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Posts posted by trublusince1982

  1. Reading what? Has there been anything credible put out there?
    depends whether you can weigh up whats said and reason.


    he was looking for a euro football team. ask yourself what a ball park budget for that would be? then ask yourself what level of club would you get for say £50m


    then weigh that level of club against rangers for £20-£30m


    its a no brainer even with the cost of rebuilding.


    when asking why would a businessman want a football club then yov must realise that every club has a businessman in charge they dont do it because they are all fans!

    the usual reasons apply. money,power,challenge, and recognition

  2. pretty sure a guy in his position will have thought of that ahead of any bid. as he said he has done his homework.


    doubt any owner would usually be thinking of making money for himself through club revenue streams like merchandise would imagine he expects to make money through the share price increase when he sells, that can rise regardless of ashleys grubby hands. Ashleys grubby hands only hinder the fans as it will affect the team on the park, as in how much can be spent. But personally i would expect to see fan numbers grow back to historical numbers the second we start to function as a football club again.

  3. I fail to see what he sees in Rangers ( I don't believe the David Robertson nonsense) and why a successful American businessman can make money from Rangers?

    why do you think we have an english billionaire using every trick he can think of to take over our revenue streams . We make a shit load of money.


    As has been said before Ashley made more from our retail than he did newcastles.


    Just take it as granted all these millionaires and billionaires aint floating round us cause we aint worth anything. their presence alone should tell you we have obvious value for those will the knowledge of how.

  4. what happens if egm is called then x amount of wks later just b4 egm club announce bid from sarver has progressed? can they cancel the egm on those grounds?

  5. lets just take the hit and start in div 3 again.

    What right do they have to call anyone in? Is all financial information regarding a company on the aim not confidential to anyone outside the company and can only be passed through statements?

  6. Why would anyone be expecting Easdale to do the right thing?
    king clearly does from his comments. if he knew what or who he was commenting on he would shut up.


    believe me if they want to they will shut him up.


    my only hope is they dont take the club down as well


    we need the 3 bears or king to play a blinder not waste time with he said she said.

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