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Everything posted by ComeOffit

  1. I know exactly what he does. 9am check FF and Rm. 10am create club policy on a few zoomers internet posts 11am crank call the sfa 12pm lunch 1pm thru 5pm sit and play with his cock and count his money.
  2. Of course he deserves a wage, I just think he is ripping the arse out of it a bit, especially with his bonus and expenses. I take your point about other ceo's getting obscene bonuses, but our club is a little different to an insurance company. An insurance company can quite easily post massive profits the year after a loss. Our income is a bit more predictable. I'm going to stop ranting about it, I'm pissing myself off.
  3. My hang up is, he is bleeding the place dry, and very few of us seem bothered. He went from saying he's taking nothing from the club(shares aside), to a very hefty salary, complete with 100% bonus for a formality, and all his living expenses getting paid for. I doubt there is many CEO's in this country on such a good deal with our profit margins. Would we even break even if not for the share issue? Who decides how much he gets? Him and his 2 buddies. It's hardly normal company practice. Green taking living expenses at this point in time is a kick in the teeth to the hard working people that have kept us going over the past few years, the support. When we are making millions in profit due to his so called hard work and property schemes that he's dreamed up, then he deserves to be paid for it. He's an overpaid media whore at the moment.
  4. Are any of these CEO's in Bermuda, running 3rd division football clubs in Scotland?
  5. Ah, every CEO gets their living expenses, I wasn't aware of that. Some job.
  6. I meant, the less shares we buy, the less people get shafted. What is laughable, is you thinking the support somehow have a say in things now. Even all grouped together, we are still only about 10%. Do you really think they care what someone says at an AGM? The manager at your local Sainsbury's would probably take more notice of any complaints, than green would. The total amount that the support invested(£5m) will just about cover Greens wage, bonus and expenses. That's not including his £2m+ shares.
  7. I could do with Rangers paying my rent, gas bill, council tax etc, to be honest.
  8. I wouldnt have moaned. I would have been happy there was less chance of bears getting ripped off, again. We still have no real say or power, even after all the money we plough in year after year. We put money in because we love the club, they put it in to skim as much as they can back, apart from green ofc, who has invested the sum total of fuck all, yet is our largest shareholder. You couldnt make it up.
  9. You got me excitied when I read "cheerio green".
  10. The difference being, me talking shite on the internet wont cost our club millions, green on the other hand.....
  11. Actually, the aim was £30m before july, but lets not let a few million either way bother us.
  12. I agree, but he has this need to over egg everything, and tell half truths that's bordering on patronising. This £10m on players pish, is him at it again.
  13. Maybe when Green stops talking shite, people will give him a break. It's more tedious listening to people moaning about people moaning.
  14. He's either a liar, or he made an arse of the share issue. He clearly said on Scotland Tonight that he knocked back dough from the institutional investors, so the support could buy. He allocated £10m worth of shares for the support, we bought half, so he says. In theory, there was £5m worth of unsold shares that could have gone to the institutional investors, or he's talking shite, again. The share issue target was £27m, we got £22.5m approx, so we lost out on £5m, if you believe him pre share issue. £10m from fans a week before xmas was always going to be a stretch. Why didn't he just allocate us £5m and sell the other £5m to the big shots who wanted to invest?
  15. Season books must be going up next year if he's expecting £20m. That's 40k books @£500 a piece.
  16. Rangers chief executive Charles Green has pledged to hand boss Ally McCoist up to £30m for new signings when the club's transfer embargo is lifted. The Scottish Third Division leaders are barred from buying players until January 2014 but revealed on Tuesday that they had raised £22.5m from the club's share flotation. Green said: "In the presentation we did when we were selling the shares, we said that, of the £22m, £10m is put to one side for Ally. "Of course, we can't buy players at the moment, we can't do that until January 2014. "But between now and then, we'll also have another season's worth of season ticket sales so the cash position will increase." Green added: "We're not saying it's £10m and only £10m. "If Rangers fans, as we expect, come out and buy their season tickets next year, there is perhaps another £20m there and that is a fantastic position for the manager, the club and its fans to be in. "When we are allowed to go into the market, this club will take the right players and take the right action. "This is definitely the springboard for the rebirth of Rangers. "Never in the club's history did it sit there with no debt, no borrowings, with cash in the bank. "The enterprise value of Rangers is still very, very low and that's why, I believe, institutions have invested in it." Fuck me, lol. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11788/8342844/Rangers-boss-Ally-McCoist-set-to-be-handed-up-to-30m-for-new-players-by-chief-executive-Charles-Green-once-transfer-embargo-lifted
  17. Think I missed that in the prospectus. Green's been on the xmas sherry I think, if he's jumping about saying that.
  18. I think most people are talking about the long ball away from home, but it does happen too much at home also, especially when Alexander has it.
  19. I'm no expert, but I think not. Once the IPO closes, that's it, as I understand it. Any shares bought now, have to come from the current holders. There is the option of another share issue somewhere down the line, which I imagine will be the plan, if Green is here that long.
  20. You make some good points about our young players etc, and not expecting too much from them, but it doesn't excuse Ally from relying on the big hump up to kk or a Sandaza type player. It will win us games at this level, but as we move up, even div 1 teams are too wide for that tactic to consistently work. This is something that we could remedy now, when there isn't much pressure to get results, with the league being so easy. Annan last night were absolutely awful.
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