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Everything posted by barca72

  1. ... and some people still believe we should build bridges within Scottish football. This just reinforces 'never forgive, never forget'.
  2. No you wouldn't Rab. No one would stoop as low as Reid, except another tim !!
  3. Mr M Retweeted The Rangers Observer‏ @RangersObserver 19h19 hours ago More John “IRA Freedom Fighters” Mason is also on the Scottish Parliament Sectarianism group. They are not even trying to hide it anymore.
  4. The sell-out saturdays just keep on coming ... Scottish Challenge Cup at Tannadice Park 08-09-2018 KO:15:00 ATT: 1,040 REF: G Aitken Dundee United Matthew Smith 15' 1 - 1 FT HT: 1-0 Alloa Athletic Alan Trouten 78' pen Alloa Athletic win 5-4 on penalties
  5. Our country is in a bad place right now as far as quality of talent goes. However, I hope this is the last time we see such a preponderance of a starting team containing so many Celtic/ex-celts players. They may win in Scotland but they have shown themselves to be lacking in quality in Europe and at international level. Embarassing doesn't cut it Rab.
  6. You are entitled to your opinion but I disagree with your assessment of the post being delusional. I was trying to highlight the question put forth by the whiners that they couldn't support the SNP and support Rangers. Really, no one gives a hoot. They were saying that the SNP were not biased as a party but only as individuals and I was pointing out where the party voted enbloc to pass legislation when the head proponents of the Act were biased towards Rangers. Go back and look at media coverage before the Act actually came in to being. You are trying to imply that I am part of a minority that has a problem with fans having support with specific issues etc.. Did you miss the part where I said all were welcome to support their team on a matchday. That included 'campaigners' for a cause like yourself when you state in post #300 , ..."To some extent I think our entire support is currently united around this feeling of injustice over the past few years and want to give a massive GIRUY to everyone when we win 55. But what then? What unites us after that, and do we really need something to fill that political/cultural vacuum?" The only cause Rangers fans need will then be #56. You then go on to say ..."having a more uniting objective can be powerful", there is no more uniting objective than continued success on the field. You express concern about the upcoming youth connecting with Rangers and how we should worry about connecting them with a cause. My 14 year old grandson is in Africa right now, the last three years he has been in Asia. He supports Rangers and not because his Grandpa is a Rangers supporter. He was hooked when I pointed out Rangers were the world's most successful club. When you state ... " However I do accept that having a more uniting objective can be powerful. I just don't know what that is." There it is, win trophies, very cerebral, what? Do you honestly think when supporters went to games sixty years ago we asked the guy next to us what his politics were, or what cause we would rally behind? We paid our money, enjoyed the game and had our 90 minutes of bigotry followed by a few pints. Tell me what your bright new future holds that can top that. In post #403 ..."I'm proud of my club but utterly embarassed by some of my fellow fans. Maybe politicians feel the same way. I now can't blame them. The hypocrisy on here is unlikely to be rivalled. I thought about pointing it out but as with post #300 I've realised there's no point." In post #452 you are still lamenting about the supporters. Give it a rest. Without these very supporters you are embarassed about you may not have had a team to support. Like the vast majority of the Rangers support I don't attach any conditions to being a Rangers fan, other than if you criticise us expect pushback, some of which will most probably be warranted. I'm proud of being part of the support in the past who presented the upcoming supporter generation with a club that would not succumb to the pressures from many quarters and whose club have an illustrious history. No need to thank us, we enjoyed the journey, as we hope you will enjoy yours. WATP.
  7. Let me tell you right off the top that the supporters of Rangers have kept this club going for 146 years so there is nothing that your whining voices will say that will remotely change the core of that support. If you want to come and watch the team on a matchday you are more than welcome but for the rest of it leave it alone. Out of interest you ask why ,you say, you can't be Rangers' supporter and be an SNP supporter. You are not that important in the overall scheme of things. Just out of interest you might just cast your mind back to the introduction of this Act ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offensive_Behaviour_at_Football_and_Threatening_Communications_(Scotland)_Act_2012 .. You'll notice it was introduced by Kenny MacAskill, deputy FM. It was passed by 64(all SNP votes) to 57(opposition parties). They brought this Act into being to rid Scottish football and society of sectarianism. It was pushed on by Community minister Roseanna Cunningham, who declared that the scourge of sectarianism would no longer be tolerated after the scenes seen in this game(a Party decision) ... They thought that they could catch all the "bad" Rangers' supporters with this horrendous legislation, but it backfired on them because they caught more tims that they had expected. Maybe that's why Sheriffs and others were describing the Act as "mince". Do you get the picture of why the Rangers' support have no trust in the entire SNP party when every single one of them voted for this Act? By the way, that was a Party vote rather than an individual vote. You getting the picture? Then there are the rest of you who think that the Orange Order should just shrivel up and die and no longer be associated with the Rangers' support. Read this ... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/sep/10/orange-order-pro-union-parade-edinburgh-better-together .. For me the last two paragraphs sums up what that section of the support who wish that the support would all just play nice, really are... ..."Given that a lot of Catholics formed the traditional Labour vote after the first world war, and that Labour vote is now swinging towards independence, there could be a blowback that could work to the advantage of the yes campaign. "The order is tolerated at best by mainstream pro-union backers, he adds. "It is not an exaggeration to say that respectable, bourgeois Scotland – much of which is behind Better Together – hate the Orange Order. These are not the people they want to have onside in the no campaign." If the shoe fits wear it. For myself, I shall just 'follow' on.
  8. I don't want you to say anything. We know that calling them names won't change anything. If I have a point it is that I want a level playing field. That includes referees, admin. Compliance Officer etc. Their behaviour can't just be laughed or sneered off. We need to have them educated and have them understand that their behaviour will not be tolerated(club, team, fans & GCC). The laws of the game need to be administered without fear or favour. Sporting Integrity, what a laugh.
  9. It's about getting a level playing field. "If someone throws a coin, they should be arrested and charged. For me it's that simple." What about the youngster who got bottled in the back of a van? Or the youngster who had a flashbang go off at his ear? etc. Who got arrested for those? In what other professional sport would you equate the CFC players conduct as non-provocative to opposing fans? Have you ever seen it done before? I don't think so because you even call for our players to show more class. Their fans can hoot, sing, holler all they want; their team gave them the bragging rights. Provocation from the players, which can be controlled by the referee, no thank you. When you say it's not serious, I wonder if you truly get the haters, since 2012.
  10. People also ask Do I need a TV Licence if I don t watch BBC? You don't need a TV Licence to own or possess a television set. However, if you use it to watch or record programmes as they are being shown on TV or live on an online TV service, or to download or watch BBC programmes on demand, including catch up TV, on BBC iPlayer, then you need a TV Licence in order to do so.
  11. I think the point here is the difference between celebrating to/with your own fans and an attempt at deliberately provoking the opposition fans. Have you forgotten the 'shame game' of 1999 and the fans behaviour towards referee Dallas? There may only have been 800 of ours at the game but it only takes one coin to hurt.
  12. Let's see if we have this straight now. Of the CFC players' celebration on the park after beating Rangers you put the question - "You think celebration should be banned because it's provocative? Are you really so thin skinned?" and later ..."Get a grip." And yet with the referee at the Andy Halliday celebration treating his his fist-pump as potentially riot-producing, you call this 'ridiculous'. Just how do you balance both of these reactions? Should the support be ambivalent and 'get a grip' when the referee takes no action to a team's provocative celebration, or should we invite derision on the referee's call to a supposed 'provocative, possible riot-producing fist-pump'? Or should we just have our own opinions without your judgement on our reactions?
  13. So we understand that the inane and banal behaviour of the CFC players and fans leaves you unmoved. How do you feel about this celebration and the resulting punishment, any emotive reaction? ...
  14. Sorry to hear that FS. In the video I only saw them being harnessed by the police cordon. What Brown & co. were doing was, I thought, severe provocation to the fans. However, that does not excuse them(the fans) hurting their own.
  15. Well done to the gallant 800 for keeping their cool in front of extreme provocation. Andy Halliday got a red card against Morton for this kind of celebration. Over to you Madame Compliance Officer.
  16. Too many facts there Rab. Careful, you might be accused of saying 'just so much crap'. Who else could we say does that? Salmond, Sturgeon, Aitken and David McDonald maybe?
  17. Totally deflated by the tactical performance today. Thank God for Alan McGregor.
  18. Are you advocating that Rangers' supporters should pick a party other than the SNP? Careful, you may be accused of posting 'just so much crap'.
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