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Tom Davison

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Posts posted by Tom Davison

  1. Don't think a short delay is any big deal. Just think that this a totally inadequate statement issued by inadequate people. Will be amazed if Stockbridge is around for much longer. Mather has been OK but no more than that. No nothing about the contribution from Smart and suspect that I am not alone.

  2. Adding one good guy to the board will change nothing. 3 off and 2 on is a swing off 5. They want a swing of less than one.


    Its pathetic.

    Read the statement again. It is premature to believe that there will be a swing of less than one. Pathetic! Compared with much that has been happening for many months now, what is a holding statement is hardly pathetic. If the eventual action is inadequate, along with others, I will identify with the description "pathetic" but surely it is not unreasonable to allow time to see what the outcome is.

  3. Just to make my position on here clear and show i'm not hiding, if Green is as it seems supporting Ahmad in suing the club for £3.4 million, I am through with defending him for good.

    It takes courage to change your position. Just wish some of the characters on our board would share your integrity.

  4. A few months back, I said that I was beginning to understand how men and women felt when their country had been invaded. That is what has happened to our club. It is a certainty that Ally will be next. Green is on record as saying he knew nothing about football. That is unlikely to be an impediment to his picking Ally's successor.

  5. Walter concedes that he is not ideally suited to the chairmanship role. Most of us have strong reservations whether Ally has managerial capabilities. In time, the positions of chairman and manager will be filled by other people. However, both Ally and Walter have a deep love for our club. I just find it incredible that some genuinely feel that Green, Stockbridge and Mather, are likely to care enough about Glasgow Rangers to provide the leadership required to restore our club to a position whereby it was maybe not liked by many but was respected. If Keith Jackson is right and Walter was isolated in his opposition to Green's return, there is a bloke called Ian Hart, who sits on the board. What does he contribute? Just where does he stand? It would be interesting, too, if Mr Easdale could explain what qualities he believes CG has to act as a consultant. I suspect like the rest of us, he will know that this was a clumsy scheme to give Mr Green a fresh platform to have his say.

  6. Sorry mate, but you can only staunchly back someone in the face of results (and maybe even more importantly, performances) for so long. Final straw on Saturday, coming after repeated displays last year seemingly calculated to drive people away from football. I can handle the odd bad result but we don't seem to be able to coach any level of passing football into our team.


    These players on Saturday are either pros like McCulloch or kids who have come through the ranks. Either way their level of ability is just shocking - it's really unacceptable. I appreciate the circumstances but the coaching staff - all of them - have had just over a year now to get the likes of Robbie Crawford or Ross Perry going and I haven't seen any sign of it. Swansea fans must drool, wondering what their next gen of players will provide. We are so far away from that its unreal, and its the coaching staff who have to take the rap. Don't forget they were in situ for a while before Whyte and armegeddon so they've had a few years and our football is absolutely rank rotten.


    There's no chance of me booing or holding up a sign at Ibrox. But there's no sign of any sort of improvement outside of the old 'buy other teams' good players' routine and we need to be doing it the Swansea way. There's no alternative.


    It won't be up until Monday but I'd urge anyone who thinks they are passionate about football to listen to the 'Test Match Special' lunch break podcast with Neville if they have a spare 20 minutes. He sounded just like the kind of person Rangers fans would really get behind, and the kind of person who would 'get' the pressure of OF management and deal with it, in a way that the current two incumbents haven't really.


    A big disappointment for me last season was the lack of progress. Our performances were as bad in April as in the autumn. There was no evidence that Ally and his two sidekicks had the capability to improve players. Phil Neville comes over very well but he is too rich for our blood and no one in their right mind would give up the Sky job and involvement with the England national team to join the Scottish football scene. Ally needs courage and help. He needs to have the courage to say to McDowall and Ian Durrant that it hasn't worked out. Both Jimmy Calderwood and Ray Wilkins are guys who would offer Ally the help that he needs. They have been mentioned previously by others and I believe that they would benefit both Ally and the playing squad.

  7. I would imagine that the media, especially the beeb and other Rangers haters will be twisting Ally's comments and making more of it than necessary to try to cause us more grief and instability.

    To be fair much of the grief and instability is self-inflicted.

  8. I genuinely admire the consistency of STB in his support of CG. I would like to be convinced but in this role of a consultant, Just what has the man got to offer. Before he arrived at Rangers, there is no record of his having achieved anything much in the business world, failure to be truthful cannot be helpful nor is lack of judgement in considering when it is best to speak and when to keep quiet. Consultants are not normally required to sit in on full board meetings but are invited to attend to bring a consultancy report. It will be interesting to hear of CG's reaction if he is treated in that way. To my mind this title of consultant is a sham but only time will tell and I suspect that the time will be of a short duration before the true reasons for his return comes to the surface.

  9. I'd say that 99%+ of the business world have not been caught publicly lying in the past 12 months. Why go for one of the <1%?

    Because the 1 percent is the representative of those who have the power to influence board decisions.

  10. Glad that Pandza is unlikely to come. His injury record indicates that he would have been a risk. Glad, too, that some control on the playing budget is in place. However I am confused that we have two trialists at Murray Park, if there is no money to sign them. Again, why are we looking for a new backup goalkeeper? Presumably, the same budget restraints were in place when Ally had Kenny Miller in his sights? Does Ally now regret extending Cole's contract and/or signing average players in Foster and Smith.

    Going to sign off now and dip into confused.com

  11. Totally agree about the policing. I was thinking that when I saw the photo of the Lee Rigby flag being held up. If the Police had went in and tried to confiscate it, as would probably happen in Scotland, it could have all turned nasty.


    I do think you also have to be honest though a lot of the times the Police do go with the atmosphere and how the fans are behaving.

    Too often and the police in the North East of Scotland, in particular, seem to go out of their way to place obstructions in the way of the fans, prior to their entering the ground. At times, their approach is we are expecting you to cause trouble, so watch it. The cops are certainly within their rights to react to trouble but at times their attitude is unhelpful and can be a touch proactive.

  12. I accept that I am being repetitive and going over old ground but while James Traynor in his role as Director of Communications will have various duties and responsibilities, I am bewildered that he has not been more prominent, in challenging the persistent open and implied criticism of his employer. JT is certainly no fool. He is a street fighter and should be more than a match for the characters who delight in criticising Rangers. Can someone assist in helping me to understand the source of my bewilderment?

  13. has he ever been away


    Don't know whether. CG has ever been away or not but for sure he will only choose to be actively involved once again, if it is for his personal financial benefit. Walter, by his own admission is a stop gap chairman. Hart is anonymous. Easdale, who knows? Mather and Stockbridge are untested at the level of job they are in. Hope I sleep well because I am retiring for the night low on optimism.

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