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Everything posted by trublusince1982

  1. is it not the £7m is a promise to cover worst case scenarios? I will be absolutely shocked if we need £3.5m next year just to cover running costs. Also Pedro had to be paid off along with his team, so that money is on top of the £1m for mccinnes. If they had done their jobs properly and sold Mckay for his market price these loans wouldn't be anywhere as high, if they are indeed true reflections of the next two years. Do not see £7m worth of investment being made into infrastructure costs in the next two years above current costs. Personally say its pie in the sky used to deflect detractors.
  2. decent control of the game?? when? We were lucky to be ahead, was against the run of play. kilmarnock were the better side, no two ways about that. Kidding ourselves on if we think we were hard done too
  3. if we dont have any money how come we had £1m to sign mccinnes plus £750k to pay him and his side kicks? The £7m is confusing to me? how do they know merchandise revenue plus the sale of a player wont happen in the next two seasons to cover it? Is it not we would need another £3.5m a year at current revenue streams not taking into consideration the growth that is garunteed? Really hope they have only paid murty £100k tops. Anymore than that and the jump in wage is way to big for anyone to have one week to the next. He also couldn't go back to U20's either. If we paid murty £500k a year as the budget is set, we should kick the doors in.
  4. never should have been sacked without a replacement lined up, and the club should have backed the manager not lazy players who don't want to be worked too hard. Shambles from top to bottom.
  5. you know what that makes a kind of sense. They are building a shell. All looks good until you lift the hood
  6. gets very close to saying that the performance was okay! We didn't stand up to it and come out the other side, and we should never sit back and think we will just let Kilmarnock dictate play! We also didnt at anytime start passing the ball about. Cant remember many bits of play lasting longer than three passes. John is far to negative outwide too. All bar two passes backwards or to the side. If the previous board did the things this board are doing, i would be 100% convinced they were trying to push administration 2. A guy who finished 6th in development league as manager, a head of scouting who has never worked as a scout or ever intended to be a scout, and a DOF who is completely ignored and left out of decisions, never mind paying £250k a year plus bonuses for SR. Everyone went mental when i said a few months back we will be dead within the decade, ive revised that to within 5 years. No chance without new leadership soon we will see the next 5 years without another administration
  7. They way he spoke pre game sounds like 4411 is his preferred set up.
  8. sorry, so you think we signed a player to play in a position we have never seen him play in? your probably correct. About sums us up. Lets not try it out first just go sign him and pray.
  9. ffs. why is it we drop a winning formation because miller drops out? The worst player in the formation. can someone explain please? this formation and line up doesnt work.
  10. if he plays the same formation as last game with candiese in sack him! joke! just a wee joke! kind of.
  11. so he should be back in the near future then? hes training, sitting with players etc then he will be in the squad some day soon? pretty positive the info is correct (never been wrong before) and we will never see him play for us again. Most likely just keeping the story out of the press, so his value remains high as possible for January if a buyer can be found.
  12. in the context of the club what is there to be positive about? look into anything at the club even slightly and your left with the unmistakable truth the club is f""""d. Tried to look into the new scouting department recently to cheer myself up but that was a disaster. Guy running it hasn't ever even been a scout or worked as a scout! What chance have we got, with decisions like that being made? would be laughable if not so depressing
  13. does that not tell us something though. He is meant to be injured, yet can still take part in first team training. A very long muscle injury, that's if we are still saying its the same stomach muscle injury. Has there actually been any confirmation of his injury or its extent, or any word on his future availability at all? Did he visit the children's hospital with the squad as captain as is normal? on a side note i take it the clean shaven rule is now gone too?
  14. So whats the odds on Barry Ferguson or Kenny Miller being in the dugout soon?
  15. would depend. was he with his agent? was it when King was back over? But yeah he could be in the directors box if called in for talks which coincided with a game. How often has he been in the directors box over the last 3-4 months?
  16. Yes it is. He isn't good enough at left back and we've just spent a bit of the little money we have without strengthening. As for Wallace said it before and will say it again I was told way back then he was barred from the club during pedros tenure. Have been waiting to see if he would reappear after he was gone but his absence continues with very very little said. I was told way back then he was the one caught leaking information to the press and suspended as a result. I was told he would not be seen in a rangers top again. Seems completely out of character for him but as time goes on its looking more and more like the truth. He's been nearound invisible. Did he do captains duty this xmas?
  17. Should come with a health warning. Found that really hard to watch. Stopped halfway. SR is dreadful, really amateur all round.
  18. Not intelligent enough to play for us. They say bad news comes in threes, tell me we are done with horrendous news today?
  19. Said it months back. Lee Wallace will never play for the club again he's not injured he's suspended indefinitely.
  20. Probably the poorest left back I have seen at the club. Dreadful defender. Good pace and dribbling, maybe better further forward but that's a maybe and another unknown. Another dreadful signing and waste of money.
  21. We fought tooth and nail to save our club for a bunch of idiotic egotistical morons to take over. Nothing but clique fighting clique and they're going to kill us off. Said it weeks ago, the board and king are completely at odds. King must go along with his boys club fraternity
  22. If murty would stop changing the formation when miller is out his absence would be a blessing.
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