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Everything posted by barca72

  1. I didn't know that, I guess I erred. However, maybe our exposure to the riches of Europe will allow us to entice the next young hopeful to stay with us.
  2. We needed the money this time. Hopefully the next generational player we get we can keep.
  3. I was watching this game. In could loosely be described as a contest up until Scotland scored the penalty. The Scots then parked the bus in a 4-5-1 formation. Naismith attempted to put up a challenge for about ten minutes then ran out of steam. All this in the first half. I couldn't watch their anemic efforts and switched off at half-time. It doesn't surprise me that they got beaten. Mind you, the pool of players from which to pick a team is pretty poor.
  4. Thing is, Paul is not any more sick today than when he was initially nominated. This is a feeble attempt to deflect from their real reason. We should be told which board members, apart from Liewell, were intent on boycotting the dinner.
  5. Brenda can leave any time now.
  6. Will he still be without press credentials if Manchester BBC send him up to do a story on Stevie G's league winners?
  7. https://www.uefa.com/uefaeuropaleague/performancezone/#/ FedEx Performance Zone: how it works Tuesday 18 September 2018 Who are the form players in the UEFA Europa League this season? Using a specially devised algorithm, the FedEx Performance Zone reveals all. Rangers are represented by ... Tavernier ... 8th. Morelos ... 34th. Candeias ... 92nd. What is completely puzzling is that the 'Greatest team in Scotland' has ZERO players making the top 100. Brenda, how could this happen?
  8. I can't make up my mind as to whether you are naive or are being willfully obtuse. You do realise the symbolism of the tricolour to the PUL community? https://www.infoplease.com/whats-symbolism-irish-flag What's the Symbolism of the Irish Flag? Symbolism of the Tricolour Flag of Ireland by Borgna Brunner Rarely has a flag possessed such lasting relevance as that of the "Tricolour," the national flag of the Republic of Ireland. Its three equal stripes illustrate the Irish political landscape as accurately today as in 1848, the year the flag was first unfurled. orange — standing for Irish Protestants green — signifying Irish Catholics and the republican cause white — representing the hope for peace between them Why Orange? The color orange is associated with Northern Irish Protestants because in 1690, William of Orange (William III) defeated the deposed King James II, a Roman Catholic, in the fateful Battle of the Boyne near Dublin. King William was the leader of England, Scotland, and Ireland and his victory secured Protestant dominance over the island. The primary colonizers of northern Ireland were the English (who were Protestant Anglicans) and the Scots (who were Protestant Presbyterians). To this day, Protestants in Northern Ireland are sometimes called Orangemen and they celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne each July 12th. Green as the Emerald IsleHarp Flag - Unofficial flag of Ireland It's widely agreed that the green in the Irish flag has something to do with shamrocks and verdant landscapes. However, it's more critical to the Irish Catholic nationalists represented by this flag color that green symbolizes revolution. An earlier, unofficial Irish flag —the gold harp on a green background— served from 1798 until the early twentieth century as a symbol of nationalism. The harp is still Ireland’s national symbol today. As the revolutionary James Connolly wrote, just weeks before he participated in the Easter Rebellion (1916) that led to his execution by firing squad: "For centuries the green flag of Ireland was a thing accurst and hated by the English garrison in Ireland, as it is still in their inmost hearts... ...the green flag of Ireland will be solemnly hoisted over Liberty Hall as a symbol of our faith in freedom, and as a token to all the world that the working class of Dublin stands for the cause of Ireland, and the cause of Ireland is the cause of a separate and distinct nationality." —Worker's Republic, April 8, 1916 Lasting Truce Between Orange and Green Although it was not adopted as the national flag of Ireland until independence from Britain on December 6, 1921, the Tricolour was first unfurled in public on March 7, 1848, by the militant nationalist Thomas Francis Meagher1, (the stripes, however, were arranged differently at that time). Explaining the significance of the Tricolour, Meagher expressed a hope for his country: The white in the center signifies a lasting truce between the "Orange" and the "Green," and I trust that beneath its folds the hands of the Irish Protestant and the Irish Catholic may be clasped in generous and heroic brotherhood. Misplaced trust I'm afraid, go read about the various genocidal attacks perpetrated against the Irish Protestants under the flag's symbolism during the last century. Now jump to close to the present day where there are various occurrences whereby the Irish tricolour is used symbolically. Take for instance the 'Butcher of the Bogside's' funeral. When McGuinness went to his grave he was neither repentant of nor ever resiled his PIRA murderous days. However, he had to be wrapped in the tricolour - for the symbolism you understand. ... https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/opinion/news-analysis/martin-mcguinness-funeral-at-the-last-it-was-the-ira-man-being-buried-not-the-mere-politician-35560789.html ... "The Sinn Fein president's opportunism was an unwelcome reminder of how the republican movement exploits important public events, such as this funeral and last year's 1916 centenary, as retrospective endorsements of what poet Michael Longley called on Irish radio last week "our tawdry little civil war". Adams didn't hide it during his graveside oration to his late friend, insisting he was "not a terrorist, he was a freedom fighter". He even had the shameless hypocrisy to urge people in Northern Ireland to "learn to like one another, to be friends", as if he was not the very one who castigates unionists as "b*******". What happened at St Columba's Church was for public consumption. The graveside oration was for the republican family. There were none of those infamous paramilitary trappings, but it was not without significance that this devoted family man was buried in the republican plot at the City Cemetery, and that there was a traditional guard of honour at his graveside." No doubt there are many Irish citizens who are proud of their state flag and should be. In Ireland that is okay, however, in the U.K. we have come to see many instances where it is used in clearly provocative situations and has a menacing symbolism. This use can induce abhorrence in some quarters.
  9. 11' Veton Berisha (SK Rapid Wien) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. 51' Andrei Ivan (SK Rapid Wien) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. 63' Mert Müldür (SK Rapid Wien) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. 68' Stefan Schwab (SK Rapid Wien) is shown the yellow card. 90+1' Andrija Pavlovic (SK Rapid Wien) is shown the yellow card. 43' Allan McGregor (Rangers) is shown the yellow card.
  10. Remember both Liewell and MacLennan are neutered because of conflict of interest. Obviously the rest weren't as well trained as he thought which only leaves him with the vicTIM route. ... "THE 42 MEMBER CLUBS OF THE SPFL MET AT HAMPDEN TODAY AT THE LEAGUE’S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTED THE SIX CLUB REPRESENTATIVES WHO WILL SERVE ON THE SPFL BOARD FOR THE YEAR AHEAD. The SPFL Board includes three Ladbrokes Premiership representatives, two from the Ladbrokes Championship and one covering Ladbrokes League 1 and Ladbrokes League 2. Elected to serve on the 2018/19 SPFL Board – alongside SPFL Chief Executive Neil Doncaster, Chairman Murdoch MacLennan and independent non-executive director Karyn McCluskey – were: Ladbrokes Premiership representatives Alan Burrows (Motherwell), Peter Lawwell (Celtic), and John Nelms (Dundee) Ladbrokes Championship representatives Warren Hawke (Morton) and Martin Ritchie (Falkirk) Ladbrokes League 1 and League 2 representative Iain Dougan (Stranraer)"
  11. Talk about Irish vicTIMhood ... Feedback Web results Diktat - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diktat A diktat is a statute, harsh penalty or settlement imposed upon a defeated party by the victor, or a dogmatic decree. The term has acquired a pejorative sense, to describe a set of rules dictated by a foreign power or an unpopular local power.
  12. In other words they donèt like the fact that Liewell could not control the outcome. If the SPFL board are voted on by the clubs to conduct business on their behalf at what point are they allowed to do so without the threat of court action from one prominent club. By: Newsroom Staff on 03 Oct, 2018 19:27 FOLLOWING today's SPFL Board meeting, at which it was decided that Celtic's Betfred League Cup semi-final against Hearts will now take place at Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh on Sunday, October 28, with the other semi-final between Rangers and Aberdeen being held at Hampden later the same day, Celtic Football Club has released the following statement. The SPFL Board's decision not to hold a ballot to decide the venues of the forthcoming semi-final matches is both irrational and discriminatory. Celtic recognised there was a genuinely difficult problem to resolve. All we asked for was equity of treatment – in other words, a simple ballot of which game went to which venue, so that all clubs would have a 50-50 chance of playing at Hampden. We understand that those bodies consulted, including the police and broadcasters, had no preference whatsoever on which match should take place at each venue and, therefore, there was only one appropriate method of reaching a fair outcome. The SPFL Board have been unable to produce logic or reason for turning down our modest request. Instead, they have arbitrarily decided that a chosen game should stay at Hampden and the other should go to Murrayfield. The interests of our club and supporters have been subordinated to a diktat from the SPFL board which is as unfair as it was unnecessary. Celtic Chief Executive Peter Lawwell was excused from the SPFL board meeting due to the subject under discussion.
  13. Wonder how Murdoch McLennan will deal with this, being that the SPFL has decided that he is not conflicted ... https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/celtic-insist-spfl-dont-automatically-13350192 Celtic insist SPFL don't automatically send them to Murrayfield as Betfred Cup farce continues The Hoops have written to the league body and are asking for a ballot to decide which tie is moved across the country. By Keith Jackson 21:58, 2 OCT 2018 UPDATED22:13, 2 OCT 2018
  14. What's the betting they move our game to the piggery? The Blue Sea of Ibrox 25 mins · SPFL EXPLORING SEMI-FINAL SWITCH THE SPFL HAS ANNOUNCED IT IS IN DISCUSSIONS OVER THE POSSIBILITY OF MOVING ONE OF THE FORTHCOMING BETFRED CUP SEMI-FINALS TO AN ALTERNATIVE VENUE. SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster said: “After the draw, we spoke to Hampden Park Limited to ask whether they would release us from a contractual obligation to host all semi-finals involving the Old Firm at Hampden. They declined our request and we were unwilling to breach this contract and risk legal action. “However, I’m pleased to report that we have been contacted this morning by SFA chief executive Ian Maxwell who said that Hampden Park Limited has now reconsidered that position and have agreed to waive that legal obligation. “This is clearly extremely welcome news. We immediately contacted Police Scotland and informed them of this development and this has enabled us to open talks to explore whether the match could be staged at an alternative venue in the timescales available. “Whilst we are taking nothing for granted and are unable to make a definitive announcement at this early stage, if agreement can be reached between all parties involved, this would allow us to change from the original kick-off times which Police Scotland specified to ensure the matches could be staged at Hampden on the same day. The good news is that fans would have more convenient travel arrangements. “Whilst we received firm assurances from both Hampden Park Limited and Police Scotland that they were able to host both games on the same day, today’s very welcome call is a potential game-changer. “Everyone recognises that it would be better if we can hold these matches in separate stadia and the fact that we’re now able to explore that option is great news. “We will now discuss with a number of parties, including the SFA, Police Scotland and the clubs involved before reaching a definitive position, which we will announce as soon as possible to enable fans to make the necessary travel arrangements.” -HQ!
  15. That was like a game we would have played three seasons ago. No guile, poor energy and tempo, and defence turning on route 1 punts. Either overwhelm your opponents or adapt to their style.
  16. barca72

    Semi Final

    If Police Scotland say they have enough resources to properly police back-to-back semi-finals in one day, why can't they police one Loyalist( OO, ABOD or RBP ) parade walking up the Calton?
  17. barca72

    Semi Final

    Kerrydale Meltdown‏ @KerryFail 7h7 hours ago More No surprise we’re the later kick off with the longer grass later in the day helping hearts scum
  18. barca72

    Semi Final

    Well we can't. Until we have watched several 'laps of honour' ?
  19. barca72

    SG family

    Getting older by the day.
  20. The Rangers Observer‏ @RangersObserver FollowFollow @RangersObserver More Think you’ve misspelled Reid there lads.
  21. To get back on topic, here is an encouraging development ... https://rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/fanzone-update/ Fanzone Update Wednesday, 19 September 2018, 16:00 by Rangers Football Club FOLLOWING a meeting at Ibrox involving Rangers and officers of Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Life, the Rangers Managing Director, Stewart Robertson today said: “Having had the opportunity to meet with the Chief Executive of Glasgow City Council, Annemarie O’Donnell, and the Chief Executive of Glasgow Life, Bridget McConnell, at Ibrox, I am pleased and encouraged to report they both reiterated the Council’s support for the running of a Fanzone at Ibrox. ...
  22. Tiarna Elizabeth Baughan September 13 at 1:11 AM According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day. The Lie says to the Truth: "It's a marvellous day today"! The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was really beautiful. They spend a lot of time together, ultimately arriving beside a well. The Lie tells the Truth: "The water is very nice, let's take a bath together!" The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water and discovers that it indeed is very nice. They undress and start bathing. Suddenly, the Lie comes out of the water, puts on the clothes of the Truth and runs away. The furious Truth comes out of the well and runs everywhere to find the Lie and to get her clothes back. The World, seeing the Truth naked, turns its gaze away, with contempt and rage. The poor Truth returns to the well and disappears forever, hiding therein, its shame. Since then, the Lie travels around the world, dressed as the Truth, satisfying the needs of society, because, the World, in any case, harbours no wish at all to meet the naked Truth. The world famous painting- "The Truth coming out of the well" Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1896.
  23. Did a certain team not have a series of trips to Hogganfield Loch arranged that preempted such available dates? ?
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