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Everything posted by barca72

  1. I disagree with you there, Rab. Don't you think the Scottish government should display a duty of care to sexually abused children within a closed network? I mean a separate inquiry from the general one they have going and which Nippy does not want to burden any further. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/sexual-abuse-inquiry-cannot-cover-football-xx5tz5jd8 Sexual abuse inquiry ‘cannot cover football’ Jeremy Watson December 9 2016, 12:01am, The Times Nicola Sturgeon said that the immediate priority should be police investigations
  2. As I see it, the SFA are not accountable to the fans. They don't seem to acknowledge the drop in support for the Scotland team because of their support for the tartan army and their maltreatment of Rangers. Sure, the TV money will keep the game going for a while but if the apathy being built up within the Rangers fans' support spreads to the other teams' support then what does that do to their TV audience. There will be no thriving game in Scotland until the muppets are out from under this cabal and are indeed accountable and in tune with the fans. p.s. does anyone feel that they can see the weight of Lieswell's hand in this latest fiasco?
  3. Absolutely BS. Both the goalie and Ferdinand initiated contact with Candeias.
  4. Are you saying we should think on our dead on one day of the year only? I can't agree with you.
  5. He wouldn't come anyway ... https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/rooney-it-was-brilliant-to-score-against-rangers-1076894 Rooney: It was brilliant to score against Rangers at Ibrox because everyone knows I love Celtic CHEEKY Wayne Rooney left Rangers with a parting shot as stinging as his penalty strike that brought an end to their Champions League dream. ...
  6. While they are at it they should demand that Lawwell should recuse himself from their enquiries and decision-making process.
  7. Scotland made its choice in 1707. Followed by the resounding poem by Robert Burns 'Such a parcel of rogues in a nation'.
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(human_categorization) ... Defining race Modern scholarship views racial categories as socially constructed, that is, race is not intrinsic to human beings but rather an identity created, often by socially dominant groups, to establish meaning in a social context. This often involves the subjugation of groups defined as racially inferior, ... ... Socioeconomic factors, in combination with early but enduring views of race, have led to considerable suffering within disadvantaged racial groups. Racial discrimination often coincides with racist mindsets, whereby the individuals and ideologies of one group come to perceive the members of an outgroup as both racially defined and morally inferior. As a result, racial groups possessing relatively little power often find themselves excluded or oppressed, while hegemonic individuals and institutions are charged with holding racist attitudes. ... He may have a point, at a stretch, but why is he the only one from his group that is so perceived ... However, WATP !!
  9. What was it Walter Smith said to Kevin Thompson ... "If you don't get a yellow card in the first five minutes, you're not trying ..", or somesuch?
  10. If it was I thought it would have been a harsh call. Just Broadfoot's usual ineptitude showing.
  11. They played with 8,9 10 men behind the ball all night. They had our wide men doubled up on all night. There was a corner when I counted 7 of their men on their six yard box. That's hard to break down.We need to change our tactics a bit and entice them out closer to the halfway line and then split their defence. Our forwards may be good enough but our midfield lacks the quality to service them. Also we need to start shooting more from outside the 18 yard box.
  12. I hope Morelos seen today how much his temper has cost Rangers. He would have made a difference today. However, we still need a Gazza-type player. You either have to take on a packed defence or use defence-splitting passes. We had a dearth of both today. Damn, it is frustrating and leaves you spent.
  13. https://billmcmurdo.wordpress.com/2018/10/25/some-things-never-change/ OCTOBER 25, 2018BILL MCMURDO "MERLIN"2 COMMENTSON SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE Some Things Never Change ...
  14. The answer was in reply to Scott7's post. I took it he meant an Irish republican arguing against the monarchy. In this context a republican/nationalist is distinguished from a loyalist, i.e. loyal to a constitutional monarchy. Again in this context I think it is fair to say that Adams, McGuinness and their various acolytes have been frequently proven to be liars and manipulators of any given situation to their advantage. So too have wee Nippy and her band including Dornan, Mason, Aitken, McDonald etc. If you ally yourself with either group there is your answer.
  15. I would not engage with a republican as I see them as liars and manipulators for the most part. To draw a corollary between the Pope and his paedos and the Monarchy just does not follow.
  16. If I am understanding you properly, you are saying it is alright for Stephen Fry at a highbrow dinner discussion in front of a highbrow audience to say 'FTP', because he has the proper context and is majically justified. In your judgement anyone else who utters the phrase will be seen as a bigot. Bollox. You are worried that NBM will term anyone using FTP in any situation as a bigot, who the hell are they to be respected when all kind of bigoted and sectarian speeches and actions are reported to them and they do nothing? I read your post as an admonition that all people(usually Protestants) should hang their head in shame if they utter FTP as their is no justification for it in society. There have been many instances(not just child abuse) where this hypocritical Pope and his evil cult have perpetrated evil on this world, and I for one think it is fair to pushback in any fashion. FTP is not sectarian or bigoted and you and the rest of the handwringers have no right to say it is. Durrant as a public figure still has to get invites to various dinners etc. so you can see why he has to apologise,but no one else has to.
  17. You haven't answered any questions about why you want to play nice with this leader and his cult. You say that being nice to them and not hurting their feelings by saying 'F**k the Pope' you will somehow force them into a corner and then do what? You could not burn the neck of this satan or any follower of his cult with a blow torch. So I don't follow your argument that we are letting them 'off the hook' so to speak. Have you not learned yet that by giving ground in any way, shape or form to this cult will result in further erosion of your own culture. Have you any more insults to hurl or are you still going to continue to protect these people? Sure, there is a way to box clever, but they also need to know that they can be taken head on, 'in your face' style.
  18. It let's the defenders and supporters of this evil cult know that you have no respect for and indeed revile their esteemed leader. Who in their right mind can defend their actions? By the way, whose feelings is it that you are trying to protect by the soft-shoe approach?
  19. I shall not be 'shooting myself in the foot' nor shall I need a mirror if I wished to utter 'F**k the Pope'. I do not take a position of serf-like obedience and fawning to this hypocrite of a leader of a vile, dangerous and criminal organization. I shall not be reverential in my approach to pushback against this cult, as you would appear to be recommending. I want to get their attention and let them know that enough is enough and if 'F**k the Pope' helps towards that end then upwards and onwards. p.s. Check out the news articles, I know thousands of R.C.s agree with me.
  20. I don't worry about giving them an 'easy way out', I hammer them on a point that is completely indefensible and unanswerable. If their sensibilities are in any way bruised by the expression of 'F**k the Pope' so be it, their actions, words and message are deeply flawed.
  21. Why is it wrong and bigoted to exclaim to the man who defends his corrupt church and gives as the source of the paedophilic actions of his minions as 'the devil is behind this' - 'F**k the Pope'? Surely, against such a hypocrite, a man should be able to give his verdict of 'F**K The Pope' freely? Surely, Nil by Mouth director David Scott would agree that the bigoted and sectarian rants from this leader warrant Durrants's opinion of 'F**k the Pope'?
  22. I wonder who his employer or business colleague was(since the report reveals nothing) during the time of these alleged offences, and what they thought of his behaviour. All will be revealed, no doubt.
  23. My God, that was a terrible display of football. No tempo, no energy, lacking in attacking ideas and constantly giving the ball away. However, fortune smiled on the final score and three points.
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