 million.
  10. The board want to sack Ally and Walter wants no part of it ?
  11. We really need to stop speculating and start acting upon facts. Getting a published set of accounts should be a priority - and not unreasonable request.
  12. I actually think Walter's forthcoming statement, depending on its content, may prove to be a watershed moment for us as a support.
  13. From the same doctoral thesis.... Long before H & W came to Govan.
  14. Its probably not the time nor the place to re-commence this - but your continuous unpleasant tone has drawn me back - I tend not to make a habit of falling out with fellow Bears, no matter how much we disagree, however you seem to be doing your utmost to break that habit. One could be forgiven given the anger you have expressed in that last response for thinking their is something "personal" about all of this. Furthermore I presume it was a typo regarding "decent into name calling" - or was the decent a Freudian slip. ? Perhaps you would be good enough to illustrate this "name calling" you are referring to. However getting back to the debate - perhaps what is most interesting about this doctoral thesis is not the part you chose to highlight in bold, but the part you chose not to highlight. Im struggling to understand why Unionism would be referred to as "a new sectarian element at Rangers" Furthermore I think you will find this part in fact is from - Bill Murray's, "The Old Firm: Sectarianism Sport and Society in Scotland" and not by Prof Graham Walker.
  15. And I still do. But if Walter is on the verge of quitting - then something is seriously wrong and I would want to hear his reasons first before I took such action. But what I wont be is taken for a mug - the boardroom battles and leaks were shameful - did they only stop so that season ticket sales could go unhindered ? Because suddenly we have reached the 34,000 mark and our club is once again a media circus - and sadly, on this occasion its all entirely self inflicted. PS so in principle I would not be against the idea if I felt it was justified.
  16. Quite simply Andy - yes I would. Sadly because we have no other means of expressing our total dissatisfaction in a way which will make the custodians actually acknowledge us - rather than pay us the customary lip service.
  17. Thats a fair point Andy - and I would acknowledge my error in its use in the original article. I would say that forums and message boards have allowed people the option to express feelings which exist inside our support - which do not manifest themself on match days - for obvious reasons.
  18. Thats a really useful post Zap - really summarises so much that is wrong. Im absolutely sick to the eye teeth of it all - we are a laughing stock and its all our own doing.
  19. Tell you what RPB - the floor is yours - I'll leave others to read what has been written by myself and other contributors and draw their own conclusions.
  20. Perhaps the word "reinforced" should indicate what I have been alluding to RPB. The Unionist identity was well under way under way prior to the arrival of H & W in Govan. It was conceived and driven forward by Primrose not some ship workers from Belfast. Your claim is at odds with Walkers because he suggests Rangers became the platform for the Protestant expression because of the existing transport links - which served a Protestant population wanting a club which reflected their culture & identity - this process is believed to have started before H &W's arrival in Govan.
  21. Thats pretty much Prof Graham Walkers line of reasoning AMMS - it was to do with the existing transport links more than anything else.
  22. And sadly that headline is pretty much bang on the money
  23. So if that is accurate - are we to take it then that Ally is untouchable if we wish to retain Walter ?
  24. Think I'll take a vacation to the Dark side of the moon for a few days - Zap.
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