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Posts posted by trublusince1982

  1. is it to much to ask that directors or shareholders do not act in their interests against what is good for the club/company?


    don't think any fan has a problem with them making a profit. Its doing so to the detriment of the club that's the problem. Ashley doesn't even bother to pay for the contracts he takes he just strips the club for no return. Any money he puts out is just in the short term. Once everything is all done and he is gone he will not have cost him one single penny. His expenditure is returned regardless of success.

  2. Their time is up.


    They wouldn't dare.




    we should be negotiating from a position of power. Call an egm to out the easdales/sommers.Divide and conquer. At the same time have the fans group petition the other shareholders for the same along with a fan petition like the one done the other day, we now have most of the names of the shareholders, we should use them to swing the vote to our side and at least draw a dividing line in the sand. You are rather with the club and its fans or you are with ashley.

    Same as Ashley did when he was demanding wallace and co go but with the added bonus of having the customers on board. Then use those positions on the board to first stop the rot then second to move us forward.

  3. you can't oust determined and entrenched people like green co over night.


    give it 5 mins ffs.

    they didnt have 5 minutes to spare. even if they did the plan that seems to be coming apparent is poor and naive.


    only a plan to attack their power in a quick and determined fashion whilst snapping up shares till overwhelming board representation is aquired would do any good.

  4. putting two and two together looks like the plan was to offer cash when we need it and easdale and co would fall at their feet.


    more likely they will do one of two things.


    1.take a loan from ashley for whatever takes his fancy


    2.take the money from 3 bears only if the get no power from it(1 board place)


    either way nothing changes.


    feel like sarver is our only hope now for change

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